Monday, December 4, 2023

Attack of the Virtue Hoarders


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Oy vey! I'm feeling a bigly tingle up my ass, LOL! OOPS! Oy vey! Ich spüre ein großes Kribbeln in meinem Arsch, LOL!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

What's that? Dervy bait? Are you really that bored?

Dervish Sanders said...

It doesn't take much to be better than Jimmy Dore. What a scumbag.

Joe Conservative said...

The man used to work with his hands. The "horror"...

Dervish Sanders said...

Wikipedia says Dore had a job driving a forklift. My comment has nothing to do with that. Currently he is making bank spreading lies pleasing to trumpturds.

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Numbskull Dervish Sanders thinks Donald Trump's feces have feelings. Uh, Derpy, fecal matter is bodily waste, not some living being. Whoever lied to you about feces having feelings brainwashed you badly.

Texas Rattlesnake Steve Austin said...

WHAT?!? WHAT?!? WHAT??!!?? WHAT???!!!???

Dervish Sanders said...

Really, Mystere? Is that why Phillip Buchanan calls himself "Catturd"? He acknowledges he is bodily waste? Is that why you're such a big Catturd fan? You love fecal matter?

Dervish Sanders said...

Mystere promoted an event called "Turdstock" on his blog. An event where attendees could chow down on deep-fried turds, enter their turds into competitions (biggest turd gets a blue ribbon) and enjoy rides like the tilt-a-turd... I'm guessing.

Also listen to bands perform turd tunes and get high smoking turds. I bet Mystere sang along to "I left my turd in San Francisco" and "Smells like turd spirit". Mystere likely had a great time. And came home with a "most massive turd" trophy and a "I love Cat turds" T-shirt.

Anonymous said...

Mystere silently agrees that he loves cat turds.

Mystere's Cat Turd Tasting Club said...

Cat turds are extremely tasty, Assface Dervish.