Saturday, June 22, 2024

Divine Justice for Biden Democrats...

Secret Service purchases Joebot kit to direct Joe away from podium and off stage properly. without a media-visible "staff intervention".


Bobby Stinkfingers said...

No way Jose! NO! NO! NO!

Joe Conservative said...

Can I drive the President today?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

donald tRump was vaccinated.

fyi, "Bobby Stinkfingers" is Mystere. Why are you writing "no", Mystere. Must be a NewSpeak "yes".

Joe Conservative said...

Was DJT fitted with a RoboJoe, too?

Rattrapper said...

Bobby Stinkfingers is Mystere? Who knew?😆😆😆😆😆

Rattrapper said...

Take notice: Ichabod Derpwood flew the chicken coop. And he flew off in a cowardly manner. Typical left wing extremist chicken.

Rattrapper said...

I wonder which vaccines short circuited what little brain matter was left in Farting JoeJoe's fried swiss cheesed pee brain.

Rattrapper said...

I wonder which vaccines short circuited what little brain matter was left in Farting JoeJoe's fried swiss cheesed pee brain.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Ichabod Derpwood" can't leave because he was never here. There is no such person, Mystere.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere: I wonder which vaccines short circuited what little brain matter...

You mean farting dondon's swiss cheesed pee brain...

“Both the president and I are vaxxed”, O’Reilly said at the American Airlines Center, drawing some jeers from the audience, according to video shared online by O’Reilly’s “No Spin News”.

“Did you get the booster?” he asked the former president. “Yes”, Trump responded. “I got it, too”, O’Reilly said, eliciting more hectoring.

Rattrapper said...

Dervish eats fart flavored bon bons?