I don't have any "Hezbollah allies" a-hole. Members of Hezbollah should die. The innocent citizens of Gaza should not die, but are being killed in great numbers. A reason to eat popcorn according to you two. NuttenYahoo is a war criminal. I hope he faces punishment. At least for his many other crimes.
And none are? As per Qtard, they are all "accomplices"? Not just people trying to live their lives in a difficult situation (prior to the place where they live getting the sh!t bombed out of it)?
Neither side will "win".
Yep, neither your party of joebidenholes or your Hezbollah allies will win, Flingo og Dylan Dervish Mulvaney Sanders.
Nope. Netenyahu's going to punish Iran. And yes, I'm buttering MY popcorn!
Got extra butter? Pass the popcorn, please! 🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋
I don't have any "Hezbollah allies" a-hole. Members of Hezbollah should die. The innocent citizens of Gaza should not die, but are being killed in great numbers. A reason to eat popcorn according to you two. NuttenYahoo is a war criminal. I hope he faces punishment. At least for his many other crimes.
The operative word is innocent. The only innocents dying are being killed by Hamas and Hezbollah.
And none are? As per Qtard, they are all "accomplices"? Not just people trying to live their lives in a difficult situation (prior to the place where they live getting the sh!t bombed out of it)?
Even the IDF's collatoral damage results from Hamas' "human shield" strategy.
Collateral damage + Collateral Murder = NuttenYahoo War Crimes.
Victim blaming is social justice, eh Derv?
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