Sunday, August 25, 2024

Democrat Governor Josh Shapiro's SoS Disenfranchises Cornell West in Pennsylvania

A court on Friday ruled that independent candidate Cornel West cannot be on the presidential ballot in Pennsylvania, a key battleground state that could decide the 2024 election.

In a 15-page opinion, Commonwealth Court Judge Renee Cohn Jubelirer sided with the Pennsylvania secretary of state’s office in rejecting West’s candidacy paperwork.

The secretary of state’s office said the paperwork lacked the affidavits for 14 of the 19 presidential electors required by the Aug. 1 filing deadline.

Jubelirer, a Republican, agreed that minor-party presidential electors should be considered candidates for office and must file affidavits, even if major-party presidential electors are not.

Matthew Haverstick, West’s lawyer who is referred to as the “counsel of choice for state Republicans in a number of recent policy fights,” argued in the now-failed legal challenge that he saw “no good reason for Mr. West to be kept off the ballot or Pennsylvanians otherwise prevented from voting for him.”

The Pennsylvania presidential election is expected to be very close, with former President Donald Trump leading Vice President Kamala Harris in a two-way race by less than 1 percentage point, 47.7% to 47.5%, according to RealClearPolitics. With third-party candidates included, Harris leads Trump by 2 percentage points in the state, 46.3% to 44.3%. In that poll, West received 0.2%.

The ruling on West’s ballot access came on the same day independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed Trump. Kennedy will remain on the ballot in states that are either reliably red or reliably blue but will remove his name from battleground states that will swing the election, including Pennsylvania and Arizona.

It is unclear whether Haverstick will appeal the court’s ruling to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

How many voters will republiturd anti-democracy voter suppression laws disenfranchise? I don't care about your crocodile tears. The only reason you want Cornel West on the ballot is to take votes from Kamala Harris.

Joe Conservative said...

There no voter suppression more effective than preventing millions of Pennsylvanians from having a choice in 2024 to vote for anyone BUT Kamala. Isn't that a WEF goal, too? To make it so that no one even needs to vote anymore? They can just eat their bugs, own nothing, and be happy!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: ...preventing millions of Pennsylvanians from having a choice in 2024 to vote for anyone BUT Kamala.

tRump isn't going to be on the ballot either? Well (as per the Constitution) as an insurrectionist he is disqualified. But I'm pretty sure he is going to be on the ballot anyway.

fyi, Matt Haverstick, the lawyer who is trying to get West on the Pennsylvania ballot has bigly republican ties. And one of rjkjr's top funders also gave money to the tRump campaign.

That's the reason you support these third party candidates -- you want them to take votes from Harris. The more the better. rfjkr dropped out because polling showed he'd take more votes from tRump.

Klaus Schwab is talking about the ability to predict elections in that clip you posted. He doesn't say it is official WEF policy to eliminate elections. Even if that was the offical WEF position, the WEF has no authority to end US elections. Also, he is 86. He isn't going to be around a lot longer.

Wikipedia: In May 2024, WEF announced that Schwab will move from his role as Executive Chairman to Chairman of the Board of Trustees by January 2025. No successor has been named.

The WEF is not trying to force people to eat bugs. That's rightturd tinfoil hat nuttery.

Joe Conservative said...

UniParty ties are RINO ties. The RiNOs and DiNOs are mating with Joy in Chicago.

"Outlaw cow flatulence. Eat more bugs!"

Joe Conservative said...

btw - Keeping Trump off the ballot has already failed in PA.... but if you get a House majortiy by November, you can still disenfranchise Republicans for the entire race under the 14th Amendment.

Joe Conservative said...

ESG is a WEF policy Derv. If a corporation wants a high ESG rating, they need to kiss Karl's *ss (and not his successors).