Thursday, March 9, 2023

Fauci for Prison...?!

Normal Science Re-Ascendant:
The Kuhn Conundrum... the limits of "peer reviewed TRUTHs"

Anthony Fauci was trying to FORCE a paradigm shift to mRNA vaccines from the old "tried and true" method for vaccine development.  I'm sure that he saw it as a NOBLE effort that justified the creation of a NOBLE LIE because it significantly shortened the vaccine development and trial timeline.  Unfortunately, it circumvented all the FDA and CDC's regulatory safeguards.... safeguards developed to prevent just such a false and too rapid a paradigm shift.  But as with most politicians, Fauci understood (from his long AIDS experience) that he should "Never let a crisis go to waste", and so he went forward with his deception.  It didn't hurt that he was financially invested in the new technology.  The damage to human health from Fauci's gambit has yet to be revealed and accurately measured.

If Covid-19 was an actual Bio-Terror attack by China upon the world, America's prepared response was a complete and utter FAILURE from which we have gathered no lessons learned. "Pooling the silos" between Biodefense and Public Health Administration, as Fauci recomended in the video, "weaponized" the medical response and enabled him to prematurely shift the vaccine development paradigm before it was established from painful experience to be safe to do so. Perhaps it's time to let Dr. Fauci finally answer to the "culture of responsibility" he claims is so necessary amongst responsible scientists.


Q said...

Too smart ;-P

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Think it's true though?

Q said...

Too smart missive to attract trolls. ;-P

And well, NMP. ;-)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

If I wanted to debate trolls with this post, I would have posted a Fox News video describing some made-up motivations for Fauci that didn't state any truth resulting from the "benefit of the doubt". I would have posted "red meat."

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The road to Hell is paved with "Good" intentions, not malicious ones.

Q said...

"Fox News video describing some made-up motivations for Fauci that didn't state any truth"

Beware... you pouring water on the mill of Derpy... with such words. ;-P

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...we all have our roles to play... :)

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Too smart missive to attract trolls.

Too smart? Where is the court case? Who is bringing the court case? Or, could it be that the evidence isn't adequate to charge Facui with ANYTHING? Also, how is this NOT your problem, given that the pandemic is worldwide. Are you a "foreigner" from another planet? You're connecting to the internet and commenting from your spaceship orbiting the earth?

Q said...

Bark, bark, bark... says a dog.

Moo, moo, moo... says a cow.

Blah, blah, blah... says a derpy. :-))))))))))))

Joe/Jew... have you seen latest travesty? Or you just not watching CNN?

When they tryed to smear it into... what is that talking head of Fox News name?

That 6 Jan is "insurrection".

While SIMULTANEOUSLY showing riot, with police shield line, teargas and water cannons used... in front of Parlament of Georgia... and calling that, guess HOW??? Insurrection? Treason? Trumpism??? :-)))))

Naah... that is "righteful demand of a free people of Georgia". Nothing less.
Demand to which Government of Georgia SHOULD, OUGHT and even MUST to submit, without questioning.
And release all inprisoned to boot.
'Cause, diplomat from USA ambassy says so.

And that...

While showing pictures of 6 Jan meeting.
Peaceful. Unbound. Anarchic even.

Joe Conservative said...

I saw a BBC variant.

I'm sympathetic to both sides. A Foreign Agent law like the one sparking the protests is a smart "nationalist" move to keep globalist idiots like George Soros' corrupt and subversive "Open Society Institute" out. On the other hand, I think that the Georgian people have a right to show their disapproval and elect their own government. My dismay is that the Georgian people's riots indicate that they think that globalism is the way to go. Obviously, the Georgian nationalist elites are heavily Russia oriented, instead of Europe oriented. The problem is that they should be heavily "Georgia" orientated. In any ways, it's NMP. It's "Europe's.

Joe Conservative said...

ps - The US Monroe Doctrine does not apply to Europe/Asia.

Q said...

\\I'm sympathetic to both sides. A Foreign Agent law like the one sparking the protests

That is beyond the point here.

Question is -- is it O.K. for people to perform Direct Democracy? What'd YOU say?
Like coming into Parlament... and saying to that f*ers Directly, what you think of em. ;-)

Derpy... as faithfull Dem-junky, tryed to claim that that is no-no-no, that is "insurrection".
Cause his Dem-Propaganda teached him to tell... and think (there is no need to waste censure on such a willing fools)

While all what that 6 Jan pals was doing wrong -- they was not forceful enough.

As recent history all over the world showing just that -- peaceful protests -- they do not work.
Fat cats on the higher floors... quickly devise all kinds of plans of how to divert and subvert that peaceful uprises.
Like, by calling em "insirrection".

Rattrapper said...

Dervish will be triggered soon...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Question is -- is it O.K. for people to perform Direct Democracy? What'd YOU say?
Like coming into Parlament... and saying to that f*ers Directly, what you think of em. ;-)

I think it's a people's duty to demonstrate their frustration with "divine violence". They'll either be heard and the problems addressed, or the violence will escalate.

Addressing the problem can be of 2 varieties. The first, "justice". The second, "repression." America's Uniparty has chosen the latter. In return, they will be given more divine violence.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Calling the first demonstration/ protest of the right an insurrection is a premature label, IMO. The insurrection is coming, but the CosPlay on the Mall and under the Rotunda wasn't it.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said... was a shot across the UniParty's bow.

Q said...


Dervish Sanders said...


Anonymous said...

Dem in a name only Derpy... are AGAINST democracy.

Who'd knew. :-)))

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Klaus Schwab is a genius!

Anonymous said...

Fuck off, Mystere.

Dervish Sanders said...

I'm the only person who comments here who is pro-democracy.

Q said...

Yep. Only one little problem here. That "democracy" you speaking of is nasty double-new-speak redefinition, which have NOTHYING in common with "will of people". ;-P
"Of the people, by the people, for the people”

Dervish Sanders said...

You describe YOUR problem.

Q said...

Ehm??? I am not dem-junky from USA. ;-P