He could do what pShaw does and post only the half of your comments that don't make your point so as to just p*ss you off for wasting the time making it.
So, she does this to people that disagree with her? And you know due to your mind reading abilities?
FYI, Mystere makes up comments. On other blogs (including his own) as well as yours. But, even though I do no censoring on my blog, you allow him to post his fake comments here.
btw, I don't know why I'd contradict someone simply for the sake of contradicting them. I'd need to say I disagree with comments that I actually agree with. Why would I do that? It's possible she has written something I didn't agree with though. Your "never" might not be accurate. Unless you're taping into your precognitive abilities to make that assertion.
Shenehneh never posts anything I write, even in her music posts. She has made it her policy to never post any comments I make, even if it's a positive thing about an artist she features on a music post. But then again, Boston Piggy is a nasty crazy vulgar sow.
I don't have any involvement in the comment moderation on Shaw's blog. I don't censor comments on my blog, which I think you can attest to. While Mystere does.
btw, Mystere lies. I never submit "irrelevant retorts". My comments are always on topic. How lame to claim something so blatantly false.
The sandwich at the bottom looks good!ππππππππππππ
It's a muffuletta... and its' delicious!
Mystere is too afraid to allow comments from me on his blog. It seems he just deletes anything I write now.
He could do what pShaw does and post only the half of your comments that don't make your point so as to just p*ss you off for wasting the time making it.
I don't know anything about that except for your whines. Shaw publishes what I write when I comment on her blog.
...cuz you'll never contradict her.
So, she does this to people that disagree with her? And you know due to your mind reading abilities?
FYI, Mystere makes up comments. On other blogs (including his own) as well as yours. But, even though I do no censoring on my blog, you allow him to post his fake comments here.
btw, I don't know why I'd contradict someone simply for the sake of contradicting them. I'd need to say I disagree with comments that I actually agree with. Why would I do that? It's possible she has written something I didn't agree with though. Your "never" might not be accurate. Unless you're taping into your precognitive abilities to make that assertion.
I know because she's confessed to it.
Has she ever NOT posted one of your comments? She's not posted hundreds of mine.
My comment team deletes irrelevant retorts on the blogs, Dervish. We don't waste time on infantile temper hissyfits.
Shenehneh never posts anything I write, even in her music posts. She has made it her policy to never post any comments I make, even if it's a positive thing about an artist she features on a music post. But then again, Boston Piggy is a nasty crazy vulgar sow.
Mystere is a is a nasty crazy vulgar sow.
I don't have any involvement in the comment moderation on Shaw's blog. I don't censor comments on my blog, which I think you can attest to. While Mystere does.
btw, Mystere lies. I never submit "irrelevant retorts". My comments are always on topic. How lame to claim something so blatantly false.
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