Wednesday, February 12, 2025

VDH on Why DEI Crashed and Burned


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The reason is that DEI made White Supremacists angry. I know it has made you incredibly angry. But DEI did not "crash and burn". Private sector companies are still free to implement it. And the government can reimplement it when/if the fascist Orange Turd leaves.

Apparently you don't realize it, but you're making a lot of people very angry. Or do you think ALL minorities people (and their White allies) like White Supremacy? fyi, only a very small percentage do.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"how do we stop fakers like Senator Elizabeth Warren".

Stopped from what? It has been established that she gained zero advantage from telling anyone that she has a native American ancestor. So... stop her from existing? FYI, Elizabeth Warren didn't "fake" anything.

"This was all an effort to build a victimized class".

d0n0ld tRump's campaigns were a successful effort to build a victimized class. You must be so happy now that the "discrimination" against your people is being addressed and affirmative action for White Men is being implemented.

Victor Davis Hanson REALLY hates non White immigrants. White Supremacists make no distinction based on where a person comes from. They go based on skin tone. VDH is a lying Turd to suggest otherwise.

Joe Conservative said...

It's over Derv. DEI...RIP!

Joe Conservative said...

Let's hope the RFK Jr puts white guilt-pride into DSM-6.

Joe Conservative said...

Help is coming, Derv...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I have guilt in regards to wrongs done by me. I have no guilt in regards to wrongs done by others. WHY would I? Your proposition is completely absurd. fyi, in regards to the things I do feel guilty about, I definitely do not feel proud of my guilt. Clearly, as a sociopath, you have no clue what guilt feels like. Why you believe someone feeling guilt would be "proud" of their feelings of guilt. When someone does something that causes guilt, they feel BAD, not GOOD. They aren't proud, they are embarrassed. You obviously don't understand basic human emotions.

Joe Conservative said...

Falsely accusing people of racism based upon their race doesn't make you feel guilty? I guess we now know who the sociopath is...

Joe Conservative said...

...cuz your proud of it!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No, not at all. Because I've never done that.

Joe Conservative said...


Rattrapper said...

Dervish loves to race hustle around. Dervish is a racist white sloth.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus & Mystere = false allegations.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

@@ resident Donald Trump has Democrats on the ropes with his surging support from African Americans, prompting a poll to declare that “black men love Trump.” In a new Cygnal survey shared with Secrets, Trump has a shocking 42% approval rating from black men, a massive edge over any past Republican president. Brock McCleary, Cygnal vice president of polling, told Secrets, “Forty-two percent of black men approving of Trump’s job so far is no small thing. Unlike Democrats’ approach previously, this isn’t about placation or offering new attractive policies with no follow-through. His popularity and approval surges because he does the things he says he’ll do

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Dervish is a Grand Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I am in no way whatsoever associated with the KKK, a-hole. The KKK is an evil organization. What a moron. I wasn't soliciting more false allegations with my prior comment.

FYI, The national exit poll shows 78% of Black men selected Harris... link

I'm supposed to believe that Black men that voted for Harris have now completely changed their minds? Based on what? I'd need more poll questions that got to the reasons why this might have happened. Until and unless that happens, I say this poll is BS. Black men like that tRump says he will violate the Constitution and fire them if they have a government job?

Joe Conservative said...

The polls are a giant CONSPIRACY! LOL!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"The polls"? You referenced one poll. And, as I recall, you didn't believe the polls prior to the election. According to you, polls are right when you agree with them. I said I'd need more information, not that "the polls are a giant conspiracy".

That's a BS strawman to suggest that is what I meant. Though maybe that's why you laughed. Perhaps you laughed at how ridiculous of a misrepresentation of what I wrote that is?

Joe Conservative said...

One word. Iowa.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

One punctuation symbol


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Kamala took Iowa by 10 points!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I just found out that Glenn Beck agrees with you that ethnic cleansing is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Replacing PRIDE MONTH!

Anonymous said...

Who gives a Crsp?

Joe Conservative said...

Apparently you, since you deleted you comment.

Anonymous said...

Why do the rich in Hollywood such as Oprah Winfrey think their the only ones that are important their not most of us can live without their help just fine she needs a rude awakening!

Joe Conservative said...

Easy, they believe in their own celebrity.

Anonymous said...

The only people who don't love what Elon is doing are the crooks who stole the money and the LUNATICS like Dave Dyba and the other Nuts at the blog he hangs around at who thinks that our national debt isn't important.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, are those Leftist Idiots calling Trump “Hitler” again? The Democratic party has really hit rock bottom when they resort to calling President Trump a “Hitler”! . Hell Biden's former press secretary was even calling for VIOLENCE, saying Democrats need to break some shit. I would point out that they have always been bat shit crazy, And Maxine Waters is at it again, telling her group of Progressive Lunatics to “stick it in their Faces”. There seems to be NO Limit to their Insanity!
Trump just forced them out into the open., and to come out from under the Rocks. . So that everyone could see what Lunatics they actually are! Will liberals ever learn the name calling doesn’t work!. These Progressive lunatics always seem to find some bizarre way to inject Hitler into any of their discussions. It's like their obsessed with calling anyone that hey hate . In this case, the stench is coming from liberals/Progressives like Dave Dubya, the Idiot at the Progressive blog . Aren't these people who are calling Trump a “Hitler” the same liberals and Progressives that are protesting in support of the Palestinians, Hamas, and driving the Jews "from the river to the sea"? Do they even realize what Idiots they sound like? And that never says a Bad Word about the Demented Fool that is currently occupying the White House! And who is teying his demented best to destroy the United States!
The Democratic/Progressive party is slowly but Surely disappearing and its base has become shambles and a shell of it self. the democratic officials like Chuck Schumer, and Adam Shiff who are dispirited just like their base is despondent. To the extent they don’t seem to have much fight in them, that shouldn’t be too surprising; their voters don’t, either. All that seems to to be left is that bunch of moronic idiots that are standing on the streets singing those moronic songs and making fools out of themselves, who think that singing those dumb , stupid songs that are led by the Big Mouthed Idiot Maxine Waters, and Elizabeth Warren are really meaningful

Anonymous said...

We are seeing the true colors of the leftie losers, More Name calling, More hate. More rejection to the current Administration. More corruption from the corrupt leftist politicians . More whining from the losers as their rejected, defeated agenda (by popular and electoral vote) is now defunded and disassembled, as the deviant filth worship, illegal entrant criminal importation, babykilling filth should be. More protests from the Idiots like Maxine Waters and her ILK who should have been retired years ago I find their tears excellent comedic entertainment, and that they brew excellent covfefe, as the heat removes the saltiness. More protesting against the people that THEY ATTACKED, and took Hostage, and deliberately Murdered LITTLE BABIES and threw their dead bodies into ditches! Please, continue to self-beclown and parrot, identifying yourselves, so as to be dealt with expediently when the time comes.And zero appreciation from people who are exposing the corruption , and saving our country Billions of Dollars.

Anonymous said...

h 6, 2025 at 6:52 AM
The Leftie Lunatics wouldn't stand for DJ the little boy that had Cancer
But they took a knee for a drug dealing piece of $hit....

That's All you need to know