Saturday, August 17, 2024

Kamala Remakes America on the Venezuelan Model... with "Price Controls" & Housing Construction (Subsequent shortages be damned!)

Stupid is as Stupid does

Diana Glebova, Josh Christenson, and Victoria Churchill, "Kamala Harris unveils economic plan — including a whopping $1.7T in handouts, fed ban on grocery store ‘price gouging’"
RALEIGH, North Carolina — Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday unveiled the economic policies she would enact in her first 100 days in office — and it comes with a whopping estimated $1.7 trillion in handouts, as well as government price controls on groceries amid ravaging Biden-Harris administration inflation.

Her economic plan includes measures to dole out $25,000 to help first-time homeowners with their down payments and give up to a $6,000 tax breaks for lower and middle-income families who have a child in their first year of life. Harris did not say what incomes qualify as “lower” and “middle.”

The housing subsidies alone are “absolutely inflationary” and would “push a $2 trillion dollar deficit even higher,” Brian Riedl, a senior economic fellow at the Manhattan Institute, told The Post, referrring to the already projected budget shortfall for 2024. Those subsidies make up just $200 billion of the total $1.7 trillion handouts pledged to voters.
‘Reckless’ handouts

A slew of economists The Post spoke to have already slammed the plan’s hefty price tag amid an already-struggling economy.

“The CRFB estimates make it clear that the Harris agenda—like Biden’s before it—will be fiscally reckless and economically damaging,” Adam Michel, the director of Tax Policy Studies at the libertarian Cato Institute, told The Post.

“Writing people large checks and enforcing price controls is a recipe for expanding demand and shrinking supply, creating shortages and necessitating rationing,” Michel said. “The $6,000 child tax credit is the next entry in the child tax credit arms race, in which Republicans and Democrats are trying to outdo each other in writing Americans ever bigger checks. It will only get more expensive from here.”

“This is very reckless to be adding this type of debt to our already existing mountain of debt,” said Joel Griffith, an economic research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, told The Post in reference to the rising national deficit that currently sits at $34 trillion and is expected to reach $50 trillion by 2034.

The nonpartisan Tax Foundation in an analysis was particularly troubled by the lack of detail she provided over where the funding for the handouts would come.
Here's what you need to know about Kamala Harris' plans for the economy

Harris plans to reduce grocery costs, which includes working with Congress to ban “price gouging,” or stopping sellers from pricing their products excessively.

Harris promised to work toward construction of three million new homes to “end the housing shortage” within a four-year time frame, offering a first-ever tax incentive to people building starter homes.

The Harris campaign is running on expanding the Child Tax Credit to give middle-income and lower-income families up to $6,000 in tax breaks for families who have children in their first year of life.

Harris wants to “to cancel medical debt for millions of Americans and to help them avoid accumulating such debt in the future,” capping insulin costs at $35 and out-of-pocket prescription drug costs at $2,000.
“Harris’s agenda is missing details on how her proposed tax subsidies and expansions in federal programs would be paid for, risking a worsening debt trajectory,” the foundation said in an analysis. The combined cost of the proposals would likely exceed $2 trillion over 10 years, putting upward pressure on inflation to the extent they are deficit-financed and leading to a further prolonging of the Federal Reserve’s high-interest-rate stance.”

Harris is also proposing giving tax incentives to businesses who build affordable housing and to those Americans building houses themselves and is planning to build $3 million more homes in the next four years.

“Harris’s tax agenda is problematic for three major reasons: it would further entrench social policy and spending into the tax code, it would subsidize home buyers rather than address supply constraints, and it does not specify sufficient offsets to pay for the subsidies, worsening an unsustainable debt trajectory,” the Tax Foundation said.

EJ Antoni, a public-finance economist at The Heritage Foundation, told The Post that “the Harris agenda is even worse than the Biden agenda: it means more spending, more borrowing, and more money printing to pay for it all.”

“The economy is already suffering under an increased regulatory burden from the last 3 1/2 years of overregulation and this agenda would send those cost increases into overdrive.””Harris’ economic proposals are a recipe for higher inflation and widespread shortages of basic items necessary for living like food and housing,” added Cato budget and entitlement policy director Romina Boccia.
Price controls

The Trump campaign has especially taken issue with her price control policies, calling them “communist” and comparing her proposals to those of authoritarian leaders in Venezuela and Cuba.

“When the government comes in and takes over food production and sets prices, that inevitably leads to food shortages and even famines,” economist Kevin Hassett said in a Trump campaign press call.

Harris blamed the high grocery prices on the supply chain disruption during the pandemic, but admitted that costs have remained high even after the logistical issues got better in the years since the height of COVID.

“A loaf of bread costs 50% more today that it did before the pandemic. Ground beef is up almost 50%” she said, oddly referring to the lower costs under the Trump administration.

That’s why she thinks federal price limits are needed for the first time in US history.

“We know that many Americans don’t yet feel that progress in their daily lives, costs are still too high, and on a deeper level, for too many people, no matter how much they work, it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead,” Harris said in Raleigh at her campaign stop.

“As President, I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that advance their economic security, stability and dignity. Together, we will build what I call an opportunity economy.”

But economist Stephen Moore in the Trump campaign call said “the average margin for a grocery store or 7 Eleven sell food is between two and three percentage points,” predicting that “many of them will go out of business” with price controls.

Riedl agreed, telling The Post that “price controls do not eliminate inflation — they only delay it, with huge shortages in the meantime.”

The Trump campaign has stressed that Harris is currently in office as vice president and has presided over the economy for the last three and a half years.

Harris argued that Trump did not offer concrete policy proposals in his speech on the economy that he did on Thursday.

In his speech standing in front of groceries, Trump blamed Harris for the current economy and said he would “drill baby drill” when he got back into office, lowering the price of energy.

He also said he would free up federal land to build more houses on and work to reduce the price of energy by 50%.

Harris has not yet revealed her energy policies, other than her campaign telling reporters that she has reversed her 2020 presidential campaign position that would have banned fracking.

Capping drug costs

Harris also vowed to work with her VP pick, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, to ask states “to cancel medical debt for millions of Americans and to help them avoid accumulating such debt in the future.”

Specifically, Harris wants to cap insulin costs at $35 and out-of-pocket prescription drug costs at $2,000 for everyone, not just seniors.

She also wants to “accelerate the speed of Medicare negotiations over prescription drugs,” something that has been a priority for President Biden.

Harris joined Biden for an event in Maryland on Thursday where she sought to tie herself to Biden’s relatively popular prescription drug policy despite her campaign attempting to distance her from the current president on other topics.

That event ostensibly was to celebrate the announcement of 10 prescription drug prices that will be lowered for senior citizens enrolled in Medicare Part D — with those savings taking effect in 2026, reducing both consumer and government costs.


Despite economists’ concerns of their consequences, the plan played well to her audience of supporters at the North Carolina event.

Attendee Dylan Neil noted that Harris’ ideas on curbing price gouging are “definitely a good policy, a lot of larger organizations can weasel their way in to manipulate certain systems, and I think that’s definitely an issue, and I think that it’s a really good proposal on her end.”

Asked about Trump calling Harris’ plan to end price-gouging “communist”, Sangimino said that’s “insane, just like Donald Trump.” Neil added “I don’t think it’s communist at all.”

Jessica McKoy, a 30-year-old pharmacist from Raleigh, told the Post that she was keen on Harris’ plan to put “the stop on inflation,” adding that she was excited to hear more about the “plan to cut living expenses, groceries, gas taxes, and just represent the middle class.”

For Meg Sangimino, a content marketer in her late 20’s, the Child Tax Credit “sounded very promising,” adding that it was the first time she’d heard of the idea.”It seems like she is really focusing on families, especially in the middle class. That’s very appealing to me,” she said.

Playing to the middle class has been a key aspect for both the Trump and Harris campaigns.

YUGE Turnout for Kamala Kommunism Unveiling


Anonymous said...


"Buy their DEEDS you will know em" (tm)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Acta non verba, baby!

Joe Conservative said...

At least we now know what Walz brought to the Harris agenda. Housing Construction connections in China.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Kamala Harris' economic plans sound fantastic! If Democrats can win control of the House and Senate we might be able to get something accomplished for the American People for once. From what I'm hearing things are going well for the Harris/Walz campaign and things are going poorly for the d0n-Old/Thiel campaign. I really hope this bears out. It seems you're worried. Though I don't know why you would be. Given that Harris won't be the Democrat's potus candidate. Whose policies you should be concerned about are those of Michelle Obama, the person who will ultimately be the Democrat's potus nominee, right?

Your "Acta non verba, baby!" is a JOKE. d0n-OLD is almost all verba. And his verba is all lies. Yet you continue to believe. Or you know he lies and like his lies. I think the latter is what the truth is.

"Buy their DEEDS you will know em"... EXACTLY. Peter Thiel and Elon Musk are hopeful their big bucks can BUY lots of deeds from their (if elected) puppets d0n-OLD and "Vance". Elon likes government subsidies and wants more.

Explaining why "Trump says he has ‘no choice’ but to back EVs after Musk endorsement".

tRump = I'm for sale to the big donors. Whoever they may be.

That is his acta. He isn't on the side of the ordinary Joe. d0n-OLD is the most corrupt politician in US history. A FACT you obviously like very much.

Joe Conservative said...

I think that Trump should offer illegal migrants unoccupied apartments in China. They're already built!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

United Way: There are currently 28 vacant homes for every one person experiencing homelessness in the U.S. ...Detroit has the most vacant homes per unhoused person -- 116 empty homes per unhoused person. Syracuse, New York has the second-most vacant homes per unhoused person -- 110 vacant homes per unhoused person. link

What's that China plan -- an expansion of Ron DeSantis' kidnap program? China would accept kidnapped people sent by the US as a favor to d0n-OLD because tRump is so tight with his buddy Xi?

Anonymous said...

\\Kamala Harris' economic plans sound fantastic! If Democrats can win control of the House and Senate we might be able to get something accomplished for the American People for once.

Like NEW Great Depression?

Or... Holodomor/Holocaust for all "White Supremacists", yawn? %^))))))))

\\Your "Acta non verba, baby!" is a JOKE. d0n-OLD is almost all verba. And his verba is all lies. Yet you continue to believe. Or you know he lies and like his lies. I think the latter is what the truth is.

Yeah. You prefer DEMN NewSpeaking "truth-tellers". Yawn.

\\"Buy their DEEDS you will know em"... EXACTLY. Peter Thiel and Elon Musk are hopeful their big bucks can BUY lots of deeds from their (if elected) puppets d0n-OLD and "Vance". Elon likes government subsidies and wants more.

That's how business works.


\\That is his acta. He isn't on the side of the ordinary Joe. d0n-OLD is the most corrupt politician in US history. A FACT you obviously like very much.

I... as foreigner... still think that with given choice between outright commies and they-say "corrupt" politicians -- "corrupt" politicians still better.


But... other then that -- I'm glad that that is NMP -- to choose one of em, ONLY.

Anonymous said...

And what conditions of that "vacant homes"? ;-P

Do they connected to communication? And how much will it cost -- to reconnect em?

Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry... I AGAIN asking Commie-Cretin some reasonable questions.

My-my, what a silly me. %^P

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"reasonable questions" = total moronity.

Joe Conservative said...

We've got LOTS of abandoned row homes in Baltimore. Most are crack houses. All we need to do is move the migrants in to form rival gangs with the Black Gorilla Family.

Anonymous said...

Yet one excerpt from NewSpeak dictionary?

Thanky-thanky, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You said YOU asked "reasonable questions". So HOW can that be MY NewSpeak? Obviously it is YOUR NewSpeak. Even confirmed by you -- with your thanking of yourself.

Rattrapper said...

That's funny. Dervish was throwing a temper tantrum when Poopy Pants said he was stepping down. Dervish "prophecied" 4 more years with Biden.

Rattrapper said...

Maybe Trump should offer illegals to China in exchange for Chinese Political Prisoners being put into the apartments while the illegals here are put into the labor camps. That would be a fair trade with China.

Rattrapper said...

I hear hissing coming from the skull of dervish sanders. The air is leaking from his head.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere: That's funny. Dervish was throwing a temper tantrum when Poopy Pants said he was stepping down. Dervish "prophecied" 4 more years with Biden.

That's super funny -- Mystere "prophecied" that d0n-OLD tRump would serve as predisent from 2016 until 2025 and that he would be finishing up his second term in January of next year.

Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club: We will see President Trump serving as President until 2025 monday, september 10, 2018.

Mystere threw a bigly temper tantrum when d0n-OLD lost the election and was NOT reelected to a second term. Mystere's temper tantrum has been ongoing for almost 4 years now.

btw, I never said it was a "prophecy" of mine that Biden would serve two terms. I said (not prophesied) that Joe Biden would be reelected. I stand by that prediction. Joe Biden would have been reelected had he not bowed out.

Poopy pants is still in the race. Or are you predicting that d0n-OLD will drop out? You did say (on your donkey turds blog) that there will be "another" attempt on d0n-OLD's life. Will he be killed? Will jd "Vance" be the republiturd potus nominee then, Mystere?

Anonymous said...

Let's see.

What was that post.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders
"reasonable questions" = total moronity.
August 18, 2024 at 3:30 AM

Isn't it was from SAMEBODY "The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders"?

And what was in that post? Isn't it was "something-something == something-something" -- which is colloquially and commonly as how DEFINING meaning of a words are?

As in:

EQUAL SIGN | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Cambridge Dictionary › dictionary › equal-sign
the symbol =, used to show that two things are the same in value, size, meaning, etc.

\\Even confirmed by you -- with your thanking of yourself.

Clearly sign of SAMEBODY "The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders" having cognitive aberrations -- inability to recognize words: own words, others words, words about itself written by others...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

YOUR words somehow become MY words yet again.

Well, it is obvious HOW.


Joe Conservative said...

Fantastical... cuz price controls have never been tried before and will have a huge impact on the cost of living. The store shelves will just be BURSTING with cheap products to purchase... e-r-r-r-r-p!