Friday, June 21, 2024

What if Political Hate Speech were Outlawed?

The Result:


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

So, what you're saying is that your White Supremacist hate speech is "political" and should therefore be protected? And your hate speech should also be protected as "freedom of religion", right? Isn't it your "human right" to express your hate for f*gs?

Joe Conservative said...

Don't Islamicists and Pseudostinians do that every single day? Why do you profess to love them so much?

Oh, that's right. They're part of intersectional victims of whites-based racial-hierarchy "pyramid" of the racist DNC party. Once a KKK racist, always a KKK/anti-fascist (cuz Hitler was white) racist.

Rattrapper said...

How's your month going, Dervish?

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

\\ Don't Islamicists and Pseudostinians do that every single day? Why do you profess to love them so much?



They doing that in their native languages. Same as Russians preach about (soon) destruction of America.

That's why Woke-DEMN-cretins do not hear em. They only hear "listen to me, I'm expert"s that preach that all that sworn enemies of USA are "peaceful religion" and "harmless conservative orthodox"... %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere is a chickensh!t liar and a moron. You did not watch the video that was the topic of discussion in the prior thread. After making a huge deal about me saying (when I first commented) I had not. I called you out on that and you ran away.

Now you are NOT commenting on the topic of Minus FJ's post again. Just trying to annoy me. As usual. You're the troll, Mystere.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Don't Islamicists and Pseudostinians do that every single day? Why do you profess to love them so much?

I strongly dislike Christian fundamentalist bigots like Harrison Butker. As well as Muslim fundamentalist bigots who hate gay people. I never professed any love for them.

Pew: notable change in the social and political views of U.S. Muslims: They have become much more accepting of homosexuality over the past decade, matching a similar shift that has occurred among the public overall. Indeed, the share of Muslim Americans who say homosexuality should be accepted by society has nearly doubled since 2007.

U.S. Muslims hold more conservative views than the general public about homosexuality. But, like the population at large, Muslims have become noticeably more accepting of homosexuality over the last 10 years.

Today, about half of U.S. Muslims say homosexuality should be accepted by society (52%), while 33% say homosexuality should be discouraged. By comparison, in 2011, 39% of Muslims said homosexuality should be accepted; in 2007, just 27% held this view.

Just as in the general population, there is a strong generational component to Muslim Americans’ views about homosexuality. Young Muslims are more accepting of homosexuality than are older Muslims, with six-in-ten Muslim Millennials saying they think homosexuality should be accepted by society. But acceptance of homosexuality has increased among all generational cohorts; Muslims from the Baby Boom generation and older cohorts are today 18 percentage points more likely to accept homosexuality than they were in 2007.

Indeed, acceptance of homosexuality has increased among many Muslim demographic groups analyzed. Women are more accepting than men, but both groups are much more accepting of homosexuality today than they were a decade ago. U.S.-born and foreign-born Muslims have both become more accepting of homosexuality over time. And Muslims who say religion is “very important” in their lives have become 28 points more accepting over the last decade. 7/26/2017.

Qtard: Woke-DEMN-cretins do not hear em. They only hear "listen to me, I'm expert"s that preach that all that sworn enemies of USA are "peaceful religion".

Of course. Because "Woke-DEMN-cretins" are imaginary. They hear imaginary "listen to me, I'm expert"s that do imaginary preaching that all that sworn enemies of USA are "peaceful religion" -- because YOU decided that is how these two groups of imaginary people are interacting.

Joe Conservative said...

American Muslims can afford to "go along to get along". when they return home, however, they quickly fall back into line.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You don't live in a repressive state where you are continually pummeled by religious state propaganda. You have no excuse. But that's what you want for America. As Sam Alito said, he is for "returning" America to "a place of godliness". He's referring to an American Christian theocracy. Even though we never had that so can't "return" to it. Then you can outlaw homosexuality, being trans and a woman's bodily autonomy.

As for your link -- those people are terrible. I definitely don't "profess to love them so much". What about you? If they were Christians instead of Muslims maybe you'd be professing to love them? Or agreeing with them in regards to how they view gay people at least.

Well, MAYBE you think murdering gay men is going too far? But not all rightturd American Christians agree. Like Republican Congressman Tim Walberg -- he supports the death penalty for being gay.

Rattrapper said...


Rattrapper said...

Of course you hate everything Christian. You serve Satan, that's why.

Rattrapper said...

Dervish farts again.

There never was a Christian Theocracy in American Government. Now there are principles based on Christian values especially Freedom.

Joe Conservative said...

When Dervy rants against Christians it makes you wonder if it wouldn't be preferable to a 24/7/365 Woke religious Pride Festival...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere has reading comprehension problems. That there has never been Christian Theocracy in American Government is what I said. But that is what you WANT.

Freedom is a Christian value, but it is NOT a rightturd fake Christian value. Fake Christians like you hate freedom. Why you cheered when the rightturd scotus kings ruled to take a woman's freedom to bodily autonomy away.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: When Dervy rants against Christians...

I never have. I rant against rightturd fake Christians.

Minus: makes you wonder if it wouldn't be preferable to a 24/7/365 Woke religious Pride Festival...

It wouldn't be. I would definitely prefer that imaginary "Woke religious Pride Festival" over an American christianist theocracy.

fyi, (like I said in another thread) I am a fan of the Reverend William Barber. He is a real Christian. I have never ranted AGAINST him.

Anonymous said...

And who are you??? Pope of Rome?

To decide who are Cristian and who are not???