We now have proof that the Georgia State Board of Elections (SBOE) creates illegal cloned voter IDs in the thousands, capable of being activated to create certifiable voters in an election fraud scheme consistent with embedding cryptographic codes in SBOE voter registration databases. As reported on our website, GodsFiveStones.com, Andrew Paquette, Ph.D., discovered these algorithms in New York, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Arizona and will report on New Jersey, Texas, and Hawaii.
A group known as theGANerds_Real on “X” (“The Georgia Nerds”), headed by Kim P. Brooks, has published a series of podcasts on Rumble documenting how the Georgia SBOE has been creating and voting illegally cloned records. Because the Georgia SBOE gives the illegitimate clone voters legitimate Georgia SBOE ID numbers, the cloned votes are certifiable.
Clone voter records duplicate voter records with different SBOE voter IDs copied from an authentic original voter ID. The original voter IDs come from a combination of deceased voters, voters who have moved from the state, voters who have been “inactive” (i.e., not voting for several years), and felons.
The state ID numbers of the illegally cloned records are typically removed from the Georgia SBOE voter registration database once the fraudulent vote has been counted. Illegally cloned records appear legitimate until you search the SBOE databases, past and present, to see if any other voters with the same name and database appear with different state voter IDs.
Election fraud is a systemic scheme to defraud voter integrity conducted by a criminal group that, in Georgia, appears to have access to the computers on which the Georgia SBOE voter registration database resides. We define voter fraud to mean when an individual voter casts a ballot (or multiple ballots) illegally.
While Paquette has yet to analyze the Georgia SBOE voter registration file mathematically for cryptographic algorithms similar to those found in the other states, the Georgia Nerds have discovered a pattern of voter record manipulation consistent with the previously found algorithms. The massive scale and complicated mechanics of illegal clone voting in Georgia would be nearly impossible to operate clandestinely without embedding complicated cryptographic algorithms in the Georgia SBOE voter registration database.
In a recent video, the Georgia Nerds disclosed a list of over three thousand absentee votes cast by voters who are not in the Georgia SBOE voter registration database. Voting without being registered is prima facia evidence of election fraud. The Georgia Nerds found the illegal three thousand absentee votes by comparing the Georgia SBOE absentee voter file with the Georgia SBOE voter history file and a current October voter role. As documented in the same video, the Georgia Nerds found over 8,700 non-reconciled votes in Georgia in the 2020 election that were credited via absentee voting but are not in the absentee file.
Among the three thousand illegal absentee votes, the majority suggested that the voter had voted “early in person” rather than through an absentee ballot. Conceivably, none of the absentee ballots found among these three thousand illegal votes were mailed, just as none of the “early in person” votes existed. With illegal clone votes that are ultimately disposed into purged or inactive records, the election fraud may have been committed entirely within the Georgia SBOE computer.
Given that the cryptographic algorithms that Paquette has found so far are of intelligence agency complexity, it is conceivable that the criminals may have accessed the Georgia SBOE computers from the outside. However, it strains credibility to believe the massive volume of illegal voting activity could be successfully conducted without the collaboration of SBOE employees or the Georgia Secretary of State.
Kim Brooks explained in a recent video how the Georgia Nerds had found a case in which the Georgia Secretary of State had not removed duplicate votes, as required by the Help America Vote Act (HAVA, 15483 Sec. 303 (a)(2)(B)(iii)). Instead, the Georgia SBOE (or the criminals operating the algorithms) created them purposefully, but only after the original voter ID was canceled and removed from the SBOE voter registration. Once the clone ID was voted, the original ID was canceled, only to be reinstated and voted—a legerdemain database manipulation that doubled-voted both the clone and the original voter ID.
The Georgia nerds had previously documented this double-voting phenomenon, but they’d previously seen it only in the Georgia SBOE list of deceased voters, not in living voters’ files. In this case, the cloned voter showed up in the voter history file as having voted. Kin Brooks explained that the voter involved in this clone-voter scam was most likely a resident of South Carolina.
The Georgia Nerds have demonstrated that 24,000 old, purged voter records were subsequently poured back into the Georgia SBOE database of active voters. They also established that the number of purge voters restored into the Georgia SBOE database of active voters was in excess of 50,000.
Kim Brooks pointed out that Georgia law requires that a voter who has failed to vote and with whom there has been no contact in five years must be placed on the inactive voter list (Georgia Code Section 21-2-234). A voter is removed from the inactive list if there is no contact in the subsequent two November general elections (Georgia Code Section 21-2-235). Brooks claims the reinsertion of inactive voters into the active voter’s registration list appears to be “sheer criminal manipulation, padding the voter role with inappropriate phantoms to steal the 2024 election.”
In effect, the Georgia SBOE has two voter registration databases—one legal and the other illegal. However, maintaining a double voter registration risks detection. Thus, a system of cryptographic code algorithms must be embedded in the SBOE computers to allow criminals operating the illegal voting the ability to hide the illegally created votes until needed.
Retrieving the hidden votes for use demands a cryptographic scheme of intelligence-agency complexity because the algorithms that hid the illegal votes must be reversed to find them for use. In effect, the hidden illegal votes receive an algorithm locator number known only to the criminals.
The Georgia Nerds have proven that an SBOE cannot conduct (or be victim to) an election fraud scheme on a massive scale without data encryption, and encryption involves the intellectual and financial resources generally beyond state government capabilities. At the same time, utilizing election fraud on the scale evident in Georgia could not be accomplished without the knowledge and protection of state and federal government authorities, a compliant press, and a politically biased judiciary willing to disregard the requirements of state and federal election laws.
Election fraud of the magnitude the Georgia Nerds uncovered demands criminal charges, possibly reaching state and federal election officials who knowledgeably advanced schemes to deny citizens their Fourteenth Amendment franchise rights and manipulate elections that amount to nothing more than a treasonous coup d’état.
Politics turned Parody from within a Conservative Bastion inside the People's Republic of Maryland

Thursday, October 31, 2024
Georgia's Baked-in AI Election Coup d'etat
Jerome R. Corsi, "Does Georgia’s Algorithm-Assisted Massive Documented Election Fraud Rise to the Level of a Treasonous Coup d’État?"
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In other news, people who run around claiming Nazis didn't murder millions of Jews and other people need to be deported or locked up in mental institutions.
Those people are Morally bankrupt, Anyone with an OZ of brains knows the truth.. only ITIOTS LIKE DAVE FROM THE PROGRESSIVE BLOG ARE AS IGNORANT AS THE ASSWIPE WHO SAID THE ABOVE.And
^^Off-topic SPAM^^
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