Friday, October 4, 2024

Shading a 'Spade' a Spade...

...on Canadian collard greens in a Howard U. AKA dorm

The Blackening continues...
as Kamala's recipe does call for a dash of Tabasco Sauce!
......Pander-moan-ium breaks out!

1 comment:

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Another installment in the ongoing series "Blacks for White Supremacy". This series will almost certainly continue on -- even after Kamala is elected. The fake "Barack Obama was born in Kenya" stories didn't end after Obama was elected either. You still bring them up from time to time. Though (overall) people speak of this fictional account of Barack Obama's birth less than before.

Remember when d0n-0ld was sending imaginary investigators to Hawaii and they couldn't believe what they were finding? Candace Owens is just among the initial liars who will be looking into Kamala Harris's "true" heritage.