Remember in the "early" days of the Trump Administration all those "generals" in the White House in Staff positions? It all begins to come together...

Award-winning journalist and war correspondent Lara Logan discussed how retired generals who are speaking out against President Trump are either “complicit” with or waging an information warfare campaign against him, in an interview with Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily on Wednesday.
Logan reminded listeners of the Russian collusion narrative, and how many officials from the Justice Department, Director of National Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, and other agencies worked together to push the idea that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.
“Think about how many people it took who had to be complicit to push that narrative. Think about the secretaries of defense and the national security advisers that served at that time, who all had access to the intelligence. They all knew it wasn’t true,” Logan told show host Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.
“General [Jim] Mattis, he knew. General [H.R.] McMaster, he knew. General [John] Kelly, he knew. One after another, after another. You can name them, and strangely enough, it’s the same people standing up now taking shots at the president. The same people, so they were silent then, but they sure as hell have got a lot to say now, don’t they?” she added.
Logan said many of those waging the information warfare campaign are doing so from liberal think tanks such as the Brookings Institute. She noted that retired Marine Gen. John Allen, who worked in the Obama administration as a special envoy and endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, is heading one.
“He’s head of a think tank now that is constantly taking shots and waging information warfare against the president for the election, and you can map it out. New America is one of the organizations, the Lincoln Project — that’s a whole bunch of Republicans who are running attack ads and pushing out a constant, constant stream of anti-Trump propaganda,” she said.
Logan said many of those waging the campaign are connected with Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s McChrystal Group, which has partnered with a Democrat political action committee.
“And all of these people, and many of them connected with the McChrystal Group and Gen. Stanley McChrystal — who has made no secret of the fact that he’s partnered with an organization called Defeat Disinfo, which is a Democratic superPAC, and they want you to think they are defeating disinformation, but actually what they’re doing is propagating it, and they don’t even hide it,” she said.
Logan also said journalists were either “stupid” or “complicit.”
“They’re acting as political operatives that they don’t even bother to find out what they’re talking about, they don’t even know what these weapons of information warfare are. They don’t even talk to people who have an opposing view,” she said.
Logan painted the bottom line of what she thinks the reason is behind the information warfare campaign against Trump — November 2020.
She said intelligence agents she has talked to have told her that the information campaign resembles an attempt to overturn a government.
“It’s the equivalent of taking tanks and firing them on your own people, or dropping a JDAM on an American city. That’s literally what you’re doing. What were these weapons used for? They were used to overturn foreign governments, to create civil disturbance and overturn foreign governments to disrupt their support of terrorism. Well is that what they’re doing now? They’re trying to overturn this government,” she said.
She concluded:What does that say about where we’re headed for the election? Because when you consider how many powerful people have so much invested in making sure that this president is not reelected. I have two questions for you — number one, what are you hiding? Why are you so desperate that this man not be reelected? Is it the march to justice and accountability? Is that what you are determined to stop?
The second question — does anyone out there really think that they’re going to leave it to chance? They’re going to trust in the democratic process, and they’re going to see if voters do the right thing in their words? They’re really going to leave it up to voters and take a roll of the dice and they’re going to see if it turns out in their favor? I mean, that to me…do you really think they’re going to let that happen?
She concluded, “What [intelligence sources] see is an information warfare campaign that is designed to set the stage to ensure that the election delivers the results that they want, if they wait that long…what they’re doing is creating the problem, civil unrest, civil disturbance, in which they can be the solution.”
The size of The Swamp is becoming clearer and clearer.
I weep for our republic!
LOL! These generals who "knew" were hired by Dotard. He wanted them. btw, they're speaking out now because they worked with Dotard and therefore have firsthand knowledge of how dangerously stupid he is. That is all there is to it. They wouldn't have agreed to work for Dotard if they knew for a fact that Dotard was a traitor that colluded with Russia (which he did).
Lara Logan: "Why are you so desperate that this man not be reelected?"
Because he is a f*cking moron and has PROVEN with his time in office that his incompetency is a danger to the United States.
btw, get this. Wikipedia notes that "On June 1, Logan tweeted a threat by the @ANTIFA_US Twitter account. The account turned out to be fake, and linked to Identity Europa, a white nationalist organization".
Ha ha ha ha ha. Logan claims she isn't owned by the Right... but she is totally owned. The proof being her gullibility when it comes to magaturd/White Nationalist hoaxes.
Eight years of driving command staff that didn't agree, into retirement.
The generals have became accustomed to the post-WWII American dominated world order. Trump's "world vision" has collided with theirs. Their power is "threatened".
They all need to go back and read the Federalist Papers and rediscover what America's military needs are. Not that we need to break the US Armed forces back into National Guard Units. But the Need for a standing "Continental Army/ Navy/ Air Force/ Space Force/ Coast Gaurd" needs to become greatly moderated.
I guess that all it takes for a former flaming libtard like Lara Logan to turn into a rabid conservative is to be groped in Tahir Square by a thousand Muslim Brotherhood supporters.
The generals have became accustomed to the post-WWII American dominated world order. Trump's "world vision" has collided with theirs. Their power is "threatened".
What bullshit. Dotard is 100% on board with that vision. By how much has Dotard proposed cutting the military budget? Which of our MANY military bases around the world is Dotard working with Congress to close? By how much has Dotard committed to cutting our expensive and totally useless nuclear arsenal?
But they can't get Burisma to pay them kickbacks on arms purchases...
Because a private company has nothing to do with arms purchases in the country it's located in. Not that anyone is receiving kickbacks. You're thinking of Dotard and his Congressionally disapproved sale of arms to Saudi Arabia.
lol! Then what were Lindsey Graham and John McCain doing in Ukraine? The Generals work for the globalist RINO Never-Trumpers.
And the money was being funneled through NGO's.
...with ties to banks and oligarch bank owners affiliated with Burisma.
Given Dotard's actions -- your arguments make no sense. We know Dotard ONLY wants obedient sycophantic toadies working for him. So why did he hire so many Generals who (according to you) work for the "globalist RINO Never-Trumpers"?
btw, if Lindsay Graham was involved in something illegal, why isn't the Barr DOJ prosecuting? And Lindsey Graham is a BIG Dotard supporter. If Dotard wants to go after him... I'm OK with that.
Lindsey Graham is conducting Senate hearings on Ukraine to keep Lindsey Graham from getting Lindsey Graham implicated or indicted.
He hired them because he had to. Not very many people want to go up against the Uniparty establishment in DC.
...why do you think that he had to bring in so many "family" members?
Trump's "nationalist" inner circle in TINY.
The neocons drove the paleocon nationalists (Pat Buchanan's) OUT of Washington after Reagan.
They're mostly former Democrat Senator Scoop Jackson staffers. Once Democrats, ALWAYS Democrats.
We're going to drive them out again. btw, what is Dotard doing that proves he's not down with the neocon agenda? Stabbing our Kurdish allies in the back? selling them lethal weapons instead of "pilot biscuits"?
Past administrations didn't sell US Military weaponry to other countries? Who knew?
But only Trump supplied them when they needed it, instead of when it was "convenient" to sell.
If the Pentagon denies it, how do you know Dotard supplied it? Is this supposed to make up for Dotard serving up the Kurds for slaughter by Erdoğan?
Other countries sell US weapons or can re-sell them w/o permission? Who knew?
So what you're saying is that this is a cover up of illegal Dotard administration acts?
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