Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Julian Speaks Once Again!


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I thought this Turd was dying. What happened to that? Your post implied his death was imminent.

fyi, CIA officials under Trump discussed assassinating Julian Assange. link

Maybe he regrets working with Russia to get tRump elected? Given that it was the tRump CIA that discussed assassinating him? What a dumbass. Giving him a deal was a mistake. He should have been forced to reveal what he knows about tRump-Russia collusion or been allowed to rot in prison for the rest of his life.

Did you actually watch this video? At approximately 10 minutes in he notes that it was tRump people that went after him. Prior to that he correctly states that Barack Obama DID NOT.

Wikipedia: Once a critic of Donald Trump, whom he called "authoritarian", Pompeo turned into one of his biggest supporters after Trump became the Republican nominee in the 2016 presidential election. Trump appointed him director of the CIA in January 2017 and secretary of state in April 2018. [end Wikipedia excerpt]

I say Assange can primarily blame himself. If he hadn't worked with Russia to help get tRump elected things would have shook out very differently for him. But he will continue to lie and never admit that he acted as a Russian agent. That would destroy his fake narrative that he is an innocent persecuted journalist.

Joe Conservative said...

The same Trump CIA that set him up with the phony dossier? The same dossier fabricators who tried to frame Russia for a murdered Seth Rich Democrat's thumb drive espionage at DNC HQ?

If there were an honest Democrat anywhere they wouldn't need to stoop to these transparently ridiculous attempts at deception. Kamala ain't black!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Your comment = all lies. Every single thing you wrote is false.

You can easily determine that Kamala Harris is Black by LOOKING at her.

You have posted some videos of Black people who love White Supremacy. There are not many.

Joe Conservative said...

Kamala's an Asian-American. THAT ain't black. That's Asian.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You can't comprehend that people can be bi-racial? Her father is Black.

Time Fact Check...

CLAIM: Harris is not Black.

THE FACTS: This is false. Harris is Black and Indian. Her father, Donald Harris, is a Black man who was born in Jamaica. Shyamala Gopalan, her mother, was born in southern India. Harris has spoken publicly for many years, including in her 2019 autobiography, about how she identifies with the heritage of both her parents.

Despite ample evidence to the contrary, social media users are making erroneous claims about Harris’ race. link

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

FYI, it was Mike Pompeo -- who was APPOINTED BY TRUMP -- that discussed assassinating Julian Assange. And it was also UNDER TRUMP that the United States tried to extradite him to face justice here. And it was under Biden that he was set free. Those are the FACTS. Though I think we should have continued to try to extradite him and not have given him a deal. Now (of course) he's lying about what happened. Claiming he was arrested for doing journalism. As opposed to the espionage he admitted to -- as part of the bogus plea deal.

Joe Conservative said...

Candace proved that her father is whiter than a snowflake, with a touch of Jew.

Joe Conservative said...

Here's where the Hebrew comes in...

Joe Conservative said...

You trying to say that Trump was "more" in charge of the US IC than Biden currently is in keeping Israel out of Gaza, Lebanon, or Iran?

Joe Conservative said...

DoS will do whatever Samantha Power relays in instructions from Barrack.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

ps - At least watch the ending...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The person he selected -- that person ran it. d0n-0ld selected Mike Pompeo.

You think that Biden put NuttenYahoo in charge of Israel?

I think he would have greatly preferred someone else. NuttenYahoo is a rightturd tRump supporter.

The guy in the video is the SAME guy who said that the Democrat's nominee was definitely going to be Michelle Obama and NOT Kamala Harris.

"Most people online are f*cking stupid".

Is he talking about himself? Or is he talking about people like you?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Why would Samantha Power relay instructions given to her by d0n-0ld's friend, Tom Barrack? What instructions are Tom Barrack giving her to relay?

Joe Conservative said...

The Shadow Whitehouse's Barrack Obama.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Who is "Barrack Obama"? I've heard of Tom Barrack and Barack Obama. I've never heard of a "Barrack Obama". I suspect he only exists in your delusions.

Joe Conservative said...

...and in the world's mis-spellings! I speak Spanish. I like to toll my R's.