Saturday, October 5, 2024

On Capitalist Realism - Abortion & Infanticide

...on the 'ethics' of murderers and torturers legalizing torture and murder.


the highly snarky donkey's revenge, a funny high IQ individual with witty quips. said...

What's taking Dervish so long to squeal, oink and snort? Maybe he's slurping some slop at Boston Piggy's Progressive Eruptions pig pen.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I just saw this moron. You have absolutely nothing to say about the post other than moronity demanding a response from me?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

republicans are far more pro-murder than Democrats. Democrats 51% versus Republicans 80%. That is as per a August 21, 2023 YouGov poll.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Republicans limit their murdering to criminals and war adversaries, whereas Democrats favour killing their own young.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Republicans limit their murdering to criminals and war adversaries, whereas Democrats favour killing their own young.


Republican women of reproductive age, ages 18 to 49, hold slightly less conservative views on abortion policies and a slim majority support a law guaranteeing a nationwide right to abortion (53%)... Published: Jul 10, 2024.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Yes the RiNOs are idiots.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Those are republican tRump-voting women. You say they are RINOs and idiots? I agree.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Looks like Mystere demanded that I comment, then ran away.

Joe Conservative said...

Then why praise Lynn Cheney and Daddy Warbucks if they're known idiots?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I have never praised them. Dick Cheney is a war criminal. Liz Cheney voted bigly with d0n-0ld and supported him both prior times he ran. As bad as they both are, they can see that d0n-0ld is horrible. Dick Cheney was also horrible, but he didn't want to do away with democracy.

Joe Conservative said...

...just Democrats.

Joe Conservative said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You're a Democrat? I guess you must be. You said you wanted 51 dictatorships. But you are obviously very confused. Democrats support democracy while trumpers like you hate it. Though, if you want to vote for Harris -- thinking she wants to get rid of democracy like you do -- I say you should definitely do that.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Kamala Harris salutes Dick Cheney's 'service' at major rally".

That "service" would be in the fight to keep democracy. Liz Cheney thinks we should keep it. So does Kamala Harris. You think we should get rid of it. Why you support tRump. He bigly wants to end democracy. He already tried. He is trying again.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...meanwhile, at the DNC... Ozzie play's the sty.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Yeah, republicans are definitely PRO Putin's war on Ukraine. While Democrats strongly oppose it. If you oppose war you need to stand with the Democrats. If you're FOR war you should definitely be standing with tRump.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Democrats don't oppose the war, they (much like the neocons) want to win it. They can't stand the thought of losing their ever-fading global hegemony.

Rattrapper said...

Did Donkey's Revenge kick you in the joebidenhole, Dervnac The Imbecile?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Rattrapper said...

🔺Looks like Dervnac Ate Shenehneh's Boston Piggy Special Sunday Slop and guzzled the Tampon Timi Horse juice before chugging his Tennessee Moonbat Moonshine Hooch and smoking Nursie PooPoo's Butt Shrooms.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Democrats are 100 percent opposed to Putin's war on Ukraine.

Joe Conservative said...

...and for 100% for the US exploiting trillions in Ukrainian minerals and resources.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

A war going on there makes that difficult. But you think that, when the war ends, zero Republicans will be interested in those resources? If Ukraine still exists?

gwb wasn't motivated at all by the resources that exist in Afghanistan? Like "Luz Cheney" he is a Democrat now?

"If you don't support tяump, you're a Democrat" ... In republiturd delusions.

Joe Conservative said...

Trump has no interest in "spreading Democracy" throughout the world. The CIA's NED, NDI, and IRI cutouts will be defunded and shut down under Trump. The 'global empire' and Fukayama-ist 'end of history' pipe dream, finally laid to rest.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Trump has no interest in "spreading Democracy" throughout the world.

Of course not. He wants to help destroy democracy around the world. Including in the United States.

Joe Conservative said...

America isn't a democracy. it's a Republic.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

g00gle: The United States is a representative democracy. This means that our government is elected by citizens. Here, citizens vote for their government officials. These officials represent the citizens' ideas and concerns in government.

That was right at the top of my g00gle search: is the United States a democracy?

Joe Conservative said...

...and what was Florence? Venice? Rome? lol!

Joe Conservative said...

from Google:

The Roman Republic is considered a representative democracy, meaning citizens elected representatives to govern on their behalf, but it was not a fully democratic system as power was largely concentrated in the hands of a wealthy aristocratic class, the patricians, who dominated political offices and decision-making; this meant that while the people had some say in government, it was not a true "rule by the people" system as seen in a direct democracy like ancient Athens.