Friday, February 14, 2025

The Greeks Inside the MAGA Trojan Horse...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

d0n0ld is this century's Jefferson Davis.

"The South Shall Rise Again". The "lost cause" of the White Supremacists has now been won.

Joe Conservative said...

Kamala is this century's forgotten politician. Even Joe doesn't remember her.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

If you forgot her, why'd you just bring her up? My comment doesn't mention her.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Is Steve's documentary about Jeff going to reveal how d0n0ld had Bill murder Jeff?

Anonymous said...

The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), the Elon Musk-led group tasked with eliminating wasteful spending, on Friday said it found $1.9 billion that was misplaced by the Biden administration.

Anonymous said...

How in the world can you “MISSPLACE” that?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

My memory deterioration is slower than most people's.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

In collusion with Bill & Hillary Clinton? Or Bill Gates?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You put it in Hunter Biden's checking account.

Anonymous said...

Just incase you weren’t paying attention if you do you will notice that the iconic American entrepreneur, financial engineer, and multi-billionaire Elon Musk, with the approval of the President of the United States, has read-only access to review government data, targeting defective systems, not policies, to stop the improper misdirection of taxpayer funds.

So what exactly has Musk done, if anything? And exactly what has he found?…

Most of the waste, fraud, and abuse discovered have been linked to progressive communist democrats supporting progressive non-governmental organizations NGO) that were either funding or advancing the progressive agenda.

These organizations often received large amounts of public funding, which, in some cases, was misallocated, mishandled, or used to support projects with questionable outcomes.

Additionally, many of these NGOs were found to employ individuals with extreme ideological leanings, raising concerns about whether the resources were being used efficiently or merely to further the political interests of radical progressives.

This has sparked debate about the accountability of such organizations, especially when they play influential roles in shaping public policy and social movements.

The double standard is why the Progressive Communist Democrats appear to be supporting widespread government waste, fraud, and abuse that is being discovered and remediated by Donald Trump and Elon Musk, yet generally claim to be against government waste, fraud, and abuse when the Progressive Communist Democrats are in power.

So, why do the Progressive Communist Democrats want to have Elon Musk, removed for public office? What have you Liberals/ Progressives got against Donald Trump, Elon Musk, or even JD Vance? What reason do you have to be so freaken angry about a team that only wants to get rid of people that only Waste, and steal, or whatever you want to call it but it is completely wrong and Illegal! Isn't he “Musk”allowed to tell the truth about liberals?
When people like Donald Trump or Elon Musk bring the issue of government waste to the day light, it’s often seen through the lens of reform and accountability. On the other hand, when similar issues are uncovered by Democrats or within Democratic-led initiatives, the response is frequently one of damage control, defending programs, or seeking new regulations rather than rethinking the whole system.
They'll try injecting Hitler, Stalin, whomever. And if that doesn't work they'll say he's a “Felon”, a rape artist, a snatch-grabber, an over-achiever, or whatever the new term of the day seems to be.
The solution isn’t about who discovers waste, fraud, and abuse—whether it’s President Trump, Elon Musk, or any of the Democrats—but about how we approach accountability and systemic reform. Regardless of political affiliation, Us Americans deserve a government that prioritizes efficiency, transparency, and accountability. If waste, fraud, and abuse are present, the focus should be on discovering and addressing them effectively, not based on Partisan loyalty.
Seriously, is Trump is Hitler again? The Dem party has really hit rock bottom when they resort to calling Trump a Hitler! . Hell Biden's former press secretary was even calling for VIOLENCE, saying Democrats need to break some shit. I would point out that they have always been bat shit crazy, Trump just forced them out into the open.. So that everyone could see what Lunatics they actually are! Will liberals ever learn the name calling doesn’t work!. They always seem to find some bizarre way to inject Hitler into any discussion. It's like their obsessed. In this case, the stench is coming from liberals like these. Aren't these people who are calling Trump a “Hitler” the same liberals and Progressives that are protesting in support of the Palestinians, Hamas, and driving the Jews "from the river to the sea"? Do they even realize what Idiots they sound like?

Anonymous said...

So, what are these Lunatic Progressives really so damned upset about? The answer is simple: their one time gravy-train funding sources are being exposed to the public because of Elon Musk . The personal and political interests that they have been thriving off the current state of these systems are starting to come to light. These systems, filled with waste, fraud, and lack of oversight, have allowed political insiders, contractors, and special interest groups to thrive at the expense of the American taxpayer.

When Musk exposed these issues , the waste was uncovered, and accountability becomes a reality; those benefiting from the system are understandably upset. They are the ones who stand to lose when reform is introduced, and they are the ones who are working hard to maintain the status quo.These the hate for Elon Musk.

Anonymous said...

Only 72 hours after a teen was purposely run over and killed- by a Nutjob, Liberal who thought the teen was a "MAGA extremist", The Liberals are is doubling down- urging people to "fight back" against all MAGA’S

A 41-year-old suspected killer Scan Burkhart who admitted to hitting 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson with his car over the teen's conservative views, was RELEASED yesterday on $50k bond. Burkhart has been charged with vehicular homicide and leaving the scene of a deadly accident.
Imagine if a white, 41-year-old MAGA Hat-Wearing Republican Activist chased down and ran over an 18-year-old with his car because he claimed the teen was part of a "Democrat Extremist Group"

The Liberal Media would cover it non-stop. So why do they ignore the murder of this young teen.?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"DOGE ... found $1.9 billion that was misplaced by the Biden administration".

Baloney. There never was any money. Money was allocated by Congress but not spent. There was no money in a bank account. DOGE lies when it says money was "recovered and made available for other uses". Funds were allocated for a specific use. The allocation cannot be redirected to another use.

Musk is bullsh!tting the public about what DOGE is doing and magamorons are eating it up.

btw, there never was any money so it definitely could not be in Hunter Biden's bank account. People could be prosecuted if that was the case. Maybe not Hunter Biden (given that he was pardoned), but anyone involved in such a transfer could be prosecuted. Tell me who is going to be prosecuted, Minus. Link to a story from a legit (non "satire") news source that says 1.9 billion was recovered from Hunter Biden's checking account.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"So, what are these Lunatic Progressives really so damned upset about? The answer is simple: their one time gravy-train funding sources are being exposed to the public because of Elon Musk".

That isn't happening. Government funding is negotiated by both Congressional republicans and Democrats. The Biden administration could ONLY spend money that both Democrats and republicans signed off on. The person that wrote the quoted Congress has no idea how government works.

btw, I think auditing the government books is a very good idea and absolutely should be done regularly. The problem is that DOGE/Musk have not been authorized to conduct an audit. What they are doing is a partisan audit. They are shading and lying to make everything the allegedly find look like misdoing/incompetence by the Biden administration. They are also data mining the US government servers. You can be damn sure el0n is going to use the data to enrich himself.

DOGE is a fake government department and has no authorization to do what it's doing. Doge is engaging in illegal activities. You KNOW republicans would be crying foul if Joe Biden had created a "doge" and placed the blame for money misspent/mismanaged/wasted/etc on the first tRump administration. This is such BS.

Joe Conservative said...

LOL! You've obviously never watched the Government Sweep up Allocated but Unused funds at the end of a fiscal year and reallocate it to other programs to fund shortfalls.

Joe Conservative said...

Can't the Government's books be audited by a Big 10 Accounting firm? LOL!

Audits of government agencies must follow Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS), which are published by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

Independent public accountants and other qualified auditors can perform audits of government agencies.

Joe Conservative said...

btw - Have you never signed an NDA? I used to sign them all the time as a government contractor when given access to the proprietary information in private organizations under government contract, and when I participated in developing budgets for government entities.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: LOL! You've obviously never watched the Government Sweep up Allocated but Unused funds at the end of a fiscal year and reallocate it to other programs to fund shortfalls.

The executive branch cannot legally reallocate unused funds without congressional approval.

Minus: Independent public accountants and other qualified auditors can perform audits of government agencies.

What legislation passed by congress and signed by predisent d0n0ld authorized the doge audit? fyi, el0n and his DOGE coders aren't "Independent public accountants". Nor are they "qualified auditors". And "CAN" means Congress CAN authorize audits. Congress has NOT authorized doge to conduct an audit.

Minus: Have you never signed an NDA?

Copilot: There isn't specific public information available about whether Elon Musk or the individuals working under him in the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) have signed NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements).

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The executive branch cannot legally reallocate unused funds without congressional approval.

We were breaking the law? Why weren't we arrested?

And you need Congressional approval to audit an executive department? Sounds like a Constitutional separation of powers violation.

Congress passes a budget bill that authorizes spending for the fiscal year

Executive agencies implement the budget by choosing which projects to fund

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

it would appear that the Executive agencies have a bit of "discretion" when it comes to choosing which projects to fund...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"No NASA, you can't fund that over-running James Webb Space Telescope project with unused weather satellite funds that came in cheaper than expected...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

So lay off those 10,000 engineers until the next October FY begins!

Anonymous said...

The Democratic party is slowly but Surely disappearing and its base has become shambles and a shell of it self. the democratic officials are dispirited just like their base is despondent. To the extent they don’t seem to have much fight in them, that shouldn’t be too surprising; their voters don’t, either. All that seems to to be left is that bunch of moronic idiots who think that singing those dumb , stupid songs that are led by the Big Mouthed Idiot Maxine Waters are really meaningful..
And a growing volume of polls drives home just how much of a malaise has set in
that they are close to becoming extinct.
And that Douchbag leader Chuckles Schumer doesn’t even know how stupid he looks and sounds!.

Anonymous said...

The practice of locking up merchandize for the purpose of preventing theft has sparked customer frustration, with many complaining about the inconvenience of waiting for an employee to unlock basic necessities.

During an earnings call on Friday, Walgreens CEO Tim Wentworth made a startling admission.

Despite these measures, the company reported a 52 percent increase in 'shrinkage,' the retail term for inventory lost to theft.

“When you lock things up … you don’t sell as many of them. We’ve kind of proven that pretty conclusively,” Wentworth admitted.

Rattrapper said...

Poor Dervy! He's throwing poo in hopes it'll stick where he wants it too. But it stuck to his slingshot and flew back in his face.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You are referring to your friend "Dervy" who worships the KKK, Mystere? What happened next? Did you lick the poo off "Dervy's" face?

Anonymous said...

It's very hard to give, or to have any pity the fools on the left who voted Kamala Harris and her idiotic running mate Tim Walz.