January 6 will be remembered as the day democracy/America hating trumpturds tried to overthrow the results of a legitimate democratic election and install their Orange Turd cult leader asa fascist dictator.
It will only be "remembered" the way you say if tRump steals a second term. It could happen, given that all America's enemies are working on it. Putin bigly wants his Orange Turd puppet to return to power.
Qtard: Yeah... and Bi-den -- that faithfool puppet, helping it... wholeheartedly.
So what? I do not give a shit. Nobody but you cares about this imaginary "Bi-den" who is "wholeheartedly helping". Because that is only happening in your delusions. The vast majority of people on earth know nothing about the imaginary "Bi-den".
It must be less than 10 people. Anyone who has read any of the delusions you've posted to this blog, yourself, and maybe some of your family members and your psychiatrist.
People who actually care about the situation in Ukraine and that innocent Ukrainians are being killed know that the faithful puppet who is wholeheartedly helping is donald tRump.
So not you. You obviously do not give a shit about people dying in Ukraine. I suspect you are secretly cheering the deaths and rooting for your master's victory. Like Minus and Mystere are.
\\So what? I do not give a shit. Nobody but you cares about this imaginary "Bi-den" who is "wholeheartedly helping". Because that is only happening in your delusions. The vast majority of people on earth know nothing about the imaginary "Bi-den".
\\It must be less than 10 people. Anyone who has read any of the delusions you've posted to this blog, yourself, and maybe some of your family members and your psychiatrist.
But, somehow. Google giving known to all fotos... to request "Bi-den". ;-P
Because Google... though just a machine -- are not cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))
\\People who actually care about the situation in Ukraine and that innocent Ukrainians are being killed know that the faithful puppet who is wholeheartedly helping is donald tRump.
so, in accordance with stunning cretin, Acting POTUS is dRump???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))
\\So not you. You obviously do not give a shit about people dying in Ukraine. I suspect you are secretly cheering the deaths and rooting for your master's victory. Like Minus and Mystere are.
I recognize NewSpeak-talking cretin. Which habitually using "you" instead of "I".
Well... naturally... as that is SAME cretin that called Ukrainians "nazis". And as such -- predestined to be killed?
Oh no, Mystere! It looks like you lost your fake Joe Biden blog, Whoz Yo Leader. What happened? Reported for HATE? Though, I would think that such stupidity like this would be allowed as "parody". Blogger says "parody" is allowed. What did they tell you when they emailed you about it being taken down?
Qtard: Even though it is Acting POTUS.\\ Isn't\\Yeah?
Yes. The acting potus is Joe Biden. "Bi-den" is a figment of your imagination.
Qtard: Well, I inclined to agree with that correct observation.
Because it is true.
Qtard: As it seem that it is just a miserly puppet. Have NO own will. And just repeating what its master demand of it... since Zero-bama times. Or even earlier.
I don't give a shit about the imaginary Bi-den or the imaginary Zero-bama.
Qtard: \\Lie. I entered "Bi-den" and Google displayed photos of Joe Biden. I saw no pictures of any "Bi-den"\\ Yeah. Because you are c-re-tin.
Wrote "you" in place of "I". As you do habitually. Yawn.
Qtard: \\No. Cretin thinks the current USA potus is an imaginary "Bi-den". You just said!\\Yeah. You are.
"You are" what? Correct? I know. Thank you for confirming.
Qtard: Called Biden "imaginary".
Qtard: \\Yes. I remember you admitted you do this\\ Yeah. You did.
Remember? Of course. I have that ability -- to remember correctly. Most of the time. Unlike you.
Qtard: \\I thought you said no Ukrainians are Nazis. Now you say they ALL are? But they aren't. Only a very small number are\\ Yeah. In accordance with liliPut's propaganda you basing your "judgment" on and helping to spread.
In opposition to it.
Qtard: \\BTW, everyone is predestined to be "killed". Either by natural or unnatural causes\\ Yeah? Now you showed itself NAZI too.
By acknowledging humans are not immortal? You think they are? And wtf does that have to do with Nazism? Nazis don't believe humans are immortal.
Qtard: \\Yes. The acting potus is Joe Biden. "Bi-den" is a figment of your imagination\\ While that is one and the same person? ;-P
No. You described this "Bi-den" -- and your description of him doesn't match up with the description of the actual person. They are very clearly different people. The real Biden, and the "Bi-den" of your imagination.
Qtard: Well... must be it -- because it the SAME as you treats own alter-egos, yes? ;-P
Yes. "Bi-den" is imaginary and the "own alter-egos" you say I have -- they are imaginary too.
Qtard: \\I don't give a shit about the imaginary Bi-den or the imaginary Zero-bama\\ Yeah. Same... as your "imaginary" alter-egos. ;-P
Yes, except "imaginary" shouldn't be in quotes.
Qtard: That's why they of so low regard of you... well, of each other, too.
Whatever you say. You imagined them. So they can feel however you'd like them to feel.
Qtard: \\Wrote "you" in place of "I". As you do habitually. Yawn\\ Self-referential. Yawn. ;-P
Impossible. How could me referring to YOU be "self referential"?
Qtard: First you explained what you'll do. Then did it. ... Or... that is some scorny alter-ego of SAMEBODY did? ... Thank you... nameless alter-ego. (high five).
Why are you telling me about your delusions? You should be telling a psychiatrist. Tell him or her all about your powerful delusions. Get the anti-psychotic meds you obviously need.
Qtard: \\You just said!\\Yeah. You are.\\"You are" what? Correct? I know. Thank you for confirming\\ Alter-ego confused to recognize SAMEBODY written words? Well. AGAIN!!!
I guess. And you recognize that you do this? So why aren't you worried? If you can see how seriously mentally ill you are, maybe you should do something about it?
Qtard: \\No. Cretin thinks the current USA potus is an imaginary "Bi-den". You just said!\\Yeah. You are.\\Qtard: Called Biden "imaginary".\\No.\\ SAMEBODY words I highlighted. ;-P Then SAMEBODY have written "No"... that it DO NOT recognize OWN SAMEBODY written words. HOW could it be??? If not because of nasty split-personality disorder? ;-P When literally "right hand dunno what do left hand"? ;-)
Self referring talks? What words did you write that you don't recognize now? I recognize all the words I wrote. btw, if you realize you have split-personality disorder, why don't you seek help?
Qtard: \\Remember? Of course. I have that ability -- to remember correctly. Most of the time. Unlike you\\ Yeah. Apart from other times... when SAMEBODY admits IT "do not remember"... OWN words.
Exactly. The time you didn't remember writing "Mokingjay pointed her finger at Mr.Snow". Said it was a "false memory" of mine.
Qtard: Or what... you AGAIN, will show that you do not remember admitting it? Cretin IT.
Sure. It's definitely possible that you've forgotten again. Due to having a defective brain.
Hey there Dervish Z Prophet Of Satan Sanders! Are you proud of stealing Rattrapper's blog? It turned out that Rattrapper's crew changed those alleged lost blogs and changed their addresses with it. Besides, those addresses glorified you. There wasn't much on "Heelkick" to begin with.😆😆😆😆😆. The teammates asked me if I wanted to join at this time. It's more fun dropping in on the blogs to laugh at you and expose you for the buffoon you really are, Dervish. And don't forget, stealing is a sin, the wages of sin is death, and the payment is the eternal separation in Fire Lake.
\\No. You described this "Bi-den" -- and your description of him doesn't match up with the description of the actual person. They are very clearly different people. The real Biden, and the "Bi-den" of your imagination.
\\Qtard: Well... must be it -- because it the SAME as you treats own alter-egos, yes? ;-P
\\Yes. "Bi-den" is imaginary and the "own alter-egos" you say I have -- they are imaginary too.
And Google are imaginary too? ;-P
\\Whatever you say. You imagined them. So they can feel however you'd like them to feel.
Thank you for explaining your inside scull working. ;-P
\\You should be telling a psychiatrist.
Again sharing parts of your experience?
And how that talks going??? :-)))))))))
But... that "psichiatrist" is just YET ONE of your alter-ego.
So... you consulted with IT... and IT said to you that you are sane... and all other are crazy? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00
\\Get the anti-psychotic meds you obviously need.
STOP eating chalk... you, cretin. It is NOT medicines... even if you SAMEBODY "psichiatrist" told you. ;-P
\\I guess. And you recognize that you do this? So why aren't you worried? If you can see how seriously mentally ill you are, maybe you should do something about it?
And with whom you talking here? ;-P
\\I recognize all the words I wrote.
Like "I *DO* deny" em their rights? ;-P
\\Exactly. The time you didn't remember writing "Mokingjay pointed her finger at Mr.Snow". Said it was a "false memory" of mine.
Because I back-translated it... and used/saw that word "Mokingjay" FOR THE FIRST TIME.
Well... anyway, you LYING... and so lamely. :-)))))))))
Because YOU NOT refered to it as "Mokingjay movie".
But "Laurence somebody-somebody movie". ;-P
While claimed that SHOULD remember it.
While that is NOT title of that movie even.
My memory is pretty good.
Unlike yours. ;-P
\\Sure. It's definitely possible that you've forgotten again. Due to having a defective brain.
And now you comfirmed having defective brain... :-)))))))))
Yes. The Google that you THINK confirmed that Biden and "Bi-den" are the same person is definitely imaginary. Because (as I explained previously) Google only guessed that -- when you wrote "Bi-den" you meant "Biden". But Google guessed wrong. Google guessed that Bi-den and Biden are the same person ONLY based on spelling. Not based on your delusions concerning "Bi-den" being a puppet of Putin. That "Bi-den" doesn't exist.
Qtard: \\Whatever you say. You imagined them. So they can feel however you'd like them to feel\\ Thank you for explaining your inside scull working. ;-P
I don't have a scull. My explanation concerned YOUR "inside skull working".
Qtard: \\You should be telling a psychiatrist\\ Again sharing parts of your experience? And how that talks going??? **cretinic laughter**
I never had any.
Qtard: But... that "psichiatrist" is just YET ONE of your alter-ego.
You are talking to yourself about another alter-ego? This one named "Psichiatrist"? Weird. How many alter egos do you have? Dozens? More??
Qtard: So... you consulted with IT... and IT said to you that you are sane... and all other are crazy?
Talking about yourself again. Wrote "you" instead of "I". As you admitted you habitually do.
Qtard: \\Get the anti-psychotic meds you obviously need\\ STOP eating chalk... you, cretin. It is NOT medicines... even if you SAMEBODY "psichiatrist" told you. ;-P
You give yourself good advice here. But STILL I doubt you will listen.
Qtard: \\I guess. And you recognize that you do this? So why aren't you worried? If you can see how seriously mentally ill you are, maybe you should do something about it?\\ And with whom you talking here? ;-P
Cretin dunno what the word "you" means? Well, IT already said IT thinks "you" means "I". Due to extreme cretinism. Sorry, I can't help you. Maybe you should eat more more chalk? That might help.
Qtard: \\I recognize all the words I wrote\\ Yeah??? Like "I *DO* deny" em their rights? ;-P
You wrote that. I referred to words *I* have written. WHY would I recognize words YOU wrote as being words I wrote??
Qtard: \\Exactly. The time you didn't remember writing "Mokingjay pointed her finger at Mr.Snow". Said it was a "false memory" of mine\\ Because I back-translated it... and used/saw that word "Mokingjay" FOR THE FIRST TIME.
Bullshit. "Mokingjay" isn't a word.
Qtard: Well... anyway, you LYING... and so lamely.
Right, because to IT "truth is lies".
Qtard: Because YOU NOT refered to it as "Mokingjay movie". But "Laurence somebody-somebody movie". ;-P
No, I never did.
Qtard: While claimed that SHOULD remember it. While that is NOT title of that movie even.
"Mokingjay"? Of course that isn't the title. Yet I was able to figure out what you were babbling about. Still, I never said you SHOULD remember. YOU said I should remember writing "I believe in facts" as opposed to "I believe facts". YOU called that me forgetting ALL THE TIME. Not remembering writing the word "in".
Qtard: See. My memory is pretty good.
Cretin thinks forgetting is evidence of a "pretty good memory"? Always asking for "quotes" because you CAN'T remember things you've said over and over?? MORE evidence of a "pretty good" memory???
Qtard: Unlike yours.
Yeah, your bad memory is very unlike MY good memory.
Qtard: \\Sure. It's definitely possible that you've forgotten again. Due to having a defective brain\\And now you comfirmed having defective brain... Though I already know it as FACT. ;-P
Self referring talks.
Qtard: But, continue-continue, cretin. **cretinic laughter** Because that is part of your cretinity -- to continue CONFIRMING being cretin. ;-P
Obviously. I definitely agree with your assessment of your cretinity.
That is what your "Psychiatrist" alter-ego told ya? ;-P
\\Qtard: \\Get the anti-psychotic meds you obviously need\\ STOP eating chalk... you, cretin. It is NOT medicines... even if you SAMEBODY "psichiatrist" told you. ;-P
\\You give yourself good advice here. But STILL I doubt you will listen.
But... you will not listen to YOUR own self-advise... because voices in your (unexisting? ;-P) scull... told you to NOT listen. (as it usually are with such a crazy dudes) :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Cretin dunno what the word "you" means? Well, IT already said IT thinks "you" means "I". Due to extreme cretinism. Sorry, I can't help you. Maybe you should eat more more chalk? That might help.
And you'd try to oppose... call it "I never said it", that you think that chalk... it's medicine. ;-)
And it can help.
As "anti-psychotic meds". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00
\\Qtard: \\I recognize all the words I wrote\\ Yeah??? Like "I *DO* deny" em their rights? ;-P
\\You wrote that.
Yeah. "I *DO* deny" was screeching some "Qtard" -- your alter-ego, whose words you DO NOT recognize... even though it was written by SAMEBODY.
\\Qtard: \\Exactly. The time you didn't remember writing "Mokingjay pointed her finger at Mr.Snow". Said it was a "false memory" of mine\\ Because I back-translated it... and used/saw that word "Mokingjay" FOR THE FIRST TIME.
\\Bullshit. "Mokingjay" isn't a word.
Why you cretin written it, then? ;-P
Or... AGAIN... that was somebosy else... of that SAMEBODY did it??? :-)))))))))))00
\\Right, because to IT "truth is lies".
Thanky-thanky for CONFIRMING... cretin IT. ;-P
\\No, I never did.
Yeah... somebody ELSE of that SAMEBODY... did it.
I get it, I do. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\"Mokingjay"? Of course that isn't the title. Yet I was able to figure out what you were babbling about. Still, I never said you SHOULD remember. YOU said I should remember writing "I believe in facts" as opposed to "I believe facts". YOU called that me forgetting ALL THE TIME. Not remembering writing the word "in".
\\Cretin thinks forgetting is evidence of a "pretty good memory"?
Most probably.
That's what you cretin claiming nearly every time. like just in this post -- when you claimed forgetting that SAMEBODY have written "I *DO* deny". ;-P
While saying.
\\\Qtard: See. My memory is pretty good.
\\\Yeah, your bad memory is very unlike MY good memory.
\\Qtard: \\Sure. It's definitely possible that you've forgotten again. Due to having a defective brain\\And now you comfirmed having defective brain... Though I already know it as FACT. ;-P
\\Self referring talks.
Yes. It is. (highlighed) ;-P
\\Obviously. I definitely agree with your assessment of your cretinity.
January 6 will be remembered as the day democracy/America hating trumpturds tried to overthrow the results of a legitimate democratic election and install their Orange Turd cult leader asa fascist dictator.
It will only be "remembered" the way you say if tRump steals a second term. It could happen, given that all America's enemies are working on it. Putin bigly wants his Orange Turd puppet to return to power.
Muh Russia... Boooo!
Better owe to Ukraine... than to China, or Mother Russia... not? ;-)
\\Putin bigly wants his Orange Turd puppet to return to power.
Yeah... and Bi-den -- that faithfool puppet, helping it... wholeheartedly.
And to bomb Ukraine. And for its iranian proxy to NOT receive just retaliation.
Qtard: Yeah... and Bi-den -- that faithfool puppet, helping it... wholeheartedly.
So what? I do not give a shit. Nobody but you cares about this imaginary "Bi-den" who is "wholeheartedly helping". Because that is only happening in your delusions. The vast majority of people on earth know nothing about the imaginary "Bi-den".
It must be less than 10 people. Anyone who has read any of the delusions you've posted to this blog, yourself, and maybe some of your family members and your psychiatrist.
People who actually care about the situation in Ukraine and that innocent Ukrainians are being killed know that the faithful puppet who is wholeheartedly helping is donald tRump.
So not you. You obviously do not give a shit about people dying in Ukraine. I suspect you are secretly cheering the deaths and rooting for your master's victory. Like Minus and Mystere are.
I owe, I owe, so off to work I go...*whistling*
\\So what? I do not give a shit. Nobody but you cares about this imaginary "Bi-den" who is "wholeheartedly helping". Because that is only happening in your delusions. The vast majority of people on earth know nothing about the imaginary "Bi-den".
Even though it is Acting POTUS. ;-P
\\It must be less than 10 people. Anyone who has read any of the delusions you've posted to this blog, yourself, and maybe some of your family members and your psychiatrist.
But, somehow. Google giving known to all fotos... to request "Bi-den". ;-P
Because Google... though just a machine -- are not cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))
\\People who actually care about the situation in Ukraine and that innocent Ukrainians are being killed know that the faithful puppet who is wholeheartedly helping is donald tRump.
so, in accordance with stunning cretin, Acting POTUS is dRump???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))
\\So not you. You obviously do not give a shit about people dying in Ukraine. I suspect you are secretly cheering the deaths and rooting for your master's victory. Like Minus and Mystere are.
I recognize NewSpeak-talking cretin. Which habitually using "you" instead of "I".
Well... naturally... as that is SAME cretin that called Ukrainians "nazis". And as such -- predestined to be killed?
Qtard: Even though it is Acting POTUS.
Qtard: But, somehow. Google giving known to all fotos... to request "Bi-den".
Lie. I entered "Bi-den" and Google displayed photos of Joe Biden. I saw no pictures of any "Bi-den".
Qtard: so, in accordance with stunning cretin, Acting POTUS is dRump????
No. Cretin thinks the current USA potus is an imaginary "Bi-den". You just said!
Qtard: I recognize NewSpeak-talking cretin. Which habitually using "you" instead of "I".
Yes. I remember you admitted you do this.
Qtard: Well... naturally... as that is SAME cretin that called Ukrainians "nazis". And as such -- predestined to be killed?
I thought you said no Ukrainians are Nazis. Now you say they ALL are? But they aren't. Only a very small number are.
BTW, everyone is predestined to be "killed". Either by natural or unnatural causes.
Oh no, Mystere! It looks like you lost your fake Joe Biden blog, Whoz Yo Leader. What happened? Reported for HATE? Though, I would think that such stupidity like this would be allowed as "parody". Blogger says "parody" is allowed. What did they tell you when they emailed you about it being taken down?
Hmm. Looks like Mystere also lost his blog "Donkey's Liberal Heel Kick" located at the URL https://dervishsandersisastinkyliberaltroll.blogspot.com/
I think that's a blog he's had for awhile. Must be painful.
I also noticed that the blog at dervishsandersisanasswipe got wiped out too.
He keeps making new ones though. Mostly using the account he created to fake my ID.
\\ Dervish Sanders said...
\\ Qtard: Even though it is Acting POTUS.
\\ Isn't.
Well, I inclined to agree with that correct observation.
As it seem that it is just a miserly puppet. Have NO own will. ;-P
And just repeating what its master demand of it... since Zero-bama times. Or even earlier.
\\Lie. I entered "Bi-den" and Google displayed photos of Joe Biden. I saw no pictures of any "Bi-den".
Yeah. Because you are c-re-tin. ;-P
\\No. Cretin thinks the current USA potus is an imaginary "Bi-den". You just said!
You are. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Called Biden "imaginary".
\\Yes. I remember you admitted you do this.
You did. :-))))))))))))))))))))
\\I thought you said no Ukrainians are Nazis. Now you say they ALL are? But they aren't. Only a very small number are.
In accordance with liliPut's propaganda you basing your "judgment" on and helping to spread.
\\BTW, everyone is predestined to be "killed". Either by natural or unnatural causes.
Now you showed itself NAZI too.
What's this Dervish? Is it true you got several blogs permanently wiped out?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
Qtard: Even though it is Acting POTUS.\\ Isn't\\Yeah?
Yes. The acting potus is Joe Biden. "Bi-den" is a figment of your imagination.
Qtard: Well, I inclined to agree with that correct observation.
Because it is true.
Qtard: As it seem that it is just a miserly puppet. Have NO own will. And just repeating what its master demand of it... since Zero-bama times. Or even earlier.
I don't give a shit about the imaginary Bi-den or the imaginary Zero-bama.
Qtard: \\Lie. I entered "Bi-den" and Google displayed photos of Joe Biden. I saw no pictures of any "Bi-den"\\ Yeah. Because you are c-re-tin.
Wrote "you" in place of "I". As you do habitually. Yawn.
Qtard: \\No. Cretin thinks the current USA potus is an imaginary "Bi-den". You just said!\\Yeah. You are.
"You are" what? Correct? I know. Thank you for confirming.
Qtard: Called Biden "imaginary".
Qtard: \\Yes. I remember you admitted you do this\\ Yeah. You did.
Remember? Of course. I have that ability -- to remember correctly. Most of the time. Unlike you.
Qtard: \\I thought you said no Ukrainians are Nazis. Now you say they ALL are? But they aren't. Only a very small number are\\ Yeah. In accordance with liliPut's propaganda you basing your "judgment" on and helping to spread.
In opposition to it.
Qtard: \\BTW, everyone is predestined to be "killed". Either by natural or unnatural causes\\ Yeah? Now you showed itself NAZI too.
By acknowledging humans are not immortal? You think they are? And wtf does that have to do with Nazism? Nazis don't believe humans are immortal.
\\Yes. The acting potus is Joe Biden. "Bi-den" is a figment of your imagination.
While that is one and the same person? ;-P
Well... must be it -- because it the SAME as you treats own alter-egos, yes? ;-P
\\I don't give a shit about the imaginary Bi-den or the imaginary Zero-bama.
Same... as your "imaginary" alter-egos. ;-P
That's why they of so low regard of you... well, of each other, too. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Wrote "you" in place of "I". As you do habitually. Yawn.
Self-referential. Yawn. ;-P
First you explained what you'll do. Then did it. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Or... that is some scorny alter-ego of SAMEBODY did? ;-P
Thank you... nameless alter-ego. (high five)
\\You just said!\\Yeah. You are.
\\"You are" what? Correct? I know. Thank you for confirming.
Alter-ego confused to recognize SAMEBODY written words? ;-P
Well. AGAIN!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Qtard: \\No. Cretin thinks the current USA potus is an imaginary "Bi-den". You just said!\\Yeah. You are.
\\Qtard: Called Biden "imaginary".
SAMEBODY words I highlighted. ;-P
Then SAMEBODY have written "No"... that it DO NOT recognize OWN SAMEBODY written words.
HOW could it be??? If not because of nasty split-personality disorder? ;-P
When literally "right hand dunno what do left hand"? ;-)
\\Remember? Of course. I have that ability -- to remember correctly. Most of the time. Unlike you.
Apart from other times... when SAMEBODY admits IT "do not remember"... OWN words. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))0
Or what... you AGAIN, will show that you do not remember admitting it? Cretin IT. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Qtard: Then SAMEBODY have written "No"... that it DO NOT recognize OWN SAMEBODY written words.
No. I recognize my own words. Words written about you, cretin.
Qtard: \\Yes. The acting potus is Joe Biden. "Bi-den" is a figment of your imagination\\ While that is one and the same person? ;-P
No. You described this "Bi-den" -- and your description of him doesn't match up with the description of the actual person. They are very clearly different people. The real Biden, and the "Bi-den" of your imagination.
Qtard: Well... must be it -- because it the SAME as you treats own alter-egos, yes? ;-P
Yes. "Bi-den" is imaginary and the "own alter-egos" you say I have -- they are imaginary too.
Qtard: \\I don't give a shit about the imaginary Bi-den or the imaginary Zero-bama\\ Yeah.
Same... as your "imaginary" alter-egos. ;-P
Yes, except "imaginary" shouldn't be in quotes.
Qtard: That's why they of so low regard of you... well, of each other, too.
Whatever you say. You imagined them. So they can feel however you'd like them to feel.
Qtard: \\Wrote "you" in place of "I". As you do habitually. Yawn\\ Self-referential. Yawn. ;-P
Impossible. How could me referring to YOU be "self referential"?
Qtard: First you explained what you'll do. Then did it. ... Or... that is some scorny alter-ego of SAMEBODY did? ... Thank you... nameless alter-ego. (high five).
Why are you telling me about your delusions? You should be telling a psychiatrist. Tell him or her all about your powerful delusions. Get the anti-psychotic meds you obviously need.
Qtard: \\You just said!\\Yeah. You are.\\"You are" what? Correct? I know. Thank you for confirming\\ Alter-ego confused to recognize SAMEBODY written words? Well. AGAIN!!!
I guess. And you recognize that you do this? So why aren't you worried? If you can see how seriously mentally ill you are, maybe you should do something about it?
Qtard: \\No. Cretin thinks the current USA potus is an imaginary "Bi-den". You just said!\\Yeah. You are.\\Qtard: Called Biden "imaginary".\\No.\\ SAMEBODY words I highlighted. ;-P Then SAMEBODY have written "No"... that it DO NOT recognize OWN SAMEBODY written words. HOW could it be??? If not because of nasty split-personality disorder? ;-P When literally "right hand dunno what do left hand"? ;-)
Self referring talks? What words did you write that you don't recognize now? I recognize all the words I wrote. btw, if you realize you have split-personality disorder, why don't you seek help?
Qtard: \\Remember? Of course. I have that ability -- to remember correctly. Most of the time. Unlike you\\ Yeah. Apart from other times... when SAMEBODY admits IT "do not remember"... OWN words.
Exactly. The time you didn't remember writing "Mokingjay pointed her finger at Mr.Snow". Said it was a "false memory" of mine.
Qtard: Or what... you AGAIN, will show that you do not remember admitting it? Cretin IT.
Sure. It's definitely possible that you've forgotten again. Due to having a defective brain.
Hey there Dervish Z Prophet Of Satan Sanders! Are you proud of stealing Rattrapper's blog? It turned out that Rattrapper's crew changed those alleged lost blogs and changed their addresses with it. Besides, those addresses glorified you. There wasn't much on "Heelkick" to begin with.😆😆😆😆😆. The teammates asked me if I wanted to join at this time. It's more fun dropping in on the blogs to laugh at you and expose you for the buffoon you really are, Dervish. And don't forget, stealing is a sin, the wages of sin is death, and the payment is the eternal separation in Fire Lake.
\\No. You described this "Bi-den" -- and your description of him doesn't match up with the description of the actual person. They are very clearly different people. The real Biden, and the "Bi-den" of your imagination.
\\Qtard: Well... must be it -- because it the SAME as you treats own alter-egos, yes? ;-P
\\Yes. "Bi-den" is imaginary and the "own alter-egos" you say I have -- they are imaginary too.
And Google are imaginary too? ;-P
\\Whatever you say. You imagined them. So they can feel however you'd like them to feel.
Thank you for explaining your inside scull working. ;-P
\\You should be telling a psychiatrist.
Again sharing parts of your experience?
And how that talks going??? :-)))))))))
But... that "psichiatrist" is just YET ONE of your alter-ego.
So... you consulted with IT... and IT said to you that you are sane... and all other are crazy? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00
\\Get the anti-psychotic meds you obviously need.
STOP eating chalk... you, cretin. It is NOT medicines... even if you SAMEBODY "psichiatrist" told you. ;-P
\\I guess. And you recognize that you do this? So why aren't you worried? If you can see how seriously mentally ill you are, maybe you should do something about it?
And with whom you talking here? ;-P
\\I recognize all the words I wrote.
Like "I *DO* deny" em their rights? ;-P
\\Exactly. The time you didn't remember writing "Mokingjay pointed her finger at Mr.Snow". Said it was a "false memory" of mine.
Because I back-translated it... and used/saw that word "Mokingjay" FOR THE FIRST TIME.
Well... anyway, you LYING... and so lamely. :-)))))))))
Because YOU NOT refered to it as "Mokingjay movie".
But "Laurence somebody-somebody movie". ;-P
While claimed that SHOULD remember it.
While that is NOT title of that movie even.
My memory is pretty good.
Unlike yours. ;-P
\\Sure. It's definitely possible that you've forgotten again. Due to having a defective brain.
And now you comfirmed having defective brain... :-)))))))))
Though I already know it as FACT. ;-P
But, continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Because that is part of your cretinity -- to continue CONFIRMING being cretin. ;-P
Qtard: And Google are imaginary too? ;-P
Yes. The Google that you THINK confirmed that Biden and "Bi-den" are the same person is definitely imaginary. Because (as I explained previously) Google only guessed that -- when you wrote "Bi-den" you meant "Biden". But Google guessed wrong. Google guessed that Bi-den and Biden are the same person ONLY based on spelling. Not based on your delusions concerning "Bi-den" being a puppet of Putin. That "Bi-den" doesn't exist.
Qtard: \\Whatever you say. You imagined them. So they can feel however you'd like them to feel\\ Thank you for explaining your inside scull working. ;-P
I don't have a scull. My explanation concerned YOUR "inside skull working".
Qtard: \\You should be telling a psychiatrist\\ Again sharing parts of your experience? And how that talks going??? **cretinic laughter**
I never had any.
Qtard: But... that "psichiatrist" is just YET ONE of your alter-ego.
You are talking to yourself about another alter-ego? This one named "Psichiatrist"? Weird. How many alter egos do you have? Dozens? More??
Qtard: So... you consulted with IT... and IT said to you that you are sane... and all other are crazy?
Talking about yourself again. Wrote "you" instead of "I". As you admitted you habitually do.
Qtard: \\Get the anti-psychotic meds you obviously need\\ STOP eating chalk... you, cretin. It is NOT medicines... even if you SAMEBODY "psichiatrist" told you. ;-P
You give yourself good advice here. But STILL I doubt you will listen.
Qtard: \\I guess. And you recognize that you do this? So why aren't you worried? If you can see how seriously mentally ill you are, maybe you should do something about it?\\ And with whom you talking here? ;-P
Cretin dunno what the word "you" means? Well, IT already said IT thinks "you" means "I". Due to extreme cretinism. Sorry, I can't help you. Maybe you should eat more more chalk? That might help.
Qtard: \\I recognize all the words I wrote\\ Yeah??? Like "I *DO* deny" em their rights? ;-P
You wrote that. I referred to words *I* have written. WHY would I recognize words YOU wrote as being words I wrote??
Qtard: \\Exactly. The time you didn't remember writing "Mokingjay pointed her finger at Mr.Snow". Said it was a "false memory" of mine\\ Because I back-translated it... and used/saw that word "Mokingjay" FOR THE FIRST TIME.
Bullshit. "Mokingjay" isn't a word.
Qtard: Well... anyway, you LYING... and so lamely.
Right, because to IT "truth is lies".
Qtard: Because YOU NOT refered to it as "Mokingjay movie". But "Laurence somebody-somebody movie". ;-P
No, I never did.
Qtard: While claimed that SHOULD remember it. While that is NOT title of that movie even.
"Mokingjay"? Of course that isn't the title. Yet I was able to figure out what you were babbling about. Still, I never said you SHOULD remember. YOU said I should remember writing "I believe in facts" as opposed to "I believe facts". YOU called that me forgetting ALL THE TIME. Not remembering writing the word "in".
Qtard: See. My memory is pretty good.
Cretin thinks forgetting is evidence of a "pretty good memory"? Always asking for "quotes" because you CAN'T remember things you've said over and over?? MORE evidence of a "pretty good" memory???
Qtard: Unlike yours.
Yeah, your bad memory is very unlike MY good memory.
Qtard: \\Sure. It's definitely possible that you've forgotten again. Due to having a defective brain\\And now you comfirmed having defective brain... Though I already know it as FACT. ;-P
Self referring talks.
Qtard: But, continue-continue, cretin. **cretinic laughter** Because that is part of your cretinity -- to continue CONFIRMING being cretin. ;-P
Obviously. I definitely agree with your assessment of your cretinity.
\\Qtard: And Google are imaginary too? ;-P
\\Yes. The Google that you THINK confirmed that Biden and "Bi-den" are the same person is definitely imaginary.
While being used by billions over the World.
Quite powerful... my "imagination". ;-P
\\Because (as I explained previously) Google only guessed that
And you know that... because???
Maybe you are some engineer of Google???
You just a C-R-E-T-I-N... that thinks that computer system, can show such humanly trait as "guessing". ;-P
\\But Google guessed wrong.
Cretin surely think that it smarter than Google. ;-P
That's just how cretins are. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Think they are smart... though, they... isn't. ;-P
\\I don't have a scull.
THAT'S... QUITE PROFOUND self-admission. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\I never had any.
Yeah... and that's seems the reason of your problems -- no qualified overview. ;-P
\\You are talking to yourself about another alter-ego? This one named "Psichiatrist"? Weird. How many alter egos do you have? Dozens? More??
Asking IT-self? ;-P
It's good that our talks making you suspect... something. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
\\Qtard: So... you consulted with IT... and IT said to you that you are sane... and all other are crazy?
\\Talking about yourself again. Wrote "you" instead of "I". As you admitted you habitually do.
That is what your "Psychiatrist" alter-ego told ya? ;-P
\\Qtard: \\Get the anti-psychotic meds you obviously need\\ STOP eating chalk... you, cretin. It is NOT medicines... even if you SAMEBODY "psichiatrist" told you. ;-P
\\You give yourself good advice here. But STILL I doubt you will listen.
Yep. YOU did. (highlighted)
But... you will not listen to YOUR own self-advise... because voices in your (unexisting? ;-P) scull... told you to NOT listen. (as it usually are with such a crazy dudes) :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Cretin dunno what the word "you" means? Well, IT already said IT thinks "you" means "I". Due to extreme cretinism. Sorry, I can't help you. Maybe you should eat more more chalk? That might help.
And you'd try to oppose... call it "I never said it", that you think that chalk... it's medicine. ;-)
And it can help.
As "anti-psychotic meds". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00
\\Qtard: \\I recognize all the words I wrote\\ Yeah??? Like "I *DO* deny" em their rights? ;-P
\\You wrote that.
Yeah. "I *DO* deny" was screeching some "Qtard" -- your alter-ego, whose words you DO NOT recognize... even though it was written by SAMEBODY.
\\Qtard: \\Exactly. The time you didn't remember writing "Mokingjay pointed her finger at Mr.Snow". Said it was a "false memory" of mine\\ Because I back-translated it... and used/saw that word "Mokingjay" FOR THE FIRST TIME.
\\Bullshit. "Mokingjay" isn't a word.
Why you cretin written it, then? ;-P
Or... AGAIN... that was somebosy else... of that SAMEBODY did it??? :-)))))))))))00
\\Right, because to IT "truth is lies".
Thanky-thanky for CONFIRMING... cretin IT. ;-P
\\No, I never did.
Yeah... somebody ELSE of that SAMEBODY... did it.
I get it, I do. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\"Mokingjay"? Of course that isn't the title. Yet I was able to figure out what you were babbling about. Still, I never said you SHOULD remember. YOU said I should remember writing "I believe in facts" as opposed to "I believe facts". YOU called that me forgetting ALL THE TIME. Not remembering writing the word "in".
\\Cretin thinks forgetting is evidence of a "pretty good memory"?
Most probably.
That's what you cretin claiming nearly every time. like just in this post -- when you claimed forgetting that SAMEBODY have written "I *DO* deny". ;-P
While saying.
\\\Qtard: See. My memory is pretty good.
\\\Yeah, your bad memory is very unlike MY good memory.
Calling constant forgetfoolness... "good memory". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Qtard: \\Sure. It's definitely possible that you've forgotten again. Due to having a defective brain\\And now you comfirmed having defective brain... Though I already know it as FACT. ;-P
\\Self referring talks.
Yes. It is. (highlighed) ;-P
\\Obviously. I definitely agree with your assessment of your cretinity.
Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
That thinks that such a fibble back-bite is anything else apart YET ONE confirmation of your cretinity. ;-P
AKA "inability to devise what to say". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
That's why you can only parrot MUCH SMARTER opponent. ;-P
But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))0
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