Thursday, October 3, 2024

Democrats Need to Ban Free Speech in Order to 'Save' Democracy... @@

Stupid is as Stupid does.  Acta non verba.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

G00gle AI...

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects hate speech, as long as it doesn't meet certain criteria:

True threats: Speech that is directed at a specific person or group and communicates a serious intent to commit violence is not protected.

Incitement: Speech that incites imminent lawless action is not protected.
Obscenity: Speech that is obscene is not protected.

Disruption: Speech that creates or threatens to create a substantial disruption to a school's functioning is not protected. [end]

Wikipedia: "Shouting fire in a crowded theater" is a popular analogy for speech or actions whose principal purpose is to create panic, and in particular for speech or actions which may for that reason be thought to be outside the scope of free speech protections. link

Glenn Greeturd lied. As he usually does.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Glenn Greenturd is worried that he won't be able to spread his profitable lies and disinformation on Social Media. Also his pro Putin propaganda. That is a revenue stream that could potentially dry up.

Though I very doubt it. Given that he posted this video on YouTube. Has Greenturd EVER ranted about rightwing censorship? I suspect he never has.

"We're going to get to that as well"... sure. Will you alert me to that video when it is released (if ever)? I'm certainly not going to watch every video Greenturd puts out going forward so I don't miss it. But I think I'll probably miss it because -- he won't ever do it.

He says he is banned from talking about the lab leak theory. Yet this video is posted on YouTube. This video will be taken down? They just haven't gotten to it yet? Though if I g00gle for "youtube lab leak theory" I get hundreds of thousands of results. And 10 pages of YouTube videos. For and against. Obviously this is another Greenturd lie. And he knows it is a lie.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Greenwald tried to ID the guy who set the theatre fire. The perp then pretended that Glen was yelling, "fire". You're okay with that. Glen needed to shut up. IT was disturbing your movie.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

True threat. Not fake AGW ones.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


Joe Conservative said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Yes" in your delusions. "No" in reality.

Joe Conservative said...

lol! You mean the imaginary tied to your jouissance?

Delusion = the 'other's' reality.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Sure. In this case the other person being you. That is your "reality". As a Putin-loving America-hating rightturd.

Joe Conservative said...

Except I have no feelings at all about Putin. So that can't be MY reality. It must be YOUR delusion! And I served my country my whole life. Did you?