...the Chinese Perspective
Politics turned Parody from within a Conservative Bastion inside the People's Republic of Maryland

Thursday, October 31, 2024
The PA Fraud Olympics Have Begun!
Maine Doesn't Care Who Votes So Long as Democrats Win
Medicaid records obtained by the Maine Wire show noncitizens are registered to vote in Maine's elections -- and the total number of illegal votes could be large enough to tip congressional and even the presidential election
Maine’s top Democratic officials are declining to make any new efforts to secure Maine’s elections against non-citizen voting in the wake of an exclusive report from the Maine Wire showing that non-citizens are registered to vote in Maine.
The Maine Wire’s Oct. 10 report used leaked data from Medicaid, known in Maine as MaineCare, that showed the alien status of 18 individuals living in southern Maine and compared that data to voter registration information from the Maine Secretary of State’s office.
The resulting cross-check revealed that, of the 18 legal and illegal aliens, six were registered to vote and five had votes cast under their names since 2016.
Following the Maine Wire’s report, Maine Attorney General Aaron Frey (D) and Secretary of State Shenna Bellows (D) sent a letter to the Maine Wire asking the news outlet to turn over all records related to the report on non-citizen voting.
“The allegations in your article, if true, may constitute serious crimes under Maine law,” Frey and Bellows wrote in their Oct. 11 letter. The Constitutional Officers asked for copies of all identifying information on the six illegally registered non-citizens, as well as complete copies of the underlying whistleblower documents.
[RELATED: Exclusive: Records Show Votes Cast Under Names of Non-Citizens in Multiple Maine Elections Since 2016…]
Complying with such a request, however, would expose the whistleblower who turned over the original Medicaid records, and on that basis, the Maine Wire declined to provide the Attorney General and the Secretary of State with the information they requested.
The report also triggered a wave of letters from Republicans, including the Republican National Committee’s election integrity group and Maine Republican leaders, demanding that state officials conduct an investigation or implement new election safeguards.
In a second Oct. 18 letter to the Maine Wire, Attorney General Frey, writing without Bellows, narrowed the State’s request to only a list of names, dates of birth, and addresses for the non-citizen voters the Maine Wire identified as being illegally registered to vote.
Frey expressed frustration over the Maine Wire’s refusal, stating, “Our request is solely about protecting election integrity. We need the names to ensure no fraud was perpetrated on the public.”
Once again, the Maine Wire refused to comply with this request because the disclosure of any names could potentially allow the Maine Attorney General’s Office or the Maine Department of Health and Human Services to determine who might have leaked sensitive Medicaid records to the Maine Wire.One Maine media outlet (@WGME) has finally covered our report showing non-citizens have voted in Maine elections.
— The Maine Wire (@TheMaineWire) October 16, 2024
Still nothing from News Center Maine, BDN, PPH or anyone else. pic.twitter.com/qZQ3mjKixI
[RELATED: The Blob: Maine Wire Exposes Non-Citizen Voting and Election Vulnerabilities Created by Paroled Illegal Aliens…]
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, more commonly known as HIPAA, established stringent protections for sensitive medical records as well as harsh punishments for individuals who improperly leak or disclose medical records, such as Medicaid billing information. Those who violate HIPPA risk civil penalties of up to $50,000 per violation as well as incarceration.
In addition to protecting the sources that allowed the Maine Wire to confirm that a potentially large number of non-citizens are illegally registered to vote in Maine’s elections, the Maine Wire declined to release those records to the State in order to protect the identities of the non-citizens themselves.
The records obtained by the Maine Wire do not indicate how these non-citizens became illegally registered to vote or whether they themselves illegally cast ballots. However, details within the records—including medical information about the cognitive capacity of several of the illegally registered voters—suggest that a third party was most likely involved in helping the non-citizens illegally register to vote and potentially even fill out their ballots.
Since the initial report, the Maine Wire has taken steps to share access to redacted versions of the underlying records with two of Maine’s largest media outlets, including one major newspaper and one major television station, and neither outlet has been able to dispute the facts originally reported.
Furthermore, the Maine Wire has offered access to dozens of elected officials and candidates for the State Legislature, and those who have had the opportunity to review the records have reached the same shocking conclusion originally reported by the Maine Wire: Non-citizens are illegally registered to vote in Maine and votes have been cast illegally in their names since at least 2016.
“I’ve seen the records the Maine Wire used to show that non-citizens are registered to vote in Maine’s elections,” said Republican Senate Leader Trey Stewart (R-Aroostook).
“It’s clear that MaineCare beneficiaries with Alien Statuses other than ‘U.S. Citizen’ are registered to vote and votes have been cast under their names since 2016,” Stewart said.
“I’m disappointed that Gov. Mills, [Attorney General] Frey, and [Secretary of State] Bellows have decided to play politics rather than investigate seriously this clear and present threat to Maine’s elections,” he said. “Mainers deserve to know how and why illegal votes have been cast and counted in Maine’s elections.”
In response to the Maine Wire’s reporting, House Republican Leader Billy Bob Faulkingham (R-Winter Harbor) called on Bellows to conduct an investigation into how many non-citizen voters may be registered to vote in Maine and may be having votes cast in their names.
[RELATED: Maine Gov. Janet Mills’ Brother Helped Transfer Nine-Acre Black Market Cannabis Grow to Chinese National “Mother” Living in Guangdong Province…]
In his letter, Faulkingham suggested that Bellows compare Alien Status data from MaineCare to the voting rolls to quickly and easily identify the whole population of non-citizens who are registered to vote in Maine.
However, Bellows responded that doing so would constitution a violation of the laws governing the privacy of MaineCare data.
Faulkingham countered by sending an Oct. 21 letter to Mills asking that she instruct Department of Health and Human Services Commissioner Sarah Gagne-Holmes to use the voter file — which is available to members of the public willing to pay for it — to proceed with an investigation into non-citizen voting.
“We are calling on you as the Chief Executive Officer of Maine to instruct the Department of Health and Human Services to use all available resources to cross reference Maine’s Central Voter Registration (CVR) system with the alien statuses in MaineCare billing records in order to determine how many ineligible voters are in fact registered to vote,” wrote Faulkingham. “This process should protect a patient’s health information through [HIPPA], as no protected health conditions will be disclosed.”
“Through your direction, DHHS Commissioner Gagne-Holmes can easily produce a report that reveals how many ineligible voters are registered to vote, how often they have voted, and in what election years and jurisdictions,” Faulkingham said. “Once again, this process can inform state policymakers and election officials of possible electoral fraud without violating privacy laws.”
[RELATED: Trans Student Had History of Sexual Harassment Prior to Assault, Biting Attack That Left Maine Girl Concussed, Vision Impaired…]
“As lawmakers, we realize that this request will not fix the potential fraud in our system as that is the responsibility of the Secretary of State,” he said. “However, this information can provide the Maine people the insight into how comprehensive a problem we may have on our hands.”News Center Maine finally covers our reporting showing that votes have been cast in the names of non-citizens in Maine. pic.twitter.com/zgA6LzG382
— The Maine Wire (@TheMaineWire) October 22, 2024
Mills, who is currently serving her second term as governor, offered a response to Faulkingham in the form of a statement to News Center Maine (WCSH), a left-leaning local TV station based in Portland.
[RELATED: Mills Admin Discloses Payments to Press Herald for Publishing Positive Articles on Maine Public Schools, DOE Spending…]
“The Attorney General and the Secretary of State have requested information and records from the Maine Wire to investigate their allegations,” Mills said.
“The Maine Wire has thus far declined. As Secretary Bellows has said, if the Maine Wire wants to help ensure the integrity of Maine’s elections, they would need to respond differently to that request,” said Mills.
Despite the requests from Mills, Frey, and Bellows, the Maine Wire continues to decline to provide information to the State that would allow investigators to identify a whistleblower and potentially prosecute non-citizens who may in fact be victims of identity theft.
Contrary to Mills’ assertion, the Maine Wire’s cooperation is not necessary to investigate the scope of illegal alien and legal alien voting in Maine’s elections because all of the records underlying the reporting are already in the government’s possession.
Although the Maine Wire’s reporting has, thus far, only identified six non-citizens who are illegally registered to vote, and five who have had ballots cast illegally under their names, the full scope of illegal non-citizen voting in Maine’s elections could be massive — large enough, even, to provide the margin of victory in some races.
The non-random sample size obtained by the Maine Wire included 18 non-citizens, including both legal aliens and illegal aliens, all of whom are legally prohibited from voting as they are not natural born U.S. citizens or naturalized U.S. citizens. Of that sample, six were illegally registered to vote, according to the Secretary of State’s records, meaning 33 percent of the sample.
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According to the Maine Immigrant Rights Coalition (MIRC), a 501(c)3 nonprofit that helps migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers navigate life in Maine, the total population of noncitizens residing in the Pine Tree State is more than 87,000.
If 65,000 to 75,000 of those individuals are above the voting age of 18, and if the percentage of illegally registered non-citizens from the Maine Wire’s limited sample size is accurate at such a scale, then Maine could potentially have anywhere from 20,000 to 25,000 ineligible non-citizen voters registered to vote in its elections.
The extent to which non-citizen ballots are illegally entering Maine’s elections — whether it’s 600, 6,000, 16,000 or more — is a question that could have vast implications for Maine’s most recent elections, as well as the state’s future elections.
At the state level, illegal ballots cast by non-citizens or in the names of non-citizens could easily provide the margin of victory for State House of Representatives and State Senate elections. Those illegally cast votes could even be large enough to sway state legislative races so as to alter the balance of partisan power at the State House in Augusta.
In 2022, for example, Sen. Tim Nangle (D-Cumberland) won his race against Republican Gary Plummer by 346 votes. Similarly, the 2022 race for State House District 143 between Rep. Ann Marie Fredericks (R-Sanford) and Democrat Wesley Davie was decided by just 178 votes. In another nearby race, Rep. Anne-Marie Mastraccio (D-Sanford) beat Republican Pamela Buck by just 199 votes.
At the federal level, the scope of non-citizen voting in Maine could even have ramifications for the composition of the U.S. Congress.
Former Republican U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin lost his 2018 re-election fight against Democratic U.S. Rep. Jared Golden by less than 4,000 votes when the ranked-choice voting tabulations were finished. Given the large number of non-citizens known to reside in the CD-2 cities of Lewiston and Auburn, Maine’s second and fifth largest cities by population, the number of non-citizen votes could have easily surpassed Golden’s margin of victory in that race.
The same illegal votes impacting congressional elections in northern Maine could also tip the scales in the most important of all elections: the presidential election.
If non-citizens in the Lewiston-Auburn are are registered to vote in large enough numbers, then those ineligible votes could decide which presidential candidate earns the Electoral College vote from Maine’s Second Congressional District.
When former Republican President Donald Trump ran for re-election against then-Vice President Joe Biden, he won the Electoral College vote by 22,396 ballots. However, in his first election against Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Trump only won the northern congressional district by 14,582 votes.
All of these scenarios are hypotheticals, however, until the state of Maine conducts an investigation to determine precisely how many non-citizens are registered to in Maine and how many times ballots have been illegally cast under their names.
Based on the MainCare records obtained by the Maine Wire and the Central Voter Registration system maintained by the Secretary of State, it’s clear that the number is at least six votes and potentially as many as 25,000.
Who Is Registering Non-Citizens to Vote?
The Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 prevents any state from removing voters from the voting rolls within 90 days of an election. That’s part of the reason why U.S. District Judge Patricia Tolliver Giles, a Biden appointee, on Friday reversed an effort by the Commonwealth of Virginia to remove alleged noncitizens from its list of registered voters. Those same rules apply to Maine, meaning that even registered voters identified as “2-Legal Alien” and “3-Other” in state Medicaid records could not legally be removed from the voter rolls.
However, some Republican elected officials are looking forward to the coming legislative session with eye toward fixing vulnerabilities in Maine’s election rules as well as investigating how noncitizens became registered to vote in the first place.
“The details of the MaineCare records that the Maine Wire shared with me make it clear that non-citizens are registered to vote in Maine elections. However, the records also suggest that a third party is somehow inducing or encouraging these foreign nationals to violate American election laws,” Rep. Mike Soboleski (R-Phillips) told the Maine Wire in a written statement.
“It’s important that we clear the voting rolls of ineligible voters and install election integrity measures, like Voter ID. But we must also investigate whether NGOs, political activists, or foreign organizations have facilitated this illegal behavior to influence Maine’s elections,” Soboleski said.
[RELATED: South Portland to Spend $1 million+ Helping Migrants Pay Rent, Buy Food — While Recommending Seniors Reverse Mortgage Homes to Pay Taxes…]
Under Maine law (21-A M.R.S. §33), the Attorney General is specifically authorized by the State Legislature to investigate alleged violations of Maine’s election laws.
Although Maine’s current Attorney General, Aaron Frey, has signalled an interest in prosecuting the individuals identified by the Maine Wire’s reporting, he has not indicated any intention to investigate whether third-party political activists or paid canvassers have played a role in getting legal or illegal aliens registered to vote.
In December, Maine’s State Senate and House of Representatives will form a unicameral body to elect by majority vote new constitutional officers, including, potentially, replacements for both Frey and Bellows.
Looming large over the scramble to earn those legislative appointments will be the matter of noncitizen voting and whether noncitizens have become registered to vote in Maine through a coordinated or planned effort.
The records show some noncitizens registered to vote in Maine have severe medical conditions and intellectual disabilities. When coupled with a total lack of English speaking ability, those medical conditions make it unlikely that the individuals registered or voted independently or knowingly.
“If any person or group exploited migrant populations for political advantage, they must be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law,” he said. “Priority number one for Maine’s next Attorney General should be a thorough investigation into these election crimes.”
How Are Noncitizens Registering to Vote
Amid the flurry of letters exchanged between and among the Maine Wire, the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, and several Republican leaders, there has been great disagreement how the state should respond to reports of noncitizen voting in Maine.
However, no public official has disputed that it’s entirely possible — and indeed, easy — for a noncitizen to become registered to vote, either wittingly or unwittingly.
While only U.S. citizens are legally permitted to vote in federal, state, and local elections, Maine does not require voter ID at the polls.
Rather than prove U.S. citizenship, and therefore eligibility to legally vote in elections, residents of Maine are asked to sign a form confirming that they are eligible to vote.
This signing may or may not take place in the presence of a qualified translator who understand election laws and appropriately advises their noncitizen clients.
In at least one instance reported by the Maine Wire, a woman who entered the U.S. illegally and applied for asylum status was offered voter registration paper work by a Maine welfare clerk.
According to Doris Rodriguez, a Spanish-language interpreter who helps asylum seekers obtain welfare benefits, she witnessed a Portland DHHS worker attempt to give a Venezuelan asylum seeker voter registration paperwork.
The Venezuelan woman had applied for benefits using a returned I-589 request for asylum, which was a clear indication that she was a paroled illegal alien — not a U.S. citizen or a naturalized U.S. citizen.
That means the welfare clerk should have known that the asylum seeker was ineligible to vote and that helping her register to vote would jeopardize her asylum claim.
“I said, ‘What do you mean? She can’t vote. She’s here illegally,’” said Rodriguez.
“I told them she can’t vote—she’s not a U.S. citizen. Offering her that form was setting her up for deportation,” said Rodriguez.
“I said, ‘Why would you ask her that?’ I mean, if she votes, she goes to prison. It’s a federal offense,” said Rodriguez.
“[S]he kind of looked down at the paper and she said, ‘Well, that’s what I was told to do, to ask,’ you know,” she said.
“She said that she was told by the head of by DHHS to ask the clients that are requesting benefits if they want to register to vote, even if they’re not legal citizens,” said Rodriguez.
A spokesperson from DHHS did not reply to questions about why DHHS welfare clerks would offer voter registration forms to noncitizens.
'Accidental' Evidence of Ballot Harvesting Operation in Washington State @@
Jim Hoft, "Washington Woman Shocked to Find 16 Ballots for Different Names Sent to Her New Apartment"BREAKING: Washington woman has received 16 ballots at her apartment, each addressed to a different name but with her apartment number.
— I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 (@ImMeme0) October 30, 2024
Despite her two-bedroom apartment being vacant for months and not receiving any other mail for previous tenants, the only mail she received was… pic.twitter.com/iDQR29kS90
A Washington woman was stunned to discover 16 unopened ballots addressed to different names, flooding her mailbox just days before the critical Election Day.
Jami Visaya, who moved into her new Bellevue apartment in early October, received the ballots that raised immediate red flags about the reliability of Washington’s mail-in voting system.
“I was in complete shock,” Visaya told KING 5. Moving in with her son only four weeks ago, she never anticipated the heap of ballots, all with unfamiliar names, being sent to her new address.
The issue emerged with the first wave of nine ballots, which Visaya attempted to return to the USPS for proper handling.
“There were about nine voter registration ballots that were not mine. They were addressed to other people, and so I thought that was strange, so I ended up returning them to the post office here.”
“[I] said, ‘Can you please make sure that these get to who they’re going to?’ And he just said he had a process that the post office follows,” she said.
Days later, another seven ballots, also addressed to unknown individuals, arrived. With her ballot now surrounded by others with last names indicating possibly “Indian descent and possibly Middle Eastern,” Visaya found herself grappling with whether Washington’s vote-by-mail system is prepared to protect the integrity of every vote.
“I feel like it’s not fair for these individuals who do not have their ballot,” she said, and pointedly added her concern about the election’s integrity as a whole.
When KING 5 News reached out to the King County Elections Office, Chief of Staff Kendall LeVan Hodson suggested the ballots could have been meant for previous tenants who hadn’t updated their addresses.
But this reasoning fell short as Visaya noted that her building management confirmed no one had lived in the unit for at least three months prior to her move-in.
In a phone call arranged by KING 5, Visaya confronted Hodson, stating, “In 30 years of voting, I’ve never had that many ballots that don’t belong to me, you know?”
KIRO 7 also reported on this alarming incident:
Visaya returned them to the King County Election office which is working to find the status and location of the people whose names are on the envelopes.
“We won’t know until we get into the weeds a little bit but we should be able to figure out what the story is and they ended up going to places when they should have been going to somewhere else,” said Kendall Hodson, the King County Elections Chief of Staff.
If they find the voters moved, they will try to get them replacement ballots by November 5. If they show up on another state’s voter rolls, they will be removed from Washington’s. Jami said she has voted without issue and hopes the people who don’t have their ballots can make their voices heard.
“My real hope is that they somehow find their way to their owner,” Visaya said.
Hodson wasn’t surprised this happened at an apartment complex but says 16 ballots is more than what usually gets reported.
“If you don’t update your mailing address when you move, we’re still going to mail that ballot to your old house and that’s totally fine,” Hodson said.
If someone more nefarious than Visaya tried to fill out the ballots, Hodson said the unique bar code would have verified if the voter was registered, caught if the real voter had already voted and signature verification would catch a fraudulent signature.
“We’re not going to even open that ballot until we’ve done those three things to confirm that they are able to vote,” Hodson said.
Georgia's Baked-in AI Election Coup d'etat
We now have proof that the Georgia State Board of Elections (SBOE) creates illegal cloned voter IDs in the thousands, capable of being activated to create certifiable voters in an election fraud scheme consistent with embedding cryptographic codes in SBOE voter registration databases. As reported on our website, GodsFiveStones.com, Andrew Paquette, Ph.D., discovered these algorithms in New York, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Arizona and will report on New Jersey, Texas, and Hawaii.
A group known as theGANerds_Real on “X” (“The Georgia Nerds”), headed by Kim P. Brooks, has published a series of podcasts on Rumble documenting how the Georgia SBOE has been creating and voting illegally cloned records. Because the Georgia SBOE gives the illegitimate clone voters legitimate Georgia SBOE ID numbers, the cloned votes are certifiable.
Clone voter records duplicate voter records with different SBOE voter IDs copied from an authentic original voter ID. The original voter IDs come from a combination of deceased voters, voters who have moved from the state, voters who have been “inactive” (i.e., not voting for several years), and felons.
The state ID numbers of the illegally cloned records are typically removed from the Georgia SBOE voter registration database once the fraudulent vote has been counted. Illegally cloned records appear legitimate until you search the SBOE databases, past and present, to see if any other voters with the same name and database appear with different state voter IDs.
Election fraud is a systemic scheme to defraud voter integrity conducted by a criminal group that, in Georgia, appears to have access to the computers on which the Georgia SBOE voter registration database resides. We define voter fraud to mean when an individual voter casts a ballot (or multiple ballots) illegally.
While Paquette has yet to analyze the Georgia SBOE voter registration file mathematically for cryptographic algorithms similar to those found in the other states, the Georgia Nerds have discovered a pattern of voter record manipulation consistent with the previously found algorithms. The massive scale and complicated mechanics of illegal clone voting in Georgia would be nearly impossible to operate clandestinely without embedding complicated cryptographic algorithms in the Georgia SBOE voter registration database.
In a recent video, the Georgia Nerds disclosed a list of over three thousand absentee votes cast by voters who are not in the Georgia SBOE voter registration database. Voting without being registered is prima facia evidence of election fraud. The Georgia Nerds found the illegal three thousand absentee votes by comparing the Georgia SBOE absentee voter file with the Georgia SBOE voter history file and a current October voter role. As documented in the same video, the Georgia Nerds found over 8,700 non-reconciled votes in Georgia in the 2020 election that were credited via absentee voting but are not in the absentee file.
Among the three thousand illegal absentee votes, the majority suggested that the voter had voted “early in person” rather than through an absentee ballot. Conceivably, none of the absentee ballots found among these three thousand illegal votes were mailed, just as none of the “early in person” votes existed. With illegal clone votes that are ultimately disposed into purged or inactive records, the election fraud may have been committed entirely within the Georgia SBOE computer.
Given that the cryptographic algorithms that Paquette has found so far are of intelligence agency complexity, it is conceivable that the criminals may have accessed the Georgia SBOE computers from the outside. However, it strains credibility to believe the massive volume of illegal voting activity could be successfully conducted without the collaboration of SBOE employees or the Georgia Secretary of State.
Kim Brooks explained in a recent video how the Georgia Nerds had found a case in which the Georgia Secretary of State had not removed duplicate votes, as required by the Help America Vote Act (HAVA, 15483 Sec. 303 (a)(2)(B)(iii)). Instead, the Georgia SBOE (or the criminals operating the algorithms) created them purposefully, but only after the original voter ID was canceled and removed from the SBOE voter registration. Once the clone ID was voted, the original ID was canceled, only to be reinstated and voted—a legerdemain database manipulation that doubled-voted both the clone and the original voter ID.
The Georgia nerds had previously documented this double-voting phenomenon, but they’d previously seen it only in the Georgia SBOE list of deceased voters, not in living voters’ files. In this case, the cloned voter showed up in the voter history file as having voted. Kin Brooks explained that the voter involved in this clone-voter scam was most likely a resident of South Carolina.
The Georgia Nerds have demonstrated that 24,000 old, purged voter records were subsequently poured back into the Georgia SBOE database of active voters. They also established that the number of purge voters restored into the Georgia SBOE database of active voters was in excess of 50,000.
Kim Brooks pointed out that Georgia law requires that a voter who has failed to vote and with whom there has been no contact in five years must be placed on the inactive voter list (Georgia Code Section 21-2-234). A voter is removed from the inactive list if there is no contact in the subsequent two November general elections (Georgia Code Section 21-2-235). Brooks claims the reinsertion of inactive voters into the active voter’s registration list appears to be “sheer criminal manipulation, padding the voter role with inappropriate phantoms to steal the 2024 election.”
In effect, the Georgia SBOE has two voter registration databases—one legal and the other illegal. However, maintaining a double voter registration risks detection. Thus, a system of cryptographic code algorithms must be embedded in the SBOE computers to allow criminals operating the illegal voting the ability to hide the illegally created votes until needed.
Retrieving the hidden votes for use demands a cryptographic scheme of intelligence-agency complexity because the algorithms that hid the illegal votes must be reversed to find them for use. In effect, the hidden illegal votes receive an algorithm locator number known only to the criminals.
The Georgia Nerds have proven that an SBOE cannot conduct (or be victim to) an election fraud scheme on a massive scale without data encryption, and encryption involves the intellectual and financial resources generally beyond state government capabilities. At the same time, utilizing election fraud on the scale evident in Georgia could not be accomplished without the knowledge and protection of state and federal government authorities, a compliant press, and a politically biased judiciary willing to disregard the requirements of state and federal election laws.
Election fraud of the magnitude the Georgia Nerds uncovered demands criminal charges, possibly reaching state and federal election officials who knowledgeably advanced schemes to deny citizens their Fourteenth Amendment franchise rights and manipulate elections that amount to nothing more than a treasonous coup d’état.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
The Steal in Michigan in Full Swing...
After reviewing the Qualified Voter File (QVF) of votes actually cast as of yesterday, Oct 29, 2024, the database identifies 114,545 Michigan voters who have cast 279,113 ballots from multiple addresses across the state. This results in 164,568 excess ballots as of 10/29/2024.… pic.twitter.com/AJjsB7yVkK
— Matthew S. DePerno, Esq. (@mdeperno) October 30, 2024
🚨 NEW: Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson says there is a “NATIONWIDE ISSUE with Dominion Voter Access Terminals,” preventing voters from making certain selections.
— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) October 30, 2024
Of course there is 🙄
According to her office, this “programming issue” CANNOT be fixed, and voters are… pic.twitter.com/O6HPChDMbK
Has the US Become the USSR?
Bari here.
In the early days of The Free Press, I put together a fantasy roster. Niall Ferguson was at the top of it. Today, I am thrilled to announce that Niall is joining The Free Press as a biweekly columnist.
Niall’s résumé is a little much. He has two degrees from Oxford and has taught there as well as at Cambridge, NYU, the London School of Economics, and Harvard. He’s now a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution.
Given the present state of many of those institutions, you might dismiss Niall as an establishment hack who shapes history to serve the acceptable narrative.
That isn’t Niall. Unlike so many of the excellent sheep that enjoy tenure in academe, Niall thinks for himself, a quality you can see on display in any one of his 16 books (and counting), including The Pity of War: Explaining World War I; Kissinger: 1923–1968: The Idealist (part one of a two-part biography); The Square and the Tower; and, most recently, Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe.
For this incredible body of work, King Charles just knighted Niall a few days ago.
In recent years, Niall has been one of the most thoughtful and intellectually honest voices in the cultural battle that has engulfed America’s most storied institutions—including academia. In an epochal essay he published this past December in The Free Press, “The Treason of the Intellectuals,” he argued that “American academia has gone in the opposite political direction—leftward instead of rightward—but has ended up in much the same place” as German academia pre–World War II. “The question is whether we—unlike the Germans—can do something about it.”
Niall is doing something. He is one of the founders of the new University of Austin, where I sit on the board alongside him and where, this fall, we will welcome the university’s first class.
Oh, and did I mention that he’s married to Ayaan Hirsi Ali? In journalism we call that burying the lede.
Sir Niall’s first column is just below. —BW
Niall Ferguson: "We’re All Soviets Now"A government with a permanent deficit and a bloated military. A bogus ideology pushed by elites. Poor health among ordinary people. Senescent leaders. Sound familiar?
The witty phrase “late Soviet America” was coined by the Princeton historian Harold James back in 2020. It has only become more apposite since then as the cold war we’re in—the second one—heats up.
I first pointed out that we’re in Cold War II back in 2018. In articles for The New York Times and National Review, I tried to show how the People’s Republic of China now occupies the space vacated by the Soviet Union when it collapsed in 1991.
This view is less controversial now than it was then. China is clearly not only an ideological rival, firmly committed to Marxism-Leninism and one-party rule. It’s also a technological competitor—the only one the U.S. confronts in fields such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing. It’s a military rival, with a navy that is already larger than ours and a nuclear arsenal that is catching up fast. And it’s a geopolitical rival, asserting itself not only in the Indo-Pacific but also through proxies in Eastern Europe and elsewhere.
But it only recently struck me that in this new Cold War, we—and not the Chinese—might be the Soviets. It’s a bit like that moment when the British comedians David Mitchell and Robert Webb, playing Waffen-SS officers toward the end of World War II, ask the immortal question: “Are we the baddies?”
I imagine two American sailors asking themselves one day—perhaps as their aircraft carrier is sinking beneath their feet somewhere near the Taiwan Strait: Are we the Soviets?
Yes, I know what you are going to say.
There is a world of difference between the dysfunctional planned economy that Stalin built and bequeathed his heirs, which collapsed as soon as Mikhail Gorbachev tried to reform it, and the dynamic market economy that we Americans take pride in.
The Soviet system squandered resources and all but guaranteed shortages of consumer goods. The Soviet healthcare system was crippled by dilapidated hospitals and chronic shortages of equipment. There was grinding poverty, hunger, and child labor.
In America today, such conditions exist only in the bottom quintile of the economic distribution—though the extent to which they do exist is truly appalling. Infant mortality in the late Soviet Union was around 25 per 1,000. The figure for the U.S. in 2021 was 5.4, but for single mothers in the Mississippi Delta or Appalachia it is 13 per 1,000.
The comparison to the Soviet Union, you might argue, is nevertheless risible.
Take a closer look.
A chronic “soft budget constraint” in the public sector, which was a key weakness of the Soviet system? I see a version of that in the U.S. deficits forecast by the Congressional Budget Office to exceed 5 percent of GDP for the foreseeable future, and to rise inexorably to 8.5 percent by 2054. The insertion of the central government into the investment decision-making process? I see that too, despite the hype around the Biden administration’s “industrial policy.”
Economists keep promising us a productivity miracle from information technology, most recently AI. But the annual average growth rate of productivity in the U.S. nonfarm business sector has been stuck at just 1.5 percent since 2007, only marginally better than the dismal years 1973–1980.
The U.S. economy might be the envy of the rest of the world today, but recall how American experts overrated the Soviet economy in the 1970s and 1980s.
And yet, you insist, the Soviet Union was a sick man more than it was a superpower, whereas the United States has no equal in the realm of military technology and firepower.
Actually, no.
We have a military that is simultaneously expensive and unequal to the tasks it confronts, as Senator Roger Wicker’s newly published report makes clear. As I read Wicker’s report—and I recommend you do the same—I kept thinking of what successive Soviet leaders said until the bitter end: that the Red Army was the biggest and therefore most lethal military in the world.
On paper, it was. But paper was what the Soviet bear turned out to be made of. It could not even win a war in Afghanistan, despite ten years of death and destruction. (Now, why does that sound familiar?)
On paper, the U.S. defense budget does indeed exceed those of all the other members of NATO put together. But what does that defense budget actually buy us? As Wicker argues, not nearly enough to contend with the “Coalition Against Democracy” that China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea have been aggressively building.
In Wicker’s words, “America’s military has a lack of modern equipment, a paucity of training and maintenance funding, and a massive infrastructure backlog. . . . it is stretched too thin and outfitted too poorly to meet all the missions assigned to it at a reasonable level of risk. Our adversaries recognize this, and it makes them more adventurous and aggressive.”
And, as I have pointed out elsewhere, the federal government will almost certainly spend more on debt service than on defense this year.
It gets worse.
According to the CBO, the share of gross domestic product going on interest payments on the federal debt will be double what we spend on national security by 2041, thanks partly to the fact that the rising cost of the debt will squeeze defense spending down from 3 percent of GDP this year to a projected 2.3 percent in 30 years’ time. This decline makes no sense at a time when the threats posed by the new Chinese-led Axis are manifestly growing.
Even more striking to me are the political, social, and cultural resemblances I detect between the U.S. and the USSR. Gerontocratic leadership was one of the hallmarks of late Soviet leadership, personified by the senility of Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov, and Konstantin Chernenko.
But by current American standards, the later Soviet leaders were not old men. Brezhnev was 75 when he died in 1982, but he had suffered his first major stroke seven years before. Andropov was only 68 when he succeeded Brezhnev, but he suffered total kidney failure just a few months after taking over. Chernenko was 72 when he came to power. He was already a hopeless invalid, suffering from emphysema, heart failure, bronchitis, pleurisy, and pneumonia.
It is a reflection of the quality of healthcare enjoyed by their American counterparts today that they are both older and healthier. Nevertheless, Joe Biden (81) and Donald Trump (78) are hardly men in the first flush of youth and vitality, as The Wall Street Journal recently made cringe-inducingly clear. The former cannot distinguish between his two Hispanic cabinet secretaries, Alejandro Mayorkas and Xavier Becerra. The latter muddles up Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi. If Kamala Harris has never watched The Death of Stalin, it’s not too late.
Another notable feature of late Soviet life was total public cynicism about nearly all institutions. Leon Aron’s brilliant book Roads to the Temple shows just how wretched life in the 1980s had become.
In the great “return to truth” unleashed by Gorbachev’s policy of glasnost, Soviet citizens were able to pour forth their discontents in letters to a suddenly free press. Some of what they wrote about was specific to the Soviet context—in particular, the revelations about the realities of Soviet history, especially the crimes of the Stalin era. But to reread Russians’ complaints about their lives in the 1980s is to come across more than a few eerie foreshadowings of the American present.
In a letter to Komsomolskaya Pravda from 1990, for example, a reader decried the “ghastly and tragic. . . loss of morality by a huge number of people living within the borders of the USSR.” Symptoms of moral debility included apathy and hypocrisy, cynicism, servility, and snitching. The entire country, he wrote, was suffocating in a “miasma of bare-faced and ceaseless public lies and demagoguery.” By July 1988, 44 percent of people polled by Moskovskie novosti felt that theirs was an “unjust society.”
Look at the most recent Gallup surveys of American opinion and one finds a similar disillusionment. The share of the public that has confidence in the Supreme Court, the banks, public schools, the presidency, large technology companies, and organized labor is somewhere between 25 percent and 27 percent. For newspapers, the criminal justice system, television news, big business, and Congress, it’s below 20 percent. For Congress, it’s 8 percent. Average confidence in major institutions is roughly half what it was in 1979.
It is now well known that younger Americans are suffering an epidemic of mental ill health—blamed by Jon Haidt and others on smartphones and social media—while older Americans are succumbing to “deaths of despair,” a phrase made famous by Anne Case and Angus Deaton. And while Case and Deaton focused on the surge in deaths of despair among white, middle-aged Americans—their work became the social-science complement to J.D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy—more recent research shows that African Americans have caught up with their white contemporaries when it comes to overdose deaths. In 2022 alone, more Americans died of fentanyl overdoses than were killed in three major wars: Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
The recent data on American mortality are shocking. Life expectancy has declined in the past decade in a way we do not see in comparable developed countries. The main explanations, according to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, are a striking increase in deaths due to drug overdoses, alcohol abuse, and suicide, and a rise in various diseases associated with obesity. To be precise, between 1990 and 2017 drugs and alcohol were responsible for more than 1.3 million deaths among the working-age population (aged 25 to 64). Suicide accounted for 569,099 deaths—again of working-age Americans—over the same period. Metabolic and cardiac causes of death such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and coronary heart disease also surged in tandem with obesity.
This reversal of life expectancy simply isn’t happening in other developed countries.
Peter Sterling and Michael L. Platt argue in a recent paper that this is because West European countries, along with the United Kingdom and Australia, do more to “provide communal assistance at every stage [of life], thus facilitating diverse paths forward and protecting individuals and families from despair.” In the United States, by contrast, “Every symptom of despair has been defined as a disorder or dysregulation within the individual. This incorrectly frames the problem, forcing individuals to grapple on their own,” they write. “It also emphasizes treatment by pharmacology, providing innumerable drugs for anxiety, depression, anger, psychosis, and obesity, plus new drugs to treat addictions to the old drugs.”
Obese? Try Ozempic.
The mass self-destruction of Americans captured in the phrase deaths of despair for years has been ringing a faint bell in my head. This week I remembered where I had seen it before: in late Soviet and post–Soviet Russia. While male life expectancy improved in all Western countries in the late twentieth century, in the Soviet Union it began to decline after 1965, rallied briefly in the mid-1980s, and then fell off a cliff in the early 1990s, slumping again after the 1998 financial crisis. The death rate among Russian men aged 35 to 44, for example, more than doubled between 1989 and 1994.
The explanation is as clear as Stolichnaya. In July 1994, two Russian scholars, Alexander Nemtsov and Vladimir Shkolnikov, published an article in the national daily newspaper Izvestia with the memorable title “To Live or to Drink?” Nemtsov and Shkolnikov demonstrated (in the words of a recent review article) “an almost perfect negative linear relationship between these two indicators.” All they were missing was a sequel—“To Live or to Smoke?”—as lung cancer was the other big reason Soviet men died young. A culture of binge drinking and chain-smoking was facilitated by the dirt-cheap prices of cigarettes under the Soviet regime and the dirt-cheap prices of alcohol after the collapse of communism.
The statistics are as shocking as the scenes I remember witnessing in Moscow and St. Petersburg in the late 1980s and early 1990s, which made even my native Glasgow seem abstemious. An analysis of 25,000 autopsies conducted in Siberia in 1990–2004 showed that 21 percent of adult male deaths due to cardiovascular disease involved lethal or near-lethal levels of ethanol in the blood. Smoking accounted for a staggering 26 percent of all male deaths in Russia in 2001. Suicides among men aged 50 to 54 reached 140 per 100,000 population in 1994—compared with 39.2 per 100,000 for non-Hispanic American men aged 45 to 54 in 2015. In other words, Case and Deaton’s deaths of despair are a kind of pale imitation of the Russian version 20 to 40 years ago.
The self-destruction of homo sovieticus was worse. And yet is not the resemblance to the self-destruction of homo americanus the really striking thing?
Of course, the two healthcare systems look superficially quite different. The Soviet system was just under-resourced. At the heart of the American healthcare disaster, by contrast, is a huge mismatch between expenditure—which is internationally unrivaled relative to GDP—and outcomes, which are terrible. But, like the Soviet system as a whole, the U.S. healthcare system has evolved so that a whole bunch of vested interests can extract rents. The bloated, dysfunctional bureaucracy, brilliantly parodied by South Park in a recent episode—is great for the nomenklatura, lousy for the proles.
Meanwhile, as in the late Soviet Union, the hillbillies—actually the working class and a goodly slice of the middle class, too—drink and drug themselves to death even as the political and cultural elite double down on a bizarre ideology that no one really believes in.
In the Soviet Union, the great lies were that the Party and the state existed to serve the interests of the workers and peasants, and that the United States and its allies were imperialists little better than the Nazis had been in “the great Patriotic War.” The truth was that the nomenklatura (i.e., the elite members) of the Party had rapidly formed a new class with its own often hereditary privileges, consigning the workers and peasants to poverty and servitude, while Stalin, who had started World War II on the same side as Hitler, utterly failed to foresee the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, and then became the most brutal imperialist in his own right.
The equivalent falsehoods in late Soviet America are that the institutions controlled by the (Democratic) Party—the federal bureaucracy, the universities, the major foundations, and most of the big corporations—are devoted to advancing hitherto marginalized racial and sexual minorities, and that the principal goals of U.S. foreign policy are to combat climate change and (as Jake Sullivan puts it) to help other countries defend themselves “without sending U.S. troops to war.”
In reality, policies to promote “diversity, equity, and inclusion” do nothing to help poor minorities. Instead, the sole beneficiaries appear to be a horde of apparatchik DEI “officers.” In the meantime, these initiatives are clearly undermining educational standards, even at elite medical schools, and encouraging the mutilation of thousands of teenagers in the name of “gender-affirming surgery.”
As for the current direction of U.S. foreign policy, it is not so much to help other countries defend themselves as to egg on others to fight our adversaries as proxies without supplying them with sufficient weaponry to stand much chance of winning. This strategy—most visible in Ukraine—makes some sense for the United States, which discovered in the “global war on terror” that its much-vaunted military could not defeat even the ragtag Taliban after twenty years of effort. But believing American blandishments may ultimately doom Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan to follow South Vietnam and Afghanistan into oblivion.
As for climate change, the world is now awash in Chinese electric vehicles, batteries, and solar cells, all mass-produced with the help of state subsidies and coal-burning power stations. At least we tried to resist the Soviet strategy of unleashing Marxism-Leninism on the Third World, the human cost of which was almost incalculable. Our policy elite’s preoccupation with climate change has resulted in utter strategic incoherence by comparison. The fact is that China has been responsible for three-quarters of the 34% increase in carbon dioxide emissions since Greta Thunberg’s birth (2003), and two-thirds of the 48% increase in coal consumption.
To see the extent of the gulf that now separates the American nomenklatura from the workers and peasants, consider the findings of a Rasmussen poll from last September, which sought to distinguish the attitudes of the Ivy Leaguers from ordinary Americans. The poll defined the former as “those having a postgraduate degree, a household income of more than $150,000 annually, living in a zip code with more than 10,000 people per square mile,” and having attended “Ivy League schools or other elite private schools, including Northwestern, Duke, Stanford, and the University of Chicago.”
Asked if they would favor “rationing of gas, meat, and electricity” to fight climate change, 89 percent of Ivy Leaguers said yes, as against 28 percent of regular people. Asked if they would personally pay $500 more in taxes and higher costs to fight climate change, 75 percent of the Ivy Leaguers said yes, versus 25 percent of everyone else. “Teachers should decide what students are taught, as opposed to parents” was a statement with which 71 percent of the Ivy Leaguers agreed, nearly double the share of average citizens. “Does the U.S. provide too much individual freedom?” More than half of Ivy Leaguers said yes; just 15 percent of ordinary mortals did. The elite were roughly twice as fond as everyone else of members of Congress, journalists, union leaders, and lawyers. Perhaps unsurprisingly, 88 percent of the Ivy Leaguers said their personal finances were improving, as opposed to one in five of the general population.
A bogus ideology that hardly anyone really believes in, but everyone has to parrot unless they want to be labeled dissidents—sorry, I mean deplorables? Check. A population that no longer regards patriotism, religion, having children, or community involvement as important? Check. How about a massive disaster that lays bare the utter incompetence and mendacity that pervades every level of government? For Chernobyl, read Covid. And, while I make no claims to legal expertise, I think I recognize Soviet justice when I see—in a New York courtroom—the legal system being abused in the hope not just of imprisoning but also of discrediting the leader of the political opposition.
The question that haunts me is: What if China has learned the lessons of Cold War I better than we have? I fear that Xi Jinping has not only understood that, at all costs, he must avoid the fate of his Soviet counterparts. He has also, more profoundly, understood that we can be maneuvered into being the Soviets ourselves. And what better way to achieve that than to “quarantine” an island not too far from his coastline and then defy us to send a naval expedition to run the blockade, with the obvious risk of starting World War III? The worst thing about the approaching Taiwan Semiconductor Crisis is that, compared with the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, the roles will be reversed. Biden or Trump gets to be Khrushchev; XJP gets to be JFK. (Just watch him prepping the narrative, telling European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen that Washington is trying to goad Beijing into attacking Taiwan.)
We can tell ourselves that our many contemporary pathologies are the results of outside forces waging a multi-decade campaign of subversion. They have undoubtedly tried, just as the CIA tried its best to subvert Soviet rule in the Cold War.
Yet we also need to contemplate the possibility that we have done this to ourselves—just as the Soviets did many of the same things to themselves. It was a common liberal worry during the Cold War that we might end up becoming as ruthless, secretive, and unaccountable as the Soviets because of the exigencies of the nuclear arms race. Little did anyone suspect that we would end up becoming as degenerate as the Soviets, and tacitly give up on winning the cold war now underway.
I still cling to the hope that we can avoid losing Cold War II—that the economic, demographic, and social pathologies that afflict all one-party communist regimes will ultimately doom Xi’s “China Dream.” But the higher the toll rises of deaths of despair—and the wider the gap grows between America’s nomenklatura and everyone else—the less confident I feel that our own homegrown pathologies will be slower-acting.
Are we the Soviets? Look around you.
Living in the Civil Rights Movement's Limitless Entitlement Afterglow
In his books, 'The True and Only Heaven' and 'The Revolt of the Elites', historian Christopher Lasch celebrated what he called “the spiritual discipline against resentment.” Despite the fact that “the world was not made for our convenience” and that there is plenty of pain and suffering, there is also what Lasch calls “the goodness of being.” We are mortal, we are limited, and we suffer. Yet it is good, miraculous even, that we are alive. Life is worth living.
Lasch was inspired by the great civil rights leaders of the 20th century, people such as Martin Luther King Jr., who rejected resentment in favor of hope and love.
King is nowhere to be found in the modern Left. He was absent in former first lady Michelle Obama’s recent campaign speech in Michigan, during which she expressed resentment that Americans are just too stupid to love Vice President Kamala Harris.
“I hope you’ll forgive me if I’m a little frustrated that some of us are choosing to ignore Donald Trump’s gross incompetence while asking Kamala to dazzle us at every turn,” Obama said. “I am asking y’all, from the core of my being, to take our lives seriously.”
She then issued a warning to men: “If we don’t get this election right, your wife, your daughter, your mother, we as women will become collateral damage to your rage.”
Resentment is the enemy of healthy spiritual limits. The modern Left, unlike civil rights leaders such as King, cannot abide by any limits.
Liberals demand that people must be emotionally fulfilled and well paid at all times, that there ought to be no restrictions on abortions, that all guns should have been banned yesterday, and that men posing as women can invade female spaces and sports. However, no matter how angry a liberal gets, a biological man will never be a woman. That’s a healthy limit.
“For vast numbers of Americans,” Christopher Lasch wrote, “limits are a necessary and even desirable facet of life — limits on human freedom, on human capacities, on the power of reason to eradicate everything that is mysterious in the universe.”
Lasch also contrasted those who live with limits, who spend their lives working, raising children, going to church, and living their lives “a long way from the centers of metropolitan culture,” with a “new class of elites” that pursues a “heady vision of unlimited possibilities.” These elites “view life as an experiment.”
Lasch believed that the people who accepted the reality of limits paradoxically ended up living more hopeful lives.
This is not to say that people should not fight for righteous political causes. There was no more righteous cause than the civil rights battle of the 20th century. Today, activists are trying to advance causes from environmentalism on the Left to anti-censorship on the Right. Yet, as King knew, if you argue with love and reason rather than bitterness and resentment, you tend to win over a lot more people.
As today’s generation of self-styled feminist women, such as Obama, suggests, limitless freedom has not brought the happiness they assumed it would. Obama’s talk included graphic, grisly warnings about women’s health in case former President Donald Trump is elected. It is impossible to imagine King or Rosa Parks using such bitter language.
A few years ago, actress Casey Wilson wrote about her anger problems for Lenny Letter, an online magazine. Wilson reflected on her many years of rage. She’s “thrown a Mountain Dew pager out the window of my boyfriend’s car on the highway en route to Rehoboth Beach,” she’s “smashed my beloved bedazzled Sidekick into my dressing-room mirror at SNL and left a trail of crushed BlackBerrys in every shitty apartment complex in LA,” she’s “thrown my iPhone only once, in a tequila-fueled moment (but between us, I knew I had an upgrade coming).”
In the midst of one of these meltdowns, Wilson had a revelation.
“My mom was the president of the National Women’s Political Caucus (an organization devoted to getting women elected) for the first several years of my life. I wonder if growing up with a mother who was so angry at the state of things she wore a pro-choice sticker while eight months pregnant with me played a role. She raised me to believe I could be anything I wanted to be. Which was liberating and wonderful. But perhaps this combination had me feeling a little too free to be me. I had become a subway ad: if I saw something, I said something. It wasn’t a good look, but no amount of therapy or meditation (my mantra made me EVEN. ANGRIER.) or astrology retreats (I’m a Scorpio) seemed to help with this particular issue. I couldn’t get a handle on it,” said Wilson.
Neither can Obama and the Left.
Meanwhile, Democrats practice the upcoming post-11/5 coup d'etat
🚨🚨🚨Capitol Police hold “Casualty Evacuation Exercise” at the Capitol with multiple helicopters last night.
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) October 29, 2024
Stay with me on this.
Trump told us to make it to big to rig and we are on our way to making that happen as long as everyone votes for Trump, but we are in danger of… pic.twitter.com/ybKDqkjJdj
It's All about maintaining "continuity of Government" by and for the Deep State (aka - Saving Democracy from Democracy).
Fascist movements all tend to flourish and gain strength from within a larger historical context at a moment of Capitalist decline and Socialist resurgence (like the present) and in the form of a false revolution by vanguards of the elite (ie. - the DNC or RNC) captured by already existing capital forces (ie. - the 2024 US election).
At the conjunctural level of analysis, I think one of the best definitions, at least operative definitions of fascism, is that put forth by Michael Parenti in his work "Black shirts and reds," he said that "fascism is nothing more than a final solution to the class struggle, the totalistic submergence and exploitation of democratic forces for the benefit and profit of higher Financial circles. Fascism is a false revolution, it promises a radical transformation of society but what it delivers is actually an ongoing war on working people."
Kamala Harris Campaign's Nuremberg @ Night Re-Enactment Aims at Solidifying her American NAZI Vote!
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Washington Post O.D.'s on German Guilt-Pride
How Can You Tell When Your Bombers Are Over Their Target?
Monday, October 28, 2024
Tommy Robinson - Prisoner of Conscience
Tommy sentenced to 18 months as England's "latest and commonest" political prisoner. The axe sharpening continues at the Tower of London for sympathetic free speech violators
Tommy Robinson Arrested on Terror Charge Over Refusal to Hand Over Phone Pin https://t.co/UNL8YVJ4b8
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 25, 2024
Why Trump is a Fascist...
...he can speak to people in a way that Leftist totalitarians just can't match, as servants of their own interests. Totalitarianism is thereby "foreclosed". Fascism is too "narrow" a field of action for their purposes. Marxist class and Identity politics is an attempt to forge micro-totalitarianisms on groups before "aggregating" them into a larger political socialist/ communist totalitarian or more wholly capitalist fascist structure.
Meet the Man Backing Kamala Harris:
"Whatever you do to white people, they deserve it"
— Daniel Greenfield - "Hang Together or Separately" (@Sultanknish) October 22, 2024
This is Khalid Abdullah Al-Mansor, who brought together Kamala's parents at his Afro-American Association: a prototype of the Black Panthers.
Here, after converting to Islam, he calls for the mass murder of white Christians.… pic.twitter.com/PRUU8BQ9De
..."Whatever you do to white people, they deserve it, God wants you to do it, and that’s whether you cut off the nose, cut off the ears, take flesh out of their body, don’t worry. God wants you to do that.” If you want to see demonic evil, watch this video. This is the radical racist political culture that Kamala came out of. And Barack Obama.
Khalid raised money for Obama’s education and recommeded Obama for admission to Harvard Law School
SURPRISE! It's the Same Man Who Backed Barack Obama!
Now Meet the Man Who'll Take Him Out:
This Trump ad just ran during the Eagles commercial. Absolute fire. pic.twitter.com/VRMDjw0qyI
— Nick Kayal (@NickKayal) October 27, 2024
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Democrat Party Elites Save Democracy from Democracy!
Totemic Capital: The End Goal of Intersectional Identity Politics
Beyond symbolic capital, al-Gharbi introduces a new term for a kind of social status arising out of victimhood culture: totemic capital. This is the “authority afforded to an individual . . . on the basis of claimed or perceived membership in a historically marginalized or disadvantaged group.” This—along with a kind of raw assumption of totemic homogeneity—fuels, for instance, the infamous “as a” construction (e.g., “As a mentally ill Jewish-Italian man of size, I find that comment offensive”). It also explains the phenomenon of “race faking,” in which white people, especially white women, purport to be members of minority groups, just as victimhood culture itself explains the prevalence of hate crime hoaxes. Indeed, for al-Gharbi minority elites themselves are engaging in a kind of race faking, “trad[ing] on the struggles and experiences of lower- to moderate-income nonimmigrant and monoracial Black people—enhancing their own credibility and life prospects by purporting to speak on behalf of these others.”
From where does Totemic Capital originate? In White European Guilt-Pride, of course. The fount of all of its' psychological force and power. So much for all those Leftist Paeans to Equity and Egalite! What kind of self-respecting "elite class" wants THAT?
It's Why Kamala Harris Wears a Minstrel's Black Face