Friday, August 2, 2024

Venezuela in American Crosshairs?


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Никаких бобов для моих крестьян! Keine Bohnen für meine Bauern! ¡Nada de frijoles para mis campesinos!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The Maduro diet...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere wrote something stupid and ran it though Google translate. Do I care what it says? No. Did you translate it to see what moronity Mystere wrote using his fake "Dervish Sanders" account, Minus?

mystere's moonbat slayer club said...

I didn't write anything here until now, Dervish. That's your backup account you use for plausible deniability. It looks like the first remark is in Ukrainian, Polish or some other related language? The second one appears to be Dutch or German, and the third looks like Portuguese or Spanish.

You need to stay off the Tennessee Moonbat Moonshine Hooch before posting, Dervish. It does nothing good for you.

Joe Conservative said...

I speak Spanish Derv. And the German is pretty obvious.

Rattrapper said...

Ichabod Derpwood Assface Dervish bin §atan~§ander$666 launched another joebiden in his gay men's thong panties again? MUH MUH MY! MUH MUH MY! MUH MUH MY! MUH MUH MY!

It sure sucks to be YOU, Ichabod Derpwood Assface Dervish bin Satan-Sanders!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


Rattrapper said...

By the way, I take full credit of my Rattrapper reply above at 12:19 PM PDT.

Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club said...

También me atribuyo todo el mérito por este comentario de Mystere que estoy haciendo ahora mismo. Este soy yo, Mystere, quien escribió este comentario. De eso puedes estar 100 por ciento seguro.

Ejecuté esto a través del traductor de Google para que mi comentario en inglés apareciera en español. De esa manera puedo enviar un mensaje secreto al granjero John. Granjero John, eres tan sexy. ¿Sientes lo mismo por mí? Eso espero. ¡Por favor como yo!

Joe Conservative said...

Metalo pendejo Sanders!