Sunday, August 4, 2024

Why Russia/ China Will Kick America's Ass in Ukraine (and Everywhere else) if Kamala Gets Elected... and Trump as well!

We're Getting Pennies Worth for every Defense Spending Dollar

So who'd they fire for this bad decision?

The US military has been sold a bill of goods that makes them believe that America will control the world via DEI based PsyOps on the internet, and NOT physical combat on the battlefield.  The War in Ukraine is proving just how mistaken they were AND STILL are.  The consequences will be catastrophic.  If I were Russia/ China, NOW would be the perfect time to attack.

The USIC 'experts' are in charge.  Peter Thiel,  JD Vance, and the NATCons are chomping at the bit to take over from where the NEOCons left off.  G_d help us!


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus post: The US military has been sold a bill of goods that makes them believe that America will control the world via DEI based PsyOps on the internet...

BS. The US military hasn't bought your imaginary rightturd "bill of goods".

Russia/China will NOT kick America's ass in Ukraine. Because the US military is not in Ukraine. The Chinese military is also not in Ukraine. Your delusions seem to be getting worse more rapidly. Maybe distress caused by worry about a possible Kamala Harris presidency is increasing your psychoses?

if d0nald tRump gets back into the White House he will end the war in 24 hours, remember? Is Putin going to kick his ass anyway? Might be angry with his puppet for not getting Ukraine to surrender quickly enough?

As per Google, "Psychosis refers to a serious mental illness that can cause a person to lose touch with reality and have difficulty thinking rationally".

Sounds like Minus FJ to me.

Anonymous said...

\\ NOW would be the perfect time to attack.


but that attacks must be same time: bone-crashing... and subtle.

And God saves USA that your sworn enemies RFia and PRCia... they NOT that masterful.

But... bad news still here -- THEY... learning to be, you -- not. (like not adopting NEW tech(s)) ;-P

Anonymous said...

\\Russia/China will NOT kick America's ass in Ukraine. Because the US military is not in Ukraine.

Same... as they are not in Afghanistan? ;-P

And not in Syria?

And soon will not be in Europe? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

"There is no our soldiers... so that is NOT our loss"???? -- NEW motto of DEMN-cretins? ;-P

\\ The Chinese military is also not in Ukraine.

Yeah... just in dozen kilometers from a border of Ukraine... in Belarusia.

Though there many thousand miles in between Ukraine and China...

\\As per Google, "Psychosis refers to a serious mental illness that can cause a person to lose touch with reality and have difficulty thinking rationally".

\\Sounds like Minus FJ to me.

Because you do psychically broken??? ;-P

From you Bi-den falling out out of the race? ;-P


Joe Conservative said...

BS. The US military hasn't bought your imaginary rightturd "bill of goods".

Then why the emphasis on cyberwarfare? In gaslighting America and the world into believing that Neoliberal Capitalism is winning? America has become a propaganda State more evil and disgusting than any State before in the history of the world.

Joe Conservative said...

The Neoliberal State must be dismantled and ground into dust!

Joe Conservative said...

It has betrayed every moral value upon which it was founded.

Anonymous said...

Yep... with Russia's and China aimbombs.

They will deliever to you coup de grace.

If you'd continue pretty-pleaseingly asking em about that.

Like with that reports that you defenseless.

\\America has become a propaganda State more evil and disgusting than any State before in the history of the world.

Hah... lame bragging, again.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: "There is no our soldiers... so that is NOT our loss"???? -- NEW motto of DEMN-cretins? ;-P

"Not our problem" is the republiturd motto re Ukraine. But you keep lying about that. Saying it is "really" republiturds who are "storming the White House" to demand aid for Ukraine and who have a non-fake "plan for victory in Ukraine". While (according to you) an imaginary potus is for "stalling" aid to Ukraine because this "Bi-den" is a puppet of an imaginary "liliPut".


Qtard: \\ The Chinese military is also not in Ukraine\\ Yeah... just in dozen kilometers from a border of Ukraine... in Belarusia. Though there many thousand miles in between Ukraine and China...

ok, Captain obvious.

Qtard: \\As per Google, "Psychosis refers to a serious mental illness that can cause a person to lose touch with reality and have difficulty thinking rationally". Sounds like Minus FJ to me\\ Because you do psychically broken??? ;-P


Qtard: From you Bi-den falling out out of the race? ;-P

I don't know anything about your imaginary "Bi-den" falling out of some race. I don't care.

Minus: The Neoliberal State must be dismantled and ground into dust! It has betrayed every moral value upon which it was founded.

d0nald tRump as predisent (if he becomes predisent again) will NOT do that. 100 percent guaranteed. "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride" definitely applies here.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: And God saves USA that your sworn enemies RFia and PRCia... they NOT that masterful.

Of course not. Because they are imaginary.

Anonymous said...


Well... might be Bi-den thinking same way... that's why such a cretinic behavior.

Or that is just a dementia.


Anonymous said...

\\"Not our problem" is the republiturd motto re Ukraine.

Republiturds in WH? ;-P

\\Qtard: \\ The Chinese military is also not in Ukraine\\ Yeah... just in dozen kilometers from a border of Ukraine... in Belarusia. Though there many thousand miles in between Ukraine and China...

\\ok, Captain obvious.

So what? ;-P

You admitted FACT.

And not called it "imagniary". "Delusion". "A lie". Why????

Maybe because you know that Chinese are Suprrrimme ;-P

\\Qtard: \\As per Google, "Psychosis refers to a serious mental illness that can cause a person to lose touch with reality and have difficulty thinking rationally". Sounds like Minus FJ to me\\ Because you do psychically broken??? ;-P


Yeah... you are psychically broken -- that's why you call even OWN words, even excerpt from Google... gibberish.


\\I don't know anything about your imaginary "Bi-den" falling out of some race. I don't care.

Yeah. One who screamed at every corner "Joe Besty Prez EVER!"

Now saying "I don't care".

That is DEFINITE result of mental meltdown. ;-P

From feverish veneration... and into nihilistic depression. :-)))))))))))))))))))0

\\d0nald tRump as predisent (if he becomes predisent again) will NOT do that. 100 percent guaranteed. "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride" definitely applies here.

Like you with your cretinic "Joe Besty Prez EVER!"? ;-P

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Well... might be Bi-den thinking same way... that's why such a cretinic behavior. Or that is just a dementia.

"Bi-den" doesn't think. Non existing people don't think. Your dementia could be an explanation.

Qtard: Yeah. One who screamed at every corner "Joe Besty Prez EVER!"

You? I never did that.

Qtard: Like you with your cretinic "Joe Besty Prez EVER!"? ;-P

I never wrote any such thing. You're thinking I did -- due to your dementia?

Anonymous said...
