Thursday, April 4, 2024

h/t - Woodsterman



Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

So true Joe, so true!

Anonymous said...

From a man with rich experience... I presume. :-)

Joe Conservative said...

Idiot's require the torpedo's shock in order to be persuaded.

Joe Conservative said...

...and even then they'll often unpersuade themselves. They are idiots, after all.

Anonymous said...

"They are idiots" = trumpers.

Rattrapper said...

Angry much, Dervish?

Anonymous said...

\\"They are idiots" = trumpers.

And who are that ones... who unable to win over idiots?

Cretins? ;-P

Rattrapper said...


Rattrapper said...

In the meantime:
