Sunday, February 2, 2025

What Bernie "forgot" to mention about Oligarchies in the post below...

...that if Musk and the 'evil' oligarchs on the Trump Inaugural stage are actually running the country now as he states, then he and his colleagues in the Senate and House are merely actors pretending to Represent their constituents.  For the Congress represents the "official" Constitutionally-sanctioned "oligarchs" and "oligarchy".  And so Bernie now publicly admits that the Congress is completely controlled from the shadows.

So how would changing House and Senate members (mere "actors") per his arguments, change anything?  Wouldn't the "shadow oligarchs" still control them and the country?


Anonymous said...


Salvatore said...

One Again As President Trump Has Predicted ,the Democratic Communist National Committee Dumps on Americans who want to protect themselves against Tyranny, Criminals, Crazies, and Terrorists

It’s a dangerous and often destructive force in politics and society. At its core, demagoguery preys on ignorance and division, pushing people to act based on irrational impulses rather than reason.
Demagoguery is the art of manipulating people’s Emotions, Fears, and Prejudices to gain power or influence. It’s a very dangerous and often destructive force in politics and society.
As American citizens, we must recognize the tactics of demagoguery and resist the allure of these easy answers that people like Chuck Schumer, AOC, and Adam Schiff suggest . Just Yesterday Chuck Schumer blamed President Trump’s threat of Tariffs on Canada, and Mexico, when Mexico’s retaliation was to threaten to Tariff CORONA BEER. Chuck Schumer stood up in the Hall of Congress and warned us American’s that if President Trump went ahead with his tariffs Mexico would hurt the United States by putting a tariff on Corona Beer, and Avocados!.. Now Please tell me, WHO THE HELL GIVES A RATS ASS ABOUT CORONA BEER, AND AVOCADOS? AND WHY SHOULD WE CARE?.
And that is the Left's greatest fear--- THAT TRUMP'S EFFORTS WILL WORK, making them look like boobs at best, or at worst, exposing them as conspirator
At its core, the Democratic Communist National Committee preys on ignorance and division, pushing people to act based on irrational impulses rather than reason. And the willingness to stand up to fools like Chuck Schumer and a media creation who never held a job, and call bullshit!
The Democrats, and the media, and the Progressive Communists are crying the blues over the Trump administration threatening to put tariffs on Canadian, Mexican, and EU goods and products. Why aren't they complaining about Canadian, Mexican, and EU tariffs on US goods and products? If tariffs are so bad, why do these countries use them against the US?

Anonymous said...

Senator Chuck Schumer Speaks On Trump's Price-Raising Tariffs On Canada, Mexico, says that we will pay more for Corona Beer!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"the Congress is completely controlled from the shadows"...

The republicans are. And have been for some time. Only the Democrats represent the American people. And not all Democrats either. But rule by the oligarchs is apparently what people wanted. Enough for republicans to be able to steal the election, which is what happened.

Joe Conservative said...

^^ sh*t doesn't stinkisms of Democrats^^

Rattrapper said...

Derpy love the smell of Demonkkkrat phartz. Sniph Sniph Dervish! BIGLY Deep Breaths!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Demonkkkrat phartz" are imaginary and therefore have no smell.

Rattrapper said...

∆says the phartz expert Dervish Sanders∆

Rattrapper said...

Pappy Dervish is about to be triggered in 10...9...8...7...6...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Meine politische Partei wurde von d0n0ld tRump und seinen Schlägern verflucht. Wir müssen jetzt den Widerstand im Adolf-Hitler-Stil führen. Wir müssen alle tRumptards vor 2026 vernichten. HEIL HITLER! HEIL HITLER!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Clearly you got triggered, Mystere. Proven by your countdown to your fake "Dervish Sanders" comment.

fyi, you are the expert when it comes to "phartz".

Mystere thinks republikkkan "phartz" smell like wildflowers.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Notice that Mystere ran away? 🏃‍♀️‍➡️🏃‍♂️‍➡️🐔🐔