Tuesday, January 3, 2023

US Intelligence Community Continues Epstein Cover-Up, Throws Cloak of Gyges Over USVI AG

Funny coinkydink,  huh?  The U.S. Virgin island (USVI) Attorney General (AG) Denise George files Epstein lawsuit against JP Morgan. Biden lands in the USVI, and then the USVI AG is fired and the JP Morgan/ Epstein lawsuit killed.  So begins PizzaGate 3.0.  All this... the USVI AG fired AFTER her having settled (won) a $105 million lawsuit against the Epstein estate a few weeks before.  USVI Gov. Albert Bryan (D) to Denise George (USVI AG), "Great job getting $105 million for us... but you're FIRED!"  It just goes to show that when US politicians and the US Intelligence Community are involved, no good deeds go unpunished (and you'd better not forget it!).

btw - This is the Biden Christmas/New Year's vacation you didn't hear about.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

PizzaGate 3.0? So another nothingburger? And I wasn't aware there was a PizzaGate 2.0.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

If the IC has anything to say about it.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Or facts.

Joe Conservative said...

I don't know dervy, the facts in this case look pretty damning.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

If they got covered up how do you know what they are? Did you do your own investigation of JP Morgan?

Joe Conservative said...

How do you know that you were born and not hatched?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Non sequitur.

Thersites said...

Really? I saw the info before it was covered-up. Do you remember your birth? Or is that white stuff on top of your avatar's head egg-shells?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You said "the facts in this case look pretty damning". Indicating that you have seen the facts. Even though they (according to you) were covered up. Why don't you leak them? Perhaps to Matt Taibbi?

Joe Conservative said...

Because they're in FBI/DoJ custody, filed under "SECRETS Never to Be DISCLOSED" to the American public.

Joe Conservative said...

...just like Hunter's laptop.

Joe Conservative said...

Maybe you and I should take a trip down the FBI/DoJ' s classified document storage facility in Greenbelt Maryland and pull a few items off the shelves? Heck, we'll probably find Obama's original birth certificate from Kenya there.

Dervish Sanders said...

I don't see how that would be possible. Given that the "Hunter Biden laptop" and Barack Obama's Kenyan birth certificate are both imaginary.

Joe Conservative said...

Well let's check the logs at the FBI storage facility and find out.

ps -Even Hunter and the NYT's know that the laptop is real.

“There could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me,” conceded the president’s son in April.

"Stolen from me".... BWAH!

Q said...

Oh... I found this hard drive on a dump. From your old comp Joe.

And found lots of pornography there... might I give it to FBI? Or just dump some sweet part from it in media? ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

So far no claim from Hunter that any pics were "altered".

Dervish Sanders said...

"...know that the laptop is real".

Depends on what you mean by "real". Is a laptop stolen from Hunter Biden then filled with data stolen from the cloud (into which Russian disinformation is mixed) real? Apparently some think so.

I seriously doubt Hunter Biden is someone who knows it is "real". Certainly he would not admit it if it were. Will the House committee investigating the "laptop" (which they don't have) play the surveillance video of Hunter dropping off the laptop at the repair shop (video you claimed exists)?

Q said...

\\So far no claim from Hunter that any pics were "altered".

What for?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

To not show "the Big Guy" playing gold with Hunter's Ukrainian clients?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Joe Biden is the Sgt Schultz of the presidency. "I know NOTHING! I see NOTHING!" ...of Hunter's business dealings... and yet Hunter sends his partners CLASSIFIED briefing details. Z-z-z-z-z!

Dervish Sanders said...


Hunter Biden sends his partners classified briefing details? House republiturds better get on that. Is Hunter going to prison? What about his father? Impeachment then prison?

Joe Conservative said...

Hunter's a CI. How can he be jailed? So long as Hunter keeps F'ing up, the IC can keep Joe Biden in check for the Deep State, and the Deep State can act with impunity to support their corporate globalist partners.

Dervish Sanders said...

Hunter is a CI as per fake news professional liar Jesse Waters. Not as per reality. Jesse gets paid to spin conspiracy yarns that feed the delusions of tinfoil hat nutters like you.

Joe Conservative said...

Jessie gets paid to make reasonable sense out of the unreasonable fact that Hunter Biden isn't in prison serving hard time.

Dervish Sanders said...
