Friday, January 24, 2025

On the Constitutional Abuse of J6 Prisoners by the Biden DoJ and DC Pols


Anonymous said...

That Pastor Bishop whatever her title his yesterday said to President Trump.
President Trump there are gay and lesbian children and transgender children in this country that are hurting. They are scared. Now when I think of children I think ranging from maybe 4 to 10 years old. Before that they getting out of the Baby stage after they are getting into Preteens. Things are starting to change in their bodies. They really need their parents and older siblings then. Before that they kids running around being kids. Referring to a child as a lesbian or gay or trans you should be thrown in jail for exploitation of a child. That woman is one of the most sick disgusting people I’ve ever seen. They were praising her all over the view and these other shows. That woman is not a Bishop or Pastor she is a nut job I wouldn’t allow her near my child or my grandchildren.

n case you missed it, President Trump is slamming Episcopal Bishop Marian Budde who asked him - from the pulpit - to have mercy on immigrants and the LGBTQ+ community. Fox News reports Catholic Vote, a self-described CATHOLIC organization, as saying this in support of Mr. Trump: "Catholic Vote, a conservative nonprofit, added on X, "Liberal Protestant Pastor Mariann Edgar Budde blindsides Trump and Vance, weaponizing her sermon to attack them in front of their families by saying they should ‘have mercy’ on gay, lesbian, and transgender children. Unbelievable." Every Catholic Christian, in fact, all Christians should weep that a Catholic organization denounced a bishop for asking the most powerful man in the world to have mercy on the powerless. Read Matthew 9:13: "Go and learn the meaning of the words, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’
’ve honestly never heard ANYTHING more absurd in church!!! Seriously. This “pastor” needs to TURN OFF CNN and PRAY!
Vance and Trump's reactions to sermon calling to “protect scared gay, lesbian, and trans children, as well as illegals who pick our crops and clean our offices.”

Pres. Trump went to a church in DC today to thank God for everything that's happened, but the person who called herself a pastor of that church (which isn't Biblical anyway) was telling him to leave alone the gay and lesbian people.. and the people coming across the southern border.illegally . this person was speaking out of her own mind and not what the Bible says.. he should never go back to that place... you don't go to a church like that, you go to a church that preaches out of the the Bible ! the book of Revelation speaks about the last days; that there will be churches like this..churches not preaching from the Bible's really sad
That lesbian lady pastor who begged Trump was an abomination.She is against God.I wouldn't even call that a church.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a activist, female, lesbian, bishop giving you her politics from the pulpit. POTUS should have walked out. These mentally ill people are planted everywhere in normal society.
Bishop Budde (if you even wish to call her that) proved at the inaugural prayer service why mainline denominations are failing in America. While they attempt to “pluck” people off the margins, they push others out there. She grandstanded her own feelings rather than preaching with the power of the Holy Spirit. She named “gay, lesbian, and trans children.” She also mentioned “ILLEGAL immigrants.” But never mentioned once the children or the innocent’s who have been murdered by those illegal immigrants. If you want to be an all inclusive pastor that includes those who you don’t see eye to eye with. I didn’t see her share love with the President, instead shame and reproach and a call to have mercy on those who fit her political agenda. Shameful!
Bishop Budde (if you even wish to call her that) proved at the inaugural prayer service why mainline denominations are failing in America. While they attempt to “pluck” people off the margins, they push others out there. She grandstanded her own feelings rather than preaching with the power of the Holy Spirit. She named “gay, lesbian, and trans children.” She also mentioned “ILLEGAL immigrants.” But never mentioned once the children or the innocent’s who have been murdered by those illegal immigrants. If you want to be an all inclusive pastor that includes those who you don’t see eye to eye with. I didn’t see her share love with the President, instead shame and reproach and a call to have mercy on those who fit her political agenda. She was absolutely Shameful!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...but she is apparently very good at instilling white-liberal guilt-pride. I wouldn't ever attend her 'services'. I don't need white-liberal guilt-pride.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

BOO HOO! Poor insurrectionists!

Is donald trump for prison reform now? Prisoners being mistreated isn't anything new or unique to the Biden administration. It's an ongoing problem that donald trump will do nothing about. Give me a break.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I have a feeling that a large number of DoJ prosecutors will soon be heading to the unemployment line.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and the remaining will be filing indictments against them.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: I have a feeling that a large number of DoJ prosecutors will soon be heading to the unemployment line.

I have a feeling there are positions at private law firms available if they want them. Prosecuting J6 insurrectionists is something a person could proudly place on their resume.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Copilot: It's highly unlikely that DOJ lawyers who participated in the prosecutions of January 6 defendants would be charged with crimes themselves. The Department of Justice (DOJ) operates under strict legal and ethical guidelines, and its lawyers are expected to follow these standards in their work. The prosecutions of January 6 defendants were based on evidence and legal procedures.

While President Donald Trump has issued pardons for many of the January 6 defendants, this does not imply that the DOJ lawyers acted unlawfully in prosecuting those cases. Pardons are a presidential power and do not necessarily reflect on the legality or appropriateness of the original prosecutions. [end copilot response].

Perhaps many wrongful termination lawsuits are coming?

FYI, "the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) has the authority to review and potentially void personnel actions, including terminations, if they are found to violate merit system principles or other laws, rules, or regulations. The MSPB can order corrective actions, such as reinstatement of the employee, back pay, and other remedies if it determines that a wrongful termination occurred".

Meaning... donald trump can TRY to fire DOJ lawyers that prosecuted J6 defendants. That does not mean the firings will be successful.

Joe Conservative said...

. The Department of Justice (DOJ) operates under strict legal and ethical guidelines, and its lawyers are expected to follow these standards in their work.

Which is precisely why they'll also be disbarred and never allowed to practice law again.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Sec. 2. Policy. It is the policy of the United States to identify and take appropriate action to correct past misconduct by the Federal Government related to the weaponization of law enforcement and the weaponization of the Intelligence Community.

Sec. 3. Ending the Weaponization of the Federal Government. (a) The Attorney General, in consultation with the heads of all departments and agencies of the United States, shall take appropriate action to review the activities of all departments and agencies exercising civil or criminal enforcement authority of the United States, including, but not limited to, the Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Federal Trade Commission, over the last 4 years and identify any instances where a department’s or agency’s conduct appears to have been contrary to the purposes and policies of this order, and prepare a report to be submitted to the President, through the Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy and the Counsel to the President, with recommendations for appropriate remedial actions to be taken to fulfill the purposes and policies of this order.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Copilot: It's highly unlikely that DOJ lawyers who participated in the prosecutions of January 6 defendants will be disbarred for misconduct based on the executive order "Ending the Weaponization of the Federal Government". The executive order directs the Attorney General to review the activities of federal departments and agencies over the past four years and identify any instances of misconduct. However, this does not automatically imply that DOJ lawyers will be disbarred.

Disbarment is a serious action that requires substantial evidence of professional misconduct. It involves a thorough investigation and due process, typically conducted by state bar associations or other regulatory bodies. Simply participating in the prosecutions of January 6 defendants, which were based on evidence and legal procedures, is not sufficient grounds for disbarment. [end copilot response].

My official prophecy is that DOJ lawyers who participated in the lawful prosecutions of January 6 defendants will NOT be disbarred.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Is Co-pilot literate?

It involves a thorough investigation and due process...

Didn't it read Section 3? LOL! Or does the word "automatically" not register as a "mmmm, duh!" on your frontal lobes?

Joe Conservative said...

btw - Based on your lastest post at your website, when are you planning on storming the Capitol?

Rattrapper said...

Dervish lusts for queers. They're his kind of people.

Anonymous said...


Rattrapper said...

Dervish needs to find his JoeJoe Bidet chicken suit to storm the Capitol. Otherwise, the Presidential security detail will know it's Dervy, and not JoeJoe the mental midget Bidet who ran the country into the ground these past 4 years.

Joe Conservative said...

It won't do Dervy any good. Joe's already forgotten his own Presidency. Soon, we all will.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I hear that Joe just joined an historically black masonic lodge. He now believes HIMELF to be Corn Pop!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I'm sure you did hear that.

btw, what kind of an elf do you imagine Joe Biden to be? An elf such as one that lives at the North Pole and assists Santa? Or a LOTR elf like Legolas?

Joe Conservative said...

I musta dreamed it...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

That Joe Biden believes himself to be Corn Pop? Yes, I do think you might have dreamed that. Or been convinced it's real by a delusion. Or do you have a link that proves that is the case?

Joe Conservative said...

He was the only Lifeguard at a normally "black" pool in his Corn-Pop days... and now he's the only white dude in a normally black masonic temple.

Joe Conservative said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"...the claim that Joe Biden himself is Corn Pop seems to be a misunderstanding or a misinterpretation. The story, as told by Biden, involves a confrontation with a gang member named Corn Pop, whose real name was William L. Morris. Biden's account has been corroborated by some individuals who were familiar with the events and the people involved".

You support segregation and disapprove of Joe Biden associating with Black people?

Joe Conservative said...

I disapprove of whites adopting the cracker culture of ghettoized blacks. I kinda like the Prince Hall Masons. They were Ben Franklin's boys! :)