Thursday, January 11, 2024

Coming Soon....

h/t - Woodsterman


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

So, not only is Michelle Obama going to run for president, she is going to get muscled up in only a few months? And (for some reason) put out a campaign poster of her drinking Bud Lite?

And you won't care when you are proven wrong. Like so many times previously.

Joe Conservative said...

Think she'll take up Roller derby, too?

She's already got some pretty big guns.

Joe Conservative said...


Dervish Sanders said...

Is the logo placement meant to cover up something? Like the penis of the man whose body her head was grafted onto?

Joe Conservative said...

You believe she has a penis! Are you voting for her because she's trans?

Dervish Sanders said...

The man whose body that is does. You never heard of Photoshop? Don't know photos can be manipulated?

Michelle Obama was born female and is not trans. That's the lie you're promoting.

Dervish Sanders said...

That is an image from Idiocracy. That is the body of Terry Crews. Terry Crews is a man and has a penis. Michelle Obama is a woman and does not.

Dervish Sanders said...

I will not vote for her because she is not running. I can NOT vote for her based on her being trans. Because she is not trans. You think (in your delusions) she might come out as trans?

Joe Conservative said...

By "she's not trans" do you mean that she merely exfoliates, rubs oil on her skin, and the exfoliates again?

Joe Conservative said...

Obama/Camacho '24

...a Schizophrenic Pres/VP in '24. A 2fer/ BOGO. Don't be a h8er!

Joe Conservative said...

The "polyps" removed turned out to be testicles... :(

Dervish Sanders said...

Your testicles were erroneously removed? That's too bad. At least (I assume) you sued and received a large settlement?

Dervish Sanders said...

Your testicles were erroneously removed? That's too bad. At least (I assume) you sued and received a large settlement?

Joe Conservative said...

Moochelle before the polyp operation...

Anonymous said...

Idiocracy is America with dotard donald as president.

Joe Conservative said...

Idiocracy happens every time Democrats are in charge.

Dervish Sanders said...

Mike Judge: Trump Makes Idiocracy Look Optimistic. "Camacho almost seems like a more pleasant person", Judge says, comparing his fictional president to Trump. He may not have a very big vocabulary and is prone to spewing profanity, but at least we never see President Camacho pander to neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

During the 2016 election, Judge and his Idiocracy co-writer Etan Cohen, came up with an idea to create a series of parody campaign ads starring Crews’ Camacho. Unfortunately, Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox, which still owns the film and its characters, declined to give them permission.

Before Trump won, he called the parallels “surreal” and a “tad bit scary".

Anonymous said...

See... how that question (about testicles) important for this imbecile?

Must be something personal. ;-P

Anonymous said...

Yeah. :-)))))

A: We need to pump oil!

p: Why?

A: Because it's De-Ca-R-Bo-Ni-Sa-Ti-On. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

PS I don't counting on imbecile get it. ;-P

Anonymous said...

Qtard: Must be something personal.

Yeah. According to Minus his were accidentally cut off. I'd say that was personal.

Qtard: I don't counting on imbecile get it.

Even you don't understand your own babbling? I believe it.

Anonymous said...


Dervish Sanders said...

Looks like two puddles of drool for the asylum orderly to mop up. Why do they let you use the internet? It seems to be fueling your delusions.

Joe Conservative said...

Moochelle Obama, the hunt for testicles sontinues....;p

Anonymous said...



Continue-continue. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Joe Conservative said...

Found! :P