Monday, August 22, 2022

Is the GOP Throwing the Mid-Term Elections?

Last week, Tucker Carlson showcased the fact that the GOP is doing its best to lose November’s election.

He included a clip of Mitch McConnell admitting that the GOP would likely not take the Senate. McConnell and the rest of the leadership don’t want to win. Carlson rightly suggested that, if Republicans really wanted to win, they’d run on crime and immigration. While the economy is reportedly voters’ number one issue, it’s what goes on in their neighborhoods and on their streets that matters. If Americans don’t feel safe in their homes, walking down their streets, or sitting in drive-thru lines because they’re scared to go into a restaurant or store, nothing else matters…not the economy, abortion, gender rights, or Ukraine.

Republicans don’t care. They’re complaining about Biden’s spending, bemoaning government overreach, and sanctioning Putin. Those issues aren’t going to return the GOP to power, but Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and Ronna McDaniel seem sanguine. Their lives don’t change if the GOP doesn’t take back Congress. They’ll still rule their little fiefdoms, still be invited to Georgetown cocktail parties to be feted by lobbyists and, of course, they’ll still be on Sunday morning shows to feign outrage for the latest Democrat policy.

For these grifters, the only difference between winning and losing in November is having to work for the American people…something they’re loathe to do.

But for the average American, the difference between winning and losing in November is literally life and death, lawlessness, or civil society.

The world wouldn’t change overnight on November 8, but what could happen is that the people who control the purse strings, who are supposed to make the laws, could change—just as in 1994.

That’s a big deal because the people running America today are the same people who have been running America’s biggest cities into the ground for decades. And all Americans, whether they live in San Francisco, Manhattan, or Kalamazoo, recognize that America’s coming apart at the seams. From not being able to go a day without seeing another video of a pack of thugs beating a cab driver, or attacking a restaurant employee, to watching a seemingly endless parade of homeless people punching random strangers, Americans are weary. From staring with disbelief as a gang of hoodlums ransacks a convenience store with impunity to watching video after video of people cussing at or otherwise attacking the police, Americans are watching the collapse of our society.

And this is the environment in which Mitch McConnell whines about the quality of the GOP candidates. The problem isn’t Dr. Oz, Eric Schmitt, or Herschel Walker; it’s that the GOP leadership that isn’t doing its job. Where is Newt Gingrich when we need him?

The reality is that this election has been tailor-made for the GOP, but that’s not the way it’s shaping up because McConnell, McCarthy, McDaniel, and their puppeteer, the hack Frank Luntz—who happens to be McCarthy’s roommate, landlord, or whatever—have decided they don’t want to save America. They’d rather sit back in the comfort of their minority position and pretend to care while enjoying the perks of “leadership.”

America needs warriors willing to brave the slings and arrows of the chattering classes, the leftist media, the Washington establishment and, most of all, the fascist NGO influencers who employ mobs on the streets to intimidate citizens and spineless CEOs and coerce into submission anyone who doesn’t agree with their agendas.

If the GOP really wanted to win in November, we’d see a new ad every single day showcasing the violence going on in our streets along with pictures of some thug who’s just assaulted a random senior as a George Soros-funded district attorney just released him without bail. We’d see videos of illegals storming the border. At the end of every single ad would be a simple tagline: “If you want more of this, please vote for my Democrat opponent.... If you want someone who’s going to do something about crime and the quality of American life, vote for me.”

It’s that simple. Democrats have caused myriad problems, but those issues can’t be addressed without majorities, and none of them will flip Congress in November. But images of blood in the streets will. A daily total of national Fentanyl deaths will. Images of career criminals released on bail after having pummeled some teenager into unconsciousness will, and stories of illegal immigrants overwhelming communities will. Imagine if Dr. Oz ran daily ads with videos showcasing Philadelphia’s violence rather than his clownish grocery store disaster? No one in Pennsylvania cares about the price of guacamole, but they care about getting shot or stabbed in their own neighborhoods.

Sadly, I don’t expect the GOP leadership to create such a Contract with America Deux. They’re cowards and grifters. Such a campaign would require backbone against the predictable cries of “racism” that would emerge because most of the videos involve young Black hoodlums and thugs. They would be branded racists by the race pimps and the professional victimization industry.

Those attacks would come as surely as night follows day. But, so what? It just happens to be the case that most of the crimes we see involve Black perps freed from the justice system in the name of “equity.” If there are similar videos of White perps, they should be shown too. The reality is, if you’re a victim of murder or rape it doesn’t matter what the criminal looks like. Is a dead Black child any more or less dead because his attacker was Black or White? No. Crime is off the charts not because of the pigment of anyone’s skin, but because of the policies of the Democrat party.

Republicans need to understand their constituency is not the criminal class of any race. Their constituency is the average American of every race. It’s Americans who want to send their kids to school without them having to step over junkies or human feces. It’s the average American who wants to go to work without fearing getting shot or robbed before making it home.

The rule of law and responsibility for one’s actions are the foundations of a civilized society. Without them, there is no civilized society. That’s what we’re experiencing with Democrats in charge, and it seems as if the GOP leadership is OK with that. We, however, are not. This is the hill to die on, this is the hill upon which America will either recover or slide into the abyss of chaos and tyranny....

We cannot depend on the current GOP “leaders” to fight this fight. This is going to have to come from the candidates themselves and a 2022 Gingrich to nationalize this election and help push the feckless GOP across the finish line. McConnell may not be capable of leading the country out of this morass, but at least with a GOP majority in November, we can slow our collapse into a dystopian nightmare until people of character can replace him. Being in the majority is the first step. Then, we need candidates with the courage to stand up and fight for the average American, regardless of the invective that will surely be headed their way…


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Shitty candidates like Dr. Oz, Eric Schmitt, and Herschel Walker absolutely are your problem. The American people's problem is that rich thugs aren't paying enough taxes.

That is why crime is on the rise. People are fed up with the unfairness of those at the top controlling all the wealth. And using their wealthy to control our politicans.

Joe Conservative said...

You're right. Our "poor" politicians. Hunter is absolutely starving... and Paul Pelosi Jr.... don't forget him.... or the John F'n Kerry's son. They're gone practically broke shilling their parent's power and influence. Imagine if Paul Pelosi Senior couldn't buy his way out of drunk driving arrests or accident investigations! The horror!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"You're" is wrong. Whoever "you're" is. I'm guessing it's you. Given that one of tRump's positive qualities (as per supporters like you) is that he is supposedly a wealthy man. Who lied about funding his own campaign. And is making bank following the "raid". Crying to his supporters and demanding money from them.

Joe Conservative said...

You are wrong? Thanks for the admission.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I didn't "admit" anything. I never made the claims you make following "you're right".

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Suppose Mitch McConnell went out on stage after being in politics for over 50 years and winning re-election and re-election after re-election to the Senate for 35 of those years and put his arms akimbo and hissed "yas queens we totally need to give up winning strategies and back the that lost us the House, Senate, and Oval House in every general election since he came along!"

Yeah, no?

(((TC))) said...

The Republican Party will either purge itself of the Trumpenproletariat, or the American people will do it for them.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

What is the secret to Mitch McConnell's election successes and political longevity? Why does Kentucky keep sending him back to DC to represent them in the US Senate?

By my lights, it's because he never ran for office as a barbarian thug hip gangster wannabe.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Gee, beamish, maybe you should crawl inside Mitch McConnell ass and serve as his personal butt wiper.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said... Dervish does...

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Reagan described what Trump supporters want as "going over a cliff flags held high is still going over a cliff." Like Mitch McConnell, Reagan won re-election everytime he went for it.

Einstein gave the definition of insanity as attempting the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Perhaps we may all have experienced not getting in the car with someone who is too drunk to drive. Maybe that person wraps their car around a tree and dies, maybe they go on to represent the underaged girls that like to party in Western Florida. Most eventually wrap their cars around a tree.

I liken it to the infamous Grob's Attack in chess. For close to 700 years, chess grandmasters have avoided this opening. Pawn to King's Knight 4 (g4 opening) has a built in 66% probability of white losing the chess match, a probability that increases in certain loss by move 3. It is probably the absolute most ridiculous chess opening in thousands of years of chess playing. Winners do not use the Grob. Nobody that knows how to play chess loses to it twice.

Don't get me wrong, the Grob is so novel, unconventional, surprising, and game changing that it can quickly take an opponent out of their game plan and decimate them. Once. But then they're not going to fall for it again.

Mitch McConnell is a grandmaster of chess in this analogy, and Trump is the amateur player that keeps using the Grob's Attack and keeps losing with it after an initial lucky win. Now he's devolved into kicking the table and pieces over and crying about how it's unfair he has to face people who know how to play chess, instead of learning from those who do know how to play chess.

Mitch McConnell needs no one to wipe his ass. Trump's delusions of continued political relevance is all the shit-paper he needs.

(((TC))) said...

McConnell salvaged Trump's shitacular Presidency from impeachments, twice. He doesn't owe that piece of shit a damned thing.

(((TC))) said...

snatch the victory

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

donald tRump had a team of butt wipers and diaper changers when he pretended to be a successful entrepreneur on "The Apprentice".

Thersites said...

He sure fired Hillary. :)

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Be serious. Hillary hired him to destroy the Republican Party.

Thersites said...

Mission accomplished for him, but not her, then.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Really? Any possible hint of trying Hillary Clinton for any crime she may have committed was promptly squashed by her boy Trump's Justice Department. They even exonerated her for good measure. He even had Jeffery Epstein and Whitey Bulger taken out lest they expose the Clinton -Trump plan to destroy America.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

There is and has never been any Clinton plan to destroy America. The plan to destroy America is 100 percent tRump's plan.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

And don't let Hillary Clinton tell you otherwise! Trump's plan to destroy America was YUGE! Hillary was never going to get it done keeping Russia out of Syria and the Taliban out of Afghanistan. She might have even stopped the Russians from funding the Taliban. What kind of shit is that?

Donald Trump's efforts to destroy America are unfairly characterized as novice stupidity when they were deliberate and well- executed and it's high time we recognized Trump as a genius out to kill us all.