Monday, August 12, 2024

The Myth of Government-based Union Breaking

Why bother breaking up Unions when you can just move auto factories overseas where there are no Unions?  Or just open the borders and let the desperately poor new workers into newly built non-unionized Southern US State factories?  Money/ Capital is fungible.  It's what makes it Capital/ Money!

Politicians didn't break the unions.  A now globally-mobile neoliberal form of Capitalism devoid of tariff barriers did.  THAT is why "politics is dead".  The only "politics" that matter are Global trade deals... and unions aren't even at the negotiating tables.  The US Senate, who must approve these trade deals, is full of UniParty members raking in a fortune in international bribes to/ for their "non-profits" in return for selling out American workers.  And the US House of Representaives members and State Governors houses are full of Federal and State Government representatives willing to make No-tax corporate relocation deals for what US jobs remain and able to relocate to their States.

Unions are an anachronism that was only viable within a National (non-Global) economy!
No wonder that the Unions with the MOST members today are GOVERNMENT Unions!  They're the only economic scenario in a global environment where Unionization STILL works!

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