Wednesday, January 6, 2021

It Begins Anew! Kawanio che Keeteru!

Every tree has stories like mine
Some are memories fair and sweet
but some have sadness to define
Now hear my stories clear and neat

Some are memories fair and sweet
like the treaty of our dear Penn
who had no idea to cheat
He spread friendship mat for men

But some have sadness to define
as his deed brought hostility
for I saw blood and earth combine
ending the long tranquility

Now hear my stories clear and neat
of how I'm still well protected
but echoes of that war cry still greet
my nights that hear funeral bells

Cliffbell Joanna   

 *In 1683 William Penn entered into a Treaty with Tamanend, a chief of the Lenape tribe under an elm tree in Shackamaxon. The peace lasted only for about 70 years as Penn's Creek Massacre happened in 1755.

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