Fixing the things Bernie rightly claims are America's greatest challenges can only be sustainably accomplished though a fundamental anti-fragile legal re-building of our economy into one that emphasizes and empowers small businesses and individual agency, not multinational corporations and globalism. THAT is what Bernie didn't pay attention to in Trump's speech and that renders his "complaint", moot. Bernie thinks that the solution to world hunger lies in redistributing fish being caught today instead of fabricating and handing out more fishing poles. Not a single issue Bernie raises addresses the fundamental transformation of the economy needed. Not one. His ground truth premise and assumption is "continued global corporatism" with more generous government directed and controlled handouts. That is his fatal fallacy.
Trump DIDN'T talk about Bernie's issues. Because Trump is operating from a different premise. One that doesn't adopt Bernie's status quo based economic fatal fallacy.
Crazy Bernie is nothing more than a political stooge.
Hey Dervish, maybe Bernie will hire you to lick his behind, now that your former employer Joe Biden retired and went home. Perhaps Bernie also likes chocolate chocolate chip ice cream just like poopy pants JoeJoe does. Bernie is now screwing himself, poking God in His Eyes.
Bernie's still living in the 1930s.
d0n0ld wants to take us back to the 1920s.
I was never employed by Joe Biden.
He want's to become a Democrat?
Not even Bernie was ever stupid enough to do that.
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