Wednesday, February 5, 2025

USAID Exposed...

btw - If you think all this US government bureaucracy bashing is a good thing, keep in mind who Musk and Thiel are, and what the current National Security State will be REPLACED with.... most likely, agents of a TECHNOFEUDAL State that requires far fewer people (and more AIs) to run!

So, go ahead and celebrate the death of USAID and the US Intelligence Community, but when they start standing up the AIs, its time to go Internet DARK.  Dragging anchors over international internet connection cables won't work... Musk owns StarLink.

As the Chinese say: "May you live in Interesting Times!"


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Me: Mike Benz makes many allegations in a YouTube video I'm watching of them doing "spy stuff" as opposed to "aid stuff"? His allegations are accurate?

Copilot: Mike Benz does make several allegations about USAID engaging in activities beyond its traditional humanitarian mission. He claims that USAID is involved in "capacity building" and influencing foreign policy, which he views as a form of "spy stuff" rather than genuine aid. Benz argues that the agency has evolved into a tool for advancing U.S. strategic interests, often aligned with the State Department, Department of Defense, and intelligence community.

While there is historical evidence of USAID being used for covert operations during the Cold War, it's important to note that the agency's current mission is to promote sustainable development and alleviate global poverty. The extent to which Benz's allegations reflect the current operations of USAID is a matter of debate and perspective.

Me: Is it true that USAID is directing a lot of it's funding to Ukraine? Isn't this the real reason why the trump administration wants to shut down USAID?

Copilot: Yes, it's true that USAID has been providing significant funding to Ukraine. Since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022, USAID has provided over $35 billion in development assistance to Ukraine. This funding supports various initiatives, including emergency services, public employee salaries, energy initiatives, and healthcare systems.


I do not believe what Mike Benz says. I surely do not take his word for it that what he alleges about USAID is accurate. What he says is likely a combination of fact and rightturd spin.

"Censorship" = rightturds don't like it that people are trying to stop their lies.

"Free Speech activist" = Pro fascism activist. Also Pro-lie to get the people to accept fascism.

rightturds = weaponize free speech.

It is interesting that rightturds think holding people outside the US (at Gitmo) so the prisoners are not subject to US law -- that's great. But spy agencies operating under the reality that Free Speech is an amendment to the US constitution and therefore doesn't apply in other countries -- that's bad.

Rattrapper said...

Let us see where the chips fall, and see if there are chinks in the armor.

Joe Conservative said...

I've spent a few years in SCIFs Derv. How do you think my company (and me) got paid? You think DoD wrote us a check (traceable to us) for "Top Secret stuff"? Do you think there was a financial line for it in the Congressional Budget?

Joe Conservative said...

and btw - Do you really think that a Google AI that was built by Jack's Magic Coffee Shop is going to tell you where the Magic beans are stored?

Joe Conservative said...

Are you going to play Parsi-fal, too?

Joe Conservative said...


Richard said...

President Trump just canceled our $18 Billion United Nations... The UN is run by globalists and Islamists. We can't change that but they can carry on without our money. We should get out entirely.

Trump just told the UN: “Shove it!” “The U.S. will NOT take part in the UN Human Rights Council,” where the world’s worst human rights abusers shamelessly gang up on Israel and the West while covering for their own crimes
If I were the President I would shut that lousy thing down so fast your head would spin! The Palestinians Shamelessly attacked Israel last October and did that awful, disgusting thing and is still holding their Hostages. The Palestinians are slow learners.. They need harsh lessons.
The UN is run by Globalists and Islamists. We can't change that but they can carry on without our money. We should get out entirely.
We should kick them out of New York and turn that building into a home for the Homeless, along with the homeless psychopaths that are roaming the streets of NYC should be housed in the UN Building.
Everything he is doing beyond Amazing

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Before it got shut down USAID was investigating Starlink. The USAID Office of Inspector General initiated an inspection into its oversight of Starlink satellite terminals provided to the Ukrainian government. The objectives of the investigation were to determine how the Ukrainian government used the USAID-provided Starlink terminals and how USAID monitored their use.

This investigation was ongoing at the time Elon Musk made several critical remarks about USAID, calling it a "criminal organization" and suggesting it should be shut down. The timing of these events has led to speculation about potential ulterior motives behind Musk's comments.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday the Democratic Communist Shuck Schumer decided to talk about Corona Beer and Avocados in an attempt to convince people the tariffs are bad, but it didn't go well at all. .How Stupid can your be?

Anonymous said...

Yesterday the Democratic Communist Shuck Schumer decided to talk about Corona Beer and Avocados in an attempt to convince people the tariffs are bad, but it didn't go well at all. .How Stupid can your be?

Joe Conservative said...

How much "free" Starlink Service was Musk supposed to give to Ukraine?

Rattrapper said...

Dervy's upset now because USAID Loot got cut off by Elon Musk and President Donald John Trump's Administration. Politico lost their loot to pay off their propagandists today. The GOLIATH of media got hit in the head with a stone.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Politico lost their loot to pay off their propagandists today".

Fake news. "While Politico did receive some funding from USAID, it totaled only $44,000 over two years for subscriptions to their energy and environment publication, E&E". Mystere says he got this bullplop from the fake prophet Amanda Grace.

Rattrapper said...


Fake news? Oh? What's YOUR source, Derpwood? Kooks And Libtards? Oh wait, it's Lawrence 0'Dumbo, correct?

Amanda Grace has a record of what she got over a period of time. And now it's opening up and coming to fruition. Unfortunately for you, Derpwood, it looks quite embarrassing for you.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

btw, what has been exposed is that el0n wants brown kids to die. Let more proof that he is an evil White Supremacist.

Joe Conservative said...

OMG, children should starve because you're afraid some might have peanut allergies? Dervy wants to stave hungry children! He's REALLY want's "brown kids to die".

Joe Conservative said...

btw - that program was 14 years ago...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: OMG, children should starve because you're afraid some might have peanut allergies? Dervy wants to stave hungry children! He's REALLY want's "brown kids to die".

You arrived at the conclusion that I meant that via your superior mind reading abilities? I said nothing of the sort.
The USAID Peanut-Based Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods (RUTF) program continues to be in effect and is still providing life-saving nutrition to malnourished children in various regions, including Africa. The program has been crucial in addressing severe acute malnutrition and has saved countless lives since its inception1.

Copilot: Regarding peanut allergies, while they are a concern, the benefits of RUTF in treating malnutrition outweigh the risks for most children. The program includes protocols to identify and manage potential allergic reactions, ensuring that children receive the necessary care.

Minus: btw - that program was 14 years ago...

No. The article I linked to was from 14 years ago. The program that sends Peanut-Based Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods to starving children is still in effect.

Copilot: The USAID Peanut-Based Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods (RUTF) program is still in effect. The program continues to provide life-saving therapeutic foods to malnourished children in regions affected by severe acute malnutrition. In fact, USAID recently announced a $200 million investment to ramp up production and distribution of these foods to areas like Gaza, Haiti, Sudan, and Ethiopia.

The program has been crucial in addressing malnutrition and saving lives, especially in conflict zones and regions experiencing food crises. It's great to see ongoing efforts to combat global malnutrition.

The USAID Peanut-Based Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods (RUTF) program is facing uncertainty due to the Trump administration's efforts to shut down USAID. This move has already halted many critical humanitarian efforts, including those related to food security and malnutrition. [end copilot response].

Your reply = unserious.

Joe Conservative said...

So, during the Gaza War, did the peanuts get to Palestinian children? I thought that they all were "starved" by the Israeli's (per US media)... despite the fact that no Palestinians exhibited kwashiorkor symptoms of starvation, only Israeli hostages (recently released) did.

Letting food in/out is a "weapon". Disbursing food allows CIA/MOSSAD agents to collect intelligence. There's nothing "humanitarian" about USAID or peanut paste.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The World Food Programme warned in October 2024 that one million people were at risk of starvation. link

Your reply is what? Awesome?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Nope. Where are the signs ( kwashiorkor )? Ooooops.

Joe Conservative said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

So what are they eating? Maybe Gazans all became breatharians and are getting fat scarfing down too much air?

Joe Conservative said...

They're certainly showing no signs of kwashiorkor.... aka- actual starvation.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You were there and saw for yourself by traveling the land and encountering thousands of Gazans? Or you base this on several pictures from a Tweet that could easily have been fake?