“Woke corporate America” is “our number one enemy,” declared Ann Coulter, author of Resistance Is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind, offering her remarks on Wednesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Dylan Gwinn.
“[Republicans] suck up to the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson [and] woke corporate America, which is our enemy,” Coulter said. “Our number one enemy probably is not even the universities or the social justice morons running around on college campus. It really is corporate America, but Republicans just have it in their heads, ‘Ooo, it’s capitalism. We support corporations.'”
Coulter predicted an acceleration of political censorship on the Internet, including social media deplatforming and domain deregistration, as November’s elections near.
“I have been predicting for years that the Internet is too free,” Coulter said. “We can communicate with one another. We can get information that the New York Times, MSNBC, and CNN simply will not report. They’ve got to shut down the internet to conservatives, and what better time to do it than the year of Trump’s reelection.”
Coulter warned, “As the election gets closer, there are going to be more and more soldiers falling … Where are Republicans on this?”
Internet censorship is a matter of free speech and expression, Coulter held. “That’s what was so great about the internet,” she said. “Even the nutty stuff, it was the Wild West and this is the idea behind free speech, that the truth will rise.”
Coulter added, “They’re not worried about people being misinformed. Nobody gets misinformed except by MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times, ABC, CBS. What they’re worrying about is people being persuaded, and their argument is that anything they disagree with is hurtful, is hate speech, and it must be stopped.”
Democrats are courting political forces beyond their control, assessed Coulter, referring to rioters, looters, and vandals operating amid recent unrest following the death of George Floyd.
Coulter said, “You can’t call the mob off, ‘Okay, boys. It’s November 4th. We’ve defeated Trump. Now everybody settle down.’ That doesn’t happen. You’ve unleashed this beast, and there’s no one there to stop it.”
This racist POS will be ejected from the White House soon. He has destroyed so many immigrant families by separating children from their parents permanently. For this he should be charged with some crime that will send him to prison for the rest of his life. At least he will never return to the White House or hold such a position of influence again.
Susan Rice? She's already o-u-t. And as for Obama, he was the king of separations and deportations hands down. And yes, he will likely get indicted by Durham... it's only a matter of time. At least we now know for CERTAIN, he will never return to the White House or hold such a position of influence again! :)
While the Obama administration deported 1.18 million people in his first three years, the number of deportations has been a little under 800,000 so far under Trump, according to the Post.
The Obama administration also deported 409,849 people in 2012 alone, while the Trump administration has yet to deport more than 260,000 people in a year, the Post reported.
The Obama administration never articulated a policy of separating parents and children (then losing track of what kids where taken from which parents, making reuniting them near impossible) as a deterrent (purposeful cruelty).
Bullshit. It would have gotten out via advocacy groups that police how immigrants are treated. And then there would have been a public outcry. You say that because you think public sentiment is with you (citizens view immigrants as less than human and don't give a crap about their kids). But you are WRONG. Democrats and republicans (excluding the racists who voted for Dotard) care about HUMAN RIGHTS and would speak up no matter the party of the president.
BWAH! You groups are Democratic Party controlled sh8t-stirrers who never uttered a peep about ALL the large scale Corruption of governmental institutions throughout Obama's eight years of Marxist mayhem.
Dotard always was and has been Putin's stooge. Why he ignored the intel he had quite some time ago that said Putin was offering bounties on American soldiers. Making Dotard complicit in their deaths -- as well as a traitor.
That Obama is a "Commie stooge" is a 100 percent fact free accusation. Like I said, Obama is a conservative Democrat. Why so many supported Bernie Sanders run for the presidency. They wanted someone to the Left of Obama.
Quote: Investigations by The New York Times, CNN, and other news organizations concluded that Obama did not have a close relationship with Ayers. In an op-ed piece after the election, Ayers denied any close association with Obama, and criticized the Republican campaign for its use of guilt by association tactics. [end quote]
The entire Progressive caucus is to the Left of Barack Obama.
LOL! If Barack Obama is a Communist, why did he govern as a Conservative Democrat?
Quote: ...so many of the candidates' [Democrats vying for the 2020 potus nom] proposals seem so far to the left of Obama. The former president was skeptical of sweeping change, bullish on markets, sanguine about the use of military force, high on individual responsibility and faithful to a set of old-school personal values. Compare that with proposals from his would-be successors: Medicare-for-all, the Green New Deal, free college, a wealth tax, universal basic income.
Given the political climate, it's no surprise to see the party's base clamoring for something dramatic. But the contrast between Obama’s steady approach and the seeming radicalism of his Democratic heirs can't just be chalked up to changing times. It's because the former president, going back at least to his 2004 Senate race, hasn't really occupied the left side of the ideological spectrum. He wasn't a Republican, obviously: He never professed a desire to starve the federal government, and he opposed the Iraq War, which the GOP overwhelmingly supported.
But to the dismay of many on the left, and to the continuing disbelief of many on the right, Obama never dramatically departed from the approach of presidents who came before him. There's a simple reason: Barack Obama is a conservative. [end quote]
If Dotard is a republican, why does he espouse Democratic views on free trade? I thought that's why you voted for him -- because he departed from the republican party on a number of issues. Apparently you're admitting that was bullshit and Dotard actually embraces both neoliberalism and neoconservatism? We already know, that when he said during the campaign that he wasn't going to cut Medicare and protect people with pre-existing conditions, that he was lying.
I agree that Dotard is a republican governing as a tyrant. A lot of what he does is with the intent of punishing his perceived enemies and those he hates :( As opposed to working to make life better for ALL Americans :(
btw, if woke corporations are the "enemy within", why was Dotard's number one priority after being installed by Putin to slash the corporate tax rate? I doubt the goal was to reward his enemies. Also, are you not aware that Ann Coulter is no longer a Dotard fan?
btw, YES, repatriating US corporate profits was a bad thing. Bernie Sanders' Corporate Tax Fairness Act would have gotten the tax on that money to the US government without dropping the rate dramatically as Dotard's repatriating did. Not that anywhere near the 4-5 trillion Dotard predicted was actually repatriated.
Offshored profits are taxed under the Corporate Tax Fairness Act. If they refuse to pay they lose access to the American market. Dotard rewarded corporations who offshored profits and jobs. And you strongly supported that rewarding. That's how I know your claims of wanting jobs for American workers and opposing globalism are bullshit.
Corporations are just going with the flow. Public opinion is shifting. Bad news for the White Nationalist in the White House and his followers.
Stephen Miller... boo! lol!
This racist POS will be ejected from the White House soon. He has destroyed so many immigrant families by separating children from their parents permanently. For this he should be charged with some crime that will send him to prison for the rest of his life. At least he will never return to the White House or hold such a position of influence again.
BLM... boo! LOL.
Susan Rice? She's already o-u-t. And as for Obama, he was the king of separations and deportations hands down. And yes, he will likely get indicted by Durham... it's only a matter of time. At least we now know for CERTAIN, he will never return to the White House or hold such a position of influence again! :)
While the Obama administration deported 1.18 million people in his first three years, the number of deportations has been a little under 800,000 so far under Trump, according to the Post.
The Obama administration also deported 409,849 people in 2012 alone, while the Trump administration has yet to deport more than 260,000 people in a year, the Post reported.
The Obama administration never articulated a policy of separating parents and children (then losing track of what kids where taken from which parents, making reuniting them near impossible) as a deterrent (purposeful cruelty).
lol! They just never kept count.
Bullshit. It would have gotten out via advocacy groups that police how immigrants are treated. And then there would have been a public outcry. You say that because you think public sentiment is with you (citizens view immigrants as less than human and don't give a crap about their kids). But you are WRONG. Democrats and republicans (excluding the racists who voted for Dotard) care about HUMAN RIGHTS and would speak up no matter the party of the president.
BWAH! You groups are Democratic Party controlled sh8t-stirrers who never uttered a peep about ALL the large scale Corruption of governmental institutions throughout Obama's eight years of Marxist mayhem.
Your accusations are pure fantasy. The large scale corruption of government institutions is occurring under Dotard (The DOJ and EPA come immediately to mind). And Obama is a conservative Democrat, not a Marxist. Why the far Lefties like Jimmy Dore hate him (you've posted the videos).
Obama always was and has been a Commie stooge.
Dotard always was and has been Putin's stooge. Why he ignored the intel he had quite some time ago that said Putin was offering bounties on American soldiers. Making Dotard complicit in their deaths -- as well as a traitor.
That Obama is a "Commie stooge" is a 100 percent fact free accusation. Like I said, Obama is a conservative Democrat. Why so many supported Bernie Sanders run for the presidency. They wanted someone to the Left of Obama.
Bill Ayers is the only man in America to the Left of his good friend Barack Obama.
Quote: Investigations by The New York Times, CNN, and other news organizations concluded that Obama did not have a close relationship with Ayers. In an op-ed piece after the election, Ayers denied any close association with Obama, and criticized the Republican campaign for its use of guilt by association tactics. [end quote]
The entire Progressive caucus is to the Left of Barack Obama.
LOL! If Barack Obama is a Communist, why did he govern as a Conservative Democrat?
Quote: ...so many of the candidates' [Democrats vying for the 2020 potus nom] proposals seem so far to the left of Obama. The former president was skeptical of sweeping change, bullish on markets, sanguine about the use of military force, high on individual responsibility and faithful to a set of old-school personal values. Compare that with proposals from his would-be successors: Medicare-for-all, the Green New Deal, free college, a wealth tax, universal basic income.
Given the political climate, it's no surprise to see the party's base clamoring for something dramatic. But the contrast between Obama’s steady approach and the seeming radicalism of his Democratic heirs can't just be chalked up to changing times. It's because the former president, going back at least to his 2004 Senate race, hasn't really occupied the left side of the ideological spectrum. He wasn't a Republican, obviously: He never professed a desire to starve the federal government, and he opposed the Iraq War, which the GOP overwhelmingly supported.
But to the dismay of many on the left, and to the continuing disbelief of many on the right, Obama never dramatically departed from the approach of presidents who came before him. There's a simple reason: Barack Obama is a conservative. [end quote]
If Trump is a tyrant, why does he govern as a Republican?
It's called separation of powers. 1/3 of a government isn't going to accomplish squat on its' own.
...and yes, "Thankyou, Plato" (Statesman).
If Dotard is a republican, why does he espouse Democratic views on free trade? I thought that's why you voted for him -- because he departed from the republican party on a number of issues. Apparently you're admitting that was bullshit and Dotard actually embraces both neoliberalism and neoconservatism? We already know, that when he said during the campaign that he wasn't going to cut Medicare and protect people with pre-existing conditions, that he was lying.
I agree that Dotard is a republican governing as a tyrant. A lot of what he does is with the intent of punishing his perceived enemies and those he hates :( As opposed to working to make life better for ALL Americans :(
You mean he governs like a Democrat, "reward friends and punish enemies"?
No, I mean he governs like a republican, "reward friends and punish enemies".
btw, if woke corporations are the "enemy within", why was Dotard's number one priority after being installed by Putin to slash the corporate tax rate? I doubt the goal was to reward his enemies. Also, are you not aware that Ann Coulter is no longer a Dotard fan?
Repatrioting US corporate profits was a bad thing? And Coulter now supports Biden? Who knew?
Pundit Ann Coulter calls Trump "complete moron" and says that "instead of voting for Trump or his challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, she will probably write in Jeff Sessions".
btw, YES, repatriating US corporate profits was a bad thing. Bernie Sanders' Corporate Tax Fairness Act would have gotten the tax on that money to the US government without dropping the rate dramatically as Dotard's repatriating did. Not that anywhere near the 4-5 trillion Dotard predicted was actually repatriated.
I suspect that after Ann elects Jeff Sessions, he'd probably recuse the office and let the VP run things.
If simply taxing corporations like Bernie proposed actually worked, how come any money needed repatriating at all?
Bernie Sanders Corporate Tax Fairness Act hasn't worked because it's only a proposal. It isn't law.
And it'll never work because as soon as you RAISE their taxes they'll offshore their profits and jobs.
Offshored profits are taxed under the Corporate Tax Fairness Act. If they refuse to pay they lose access to the American market. Dotard rewarded corporations who offshored profits and jobs. And you strongly supported that rewarding. That's how I know your claims of wanting jobs for American workers and opposing globalism are bullshit.
Dotard = fake anti-globalist.
What corporations have lost access to the American market under the Corporate Tax Fairness Act? lol!
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