Thursday, October 3, 2024

Stay tuned for More Updates on the Donald/Kamala Harris Minstrel Confirmation &/or Election Show

“Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides”
― André Malraux

How does a mediocre Marxist Berkeley radical become a tenured professor at Stanford in the late 60's/ early 70's?  Guess #1 - Affirmative Action. It might help to don Blackface....

How does his mediocre daughter then become President?

Democrats always did LOVE a good Affirmative Action Minstrel Show!

Was Donald Harris' given mother's name Beril correct?  And what was with the two different spellings in the documents?
Beril is an endearing feminine name of Greek and Indian origin, meaning “light green semiprecious gemstone.” This definition refers to the name's root word, Beryl—which, incidentally, is a bold name in its own right. Beryl is a mineral from the earth, most commonly known by its varieties of emerald and aquamarine.

Is Beryl a biblical name?
In Greek Baby Names the meaning of the name Beryl is: Crystal. A gemstone of varying colors; often yellow-green. In the Bible the eighth foundation stone of the wall of New Jerusalem was beryl.

What does Beryl mean in Yiddish?
Kind of the opposite but I love the Yiddish name Beryl meaning bear, but which is also a gemstone in English

As Dervy would say, "Whoz yo Mama?, Donald?  Judge Joe Brown said that she was a Hindu servant!


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


Joe Conservative said...

Minstrel iconic...

Joe Conservative said...

Donald Harris was a b*stard raised by a white mother/father. His real mother was likely a Hindu house-servant. Kamala's black "aunties" and "uncles' were all black friends of her mom from Berkeley.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

He has been wearing body makeup for many decades to appear Black? You have pictures of him not wearing the body makeup? Why should people believe your tinfoil hat conspiracy theory? Why should they even care? I do not for one second believe this (in the highly unlikely event it is true) is a lie began by Donald Harris and continued by Kamala Harris. Exactly why would she do such a thing? Why would he have? It is completely absurd. Only people with very low intelligence are convinced there is any truth to this alleged conspiracy. I thought Janet Jackson was smarter. But it appears as though she might be a moron.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

There are no dark Asian-Indians? Are they black, or Caucasians? US law identifies them as Caucasians and they were not targetted beneficiaries of "Affirmative Action" in the late 60's early 70's. it's only recently (since Obama) that they've been considered "DEI" targets. I used to work with some pretty dark Indians, some Hindi, some Moslem.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Would you classify Dinesh D'Souza as black? Would any American blacks? Not likely. At their most generous they would call him a "person of colour". Same goes for Kamala.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Kamala is running the 2nd generation of the Donald Harris Blackface & Minstrel Show.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

ps - Jamaican isn't a race.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

When is Candace Owens going to do an expose exposing Tim Walz's "true heritage"? Clearly he is lying about being of German, Swedish, Luxembourgish, and Irish descent. What is his "true" heritage? Inquiring tin foil hatters want to know.

But I am 100 percent sure that will never happen. You only do this when a Black person runs for president. Like Barack Obama and his "true" place of birth being Kenya. And by "you" I mean racist White Supremacist rightturds. Candace Owens is thrown in her lot with these despicable Turds.

The reason?

Celebrity Net Worth
Candace Owens is an American conservative commentator and political activist who has a net worth of $5 million.

Candace Owens is very angry that she only has $5 million. Why she is going all in on this racist conspirac_Tim Walz is of German, Swedish, Luxembourgish, and Irish descenty theory. How many more millions will she earn for her Kamala Harris lies? Obviously you like them a lot. I think you owe Candace some money.

I classify Dinesh D'Souza as a Turd. He doesn't have Black looking hair to me. I don't think he could pass for Black. The "same" does not go for Kamala. D'Souza does not identify as Black while Kamala Harris does. Because her father is clearly Black.

Also, you don't say WHY Donald Harris would lie. I guess (as per the absurd Candace Owens false narrative) he lied and Kamala Harris is lying as well? Because her father knew that one day his daughter would go into politics and lying about being Black would be advantageous to her? Because voters would never elect an Indian American?

"PS Jamaican isn't a race".

Yeah. So Usain Bolt, Bob Marley and Harry Belafonte aren't/weren't Black. Are there any Black people from Jamaica at all? Are all Jamaican people White? In your delusions, I mean.

G00gle says "Jamaica's racial makeup is as follows: African descent or Black: 76.3%. Afro-European: 15.1%. East Indian and Afro-East Indian: 3.4%. Caucasian: 3.2%. Chinese: 1.2%.

Is that fake news? Is Jamaica a White Country?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Harris lied for the exact same reason Pocahontas Warren lied. Affirmative action for mediocre college professors. And East Asians didn't qualify.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Kamala's dad doesn't identify as black. He wears blackface and allows other people to mistake him for black.

Joe Conservative said...

That's why he identifies as Jamaican, and not black.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


Joe Conservative said...

Standing in the river again. DeNile.

Joe Conservative said...

The first (or really 2nd) step in DARVO. The 1st step is "invisible". :)

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Elizabeth Warren told the truth about what her parents told her about her heritage. d0n-0ld said he would pay a million dollars if Warren took a DNA test and it showed she has Native American heritage. She did. The DNA test showed she has Native American heritage. d0n-0ld did not pay.

And her schools and employers all verified her heritage played no part in their decisions to admit or hire her.

"ps - Jamaican isn't a race".

The document you linked to says otherwise. Though the "certificate of live birth" has an issue date at the bottom of August 14, 2020.

Joe Conservative said...

In California, a woke idiocy full of people edumacated into abject stupidity by frauds like Donald Harris. I'm of the American race... @@

Joe Conservative said...

ps - If I took the same test that Liz Warren took, I'd have more "Native American" blood than her, and I've no known Native American ancestors.

Joe Conservative said...

pps - Her schools and employers would be admitting to civil crimes if they acknowledged their own past unlawful racial discrimination

Joe Conservative said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: There are no dark Asian-Indians? Are they black, or Caucasians? US law identifies them as Caucasians...


Bing: The racial classification of people with Indian heritage in the United States has evolved over time. Historically, Indian Americans were not classified as Caucasian. the 1923 Supreme Court case United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind, it was decided that people of Indian descent were not “white” and thus not eligible for citizenship.

Today, people of Indian heritage are classified as Asian under U.S. law and census categories. This classification reflects their geographic origin from the Asian continent.

In the 1960s, the racial classification on birth certificates was often based on self-identification and could be somewhat flexible. It was not uncommon for racial categories to be open-ended, meaning that individuals could enter whatever race they felt was appropriate. This means that it is possible for a birth certificate from 1963 to list the mother’s race as “Caucasian” if she self-identified as such, even if she was of Indian heritage. [end Bing response]

"Certificate of live birth" that you linked to an image of (which shows the race of the mother of Kamala Harris listed as Caucasian) = fake.

YOU pointed out that "Jamaican" isn't a race, yet that document lists the race of Donald Harris as "Jamaican". Another indication that it is fake.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Her schools and employers would be admitting to civil crimes if they acknowledged their own past unlawful racial discrimination...

The alternate (and more likely explanation) is that they did not "admit" any past "past unlawful racial discrimination" because there wasn't any. Warren was accepted and hired based on her record of accomplishment and not her (admittedly minuscule) Native American heritage. In fact, her record of accomplishment was so impressive that her employers recruited her. They asked her to come work for them, not the other way around.

Joe Conservative said...

lol! Despite your blurry-eyed history lesson, the certificate was real. Caucasian and Jamaican... officially!

And the University Admin's weren't looking to meet Harvard's Diversity targets upon which non-achievement meant their salaries might suffer and were dependent? Are you saying they were stupid, or that they just hated money? Harvard? ROFLMAO!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The Birth Certificate that Barack Obama released is fake, but the one that Kamala Harris didn't release is real. Because "fake" and "real" depends on what you want to believe, not any actual facts.

And you know that the University Admin's were looking to meet Harvard's Diversity targets due to your superior mind reading abilities? Whose minds did you read? You should be able to name them. If you know what they were thinking due to reading their minds.

Joe Conservative said...

Obama released his "short form" birth certificate, not his actual birth certificate.

And I know how the affirmative action game works, derv. I lived it in the workplace for 45+ years.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said... President Barack Obama's long form birth certificate can be seen here (PDF).


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The picture of the forgery?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Notice where the birth certificate came from. Perkins Coie. They're the firm that does Parallel Constructions for DoJ, The Trump Tower Russian server forgery, and the Steele dossier for Hillary. What are the odds, huh?

BB-Idaho said...

Well, that was a negative read. Fj put that energy into something positive. Anything.

Joe Conservative said...

How's "truth" for positive?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

But you've been posting lies nonstop on this blog for years. Are you planning on reversing course?

Joe Conservative said...

No, I've been posting the alternative facts that you've been ignoring and censoring from the public sphere for years.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Alternative facts" is NewSpeak for rightturd lies.

Joe Conservative said...

Nope, they're just facts that don't support a politically partisan grand narrative.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I accurately described what "alternative facts" are in rightturd NewSpeak.