Tuesday, October 1, 2024

What Happened to Bernie?

He became a DINO... Democrat In Name Only.  Dervy pretends to be a Bernie Bro DINO, but sadly no, he's an ACTUAL Democrat.  He's sold out all personal values and principles to parrot his daily DNC Talking Points Memo.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


Joe Conservative said...

See what I mean?

Joe Conservative said...

If it's not written in the memo, Dervy moves to his default setting.

Joe Conservative said...

btw - Is Kamala a BINO now? Black In Name Only... lol!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: See what I mean?


Minus: btw - Is Kamala a BINO now? Black In Name Only... lol!

I seriously question the intelligence of people saying such moronic things. Though, unlike you with me, I will give you the benefit of the doubt -- which is that I think you know these are lies, but repeat them (and keep pounding on them) because you believe telling these lies serve your White Supremacist agenda.

Though, of the two options, I think stupidity is the better reason to be repeating this BS. As opposed to being racist. On the other hand, if a person is racist they can reform. But I doubt you ever will.

I'm wondering if Janet Jackson will retract her idiotic comments. It doesn't look like it. I am a fan. At least up until her 2001 album "All For You" and then not so much after that. I haven't heard any of her recent music.

She hasn't said she is for tRump. So maybe she said what she did due to stupidity and not because she is an African America that supports White Supremacy. I think she needs to say more. She shouldn't have said anything, but now that she has she needs clean up these comments. She might not, but I think she should.

d0n-0ld is definitely not bullet proof. If a bullet hit him it would not bounce off.