Sunday, June 30, 2024

No Democrats, Sorry to Say, this Last-minute Fiasco has Always been the Plan

The Table has been Set, the Reflexive Environment is now here.  The Democratic Candidate is The Current Thing.  What remains is to unwrap the alchemical ingredient... that brings home Operational Success.  Psycho-Politics 101.

  ...all that Remains is for Michelle Obama to Step Forward, and for Barack to Peek Out from Behind the Stage.  Let the 4th term commence!  The Hunter behind the collapsing stalking horse may now be revealed.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


Joe Biden has done a fantastic job as president.

tRump is a fascist. That is what you want. As you confessed, you want donald to be "president for life". Even though he is "past his expiration date".

Well, tRump will do his part to transition America to a White Supremacist christianist theocratic ethnostate. Viktor Orban successfully transitioned Hungary away from democracy. republiturds love Orban and are using him as an example/model.

After tRump becomes "president for life" every election going forward will be like in Russia. Whoever tRump anoints will win the next phony US "election". Whenever it happens. Probably not in 2028, unless tRump dies in office. Then VP Vance will ascend to the throne.

Rattrapper said...

πŸ”ΊPoor Dervish! Ichabod wet and pooped his pants again!πŸ”Ί

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders June 30, 2024 at 12:13 PM

"I know for a fact that Michelle Obama hates politics and definitely does want the job."

OH my! Dervish sipped his own Mickey and exposed the think tank's plot. In his attempt to fart light everyone, he took a Bigly huffing snort and exposed the truth accidentally.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

The truth serum is workingπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

...all that Remains is for Michelle Obama to Step Forward, and for Barack to Peek Out from Behind the Stage. Let the 4th term commence! The Hunter behind the collapsing stalking horse may now be revealed.

And what will you say when that does not happen? Why, if this was the plan, wouldn't Joe Biden have stepped aside already? Why didn't he announce this instead of declaring he would run for a second term? Democrats love Michelle Obama and would have gotten behind her. I don't know what (in your delusions) the reason for this deception could be.

You might have explained this nuttery to me before, but I don't remember. Probably because it makes no sense at all. I know for a fact that Michelle Obama hates politics and definitely does NOT want the job.

fyi, donald felon tRump is senile fascist Turd. democracy in America is OVER if he returns to the White House. Many people (those who believe in democracy) won't stand for it. There definitely could be violence when "president for life" dotard donald begins to impose fascism on America. And the US (as per Putin's dream) could (ultimately) break up into multiple countries. Then you might get the White Supremacist ethnostate you're longing for.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere: The truth serum is working.

And you know that Michelle Obama wants the job HOW? She has certainly not made any public statements indicating that she wants to be president. While she has made multiple public statements saying she does NOT want the job.

Are you are a mind reader, Mystere?

Although, apparently I also "know" that Michelle Obama wants to be president. Where did I hear this, Mystere? On this blog? The mind-reader Minus FJ KNOWS Michelle Obama is lying when she says she does NOT want to be president?

There is no "plot" that involves Joe Biden stepping aside and being replaced by Michelle Obama. The date and event at which Michelle Obama was supposed to have announced her bid for the presidency (as per a prior Minus FJ post) came and went.

Michelle Obama will NOT run for president. Not this year. Not any year. The chances are near zero. I don't know any "truth" that Michelle Obama is a liar and lying when she says she does not want to run for or serve as president.

Rattrapper said...

Hey Dervish, you guzzled down your own Mickey and blabbed what your stinktank told you, in your drunken state of mind.

Joe Conservative said...

Why, if this was the plan, wouldn't Joe Biden have stepped aside already? Why didn't he announce this instead of declaring he would run for a second term?

Why to sell the ruse and prevent a proper candidate vetting. The Democratic herd must be stampeded into voting for her... in a field devoid of any real options. "It's either the Mooch, or Trump. THOSE are your options, Democrats."

Joe Conservative said...

Barack doesn't want to risk that white boy Gavin Newsome gaining followers... Black Power, baby!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

It's the Mooch because WE need "black" votes.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Guilt-Pride = Democratic Party

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Barack doesn't want to risk that white boy Gavin Newsome gaining followers... Black Power, baby!

Barack Obama isn't in government.

Minus: It's the Mooch because WE need "black" votes.

Michelle Obama will not be the Democratic potus nominee.

Minus: Guilt-Pride = Democratic Party

"guilt-pride" = imaginary.

Anonymous said...

\\Barack Obama isn't in government.

Yeah. He is gray cardinal. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

Barack Obama isn't in government.

All his former 'appointees' are Biden advisors. In Biden's mental absence, Obama has "operational control" of the Deep State.

Joe Conservative said...

...and that TOO was by 'design'.

Anonymous said...

Well... somebody need to.

That thing -- government. Will not work by itself.

Oh... I remember good piece of your American sci-fi on it...