No, the "gist" of it is that the USIC has declared the Weapon theory "investigated" AND "false"... yet the hypochondriac idiots can't help themselves in their quest for a "payday" from Uncle Sam and the MSM can't resist a Russia-Russia story.
Conspiracy Theories (Recipe that leads to their creation) 1) Something Factual happens 2) Gap of Info 3) People become suspicious/ skeptical (why? lack of info/ denial) 4) Develop Narrative that closes loop (which others copy cause idea "easy" to steal)
"Cretin" is angry at Rattrapper because several of his hate sites got taken down because Cretin violated Google policies. Rattrapper's saying he had nothing to do with the takedown. Cretin's blogs were full of hate and attacks against several bloggers.
Has the Havana Syndrome Mystery Finally Been Solved? 4/4/2024 story ...Russian intelligence group called Unit 29155 ... [in a] 2014 email [said] they were researching “potential capabilities of non-lethal acoustic weapons in combat activities in urban settings.” [As per a recent] 60 Minutes segment, the retired Army lieutenant colonel who led the Pentagon investigation into the mysterious ailment also claimed he was confident that Russia was behind the phenomenon. “Consistently there was a Russia nexus,” he said. link.
\\ No, the "gist" of it is that the USIC has declared the Weapon theory "investigated" AND "false"...
And that... would be BRAND NEW and VERY FIRST time... they lied, to cover for own misdeeds, showing own fuckups??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))0
Well... that, how Russian Propaganda started working out their butts with "no-no-no, that is NOT us... how anyone could even start thinking... that that was us"... i think -- that's DAMN self-revealing. ;-P
Dervy believes EVERYTHING the USIC says. All else is "conspiracy theory". That's why he loves them censoring the internet to keep us SAFE from "Russian propaganda" and MAGA disinformation. LOL!
Glenn Greenwald: My master is innocent! It was the evil "deep state" at work accusing my innocent master, Russia's bestest president ever!
Did not watch the video, but that is the gist of it, yes?
Oh... cretin strikes BACK. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
What took you so long, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
No, the "gist" of it is that the USIC has declared the Weapon theory "investigated" AND "false"... yet the hypochondriac idiots can't help themselves in their quest for a "payday" from Uncle Sam and the MSM can't resist a Russia-Russia story.
Conspiracy Theories (Recipe that leads to their creation)
1) Something Factual happens
2) Gap of Info
3) People become suspicious/ skeptical (why? lack of info/ denial)
4) Develop Narrative that closes loop (which others copy cause idea "easy" to steal)
Hanlon's Razor (Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity)
"Cretin" is angry at Rattrapper because several of his hate sites got taken down because Cretin violated Google policies. Rattrapper's saying he had nothing to do with the takedown. Cretin's blogs were full of hate and attacks against several bloggers.
I kinda liked my personal wall of shame...
Mystere: Cretin's blogs were full of hate...
Yes, your blogs are full of hate, Mystere. Not "were". Not yet.
Has the Havana Syndrome Mystery Finally Been Solved? 4/4/2024 story ...Russian intelligence group called Unit 29155 ... [in a] 2014 email [said] they were researching “potential capabilities of non-lethal acoustic weapons in combat activities in urban settings.” [As per a recent] 60 Minutes segment, the retired Army lieutenant colonel who led the Pentagon investigation into the mysterious ailment also claimed he was confident that Russia was behind the phenomenon. “Consistently there was a Russia nexus,” he said. link.
[in a] 2014 email [said] they were researching “potential capabilities of non-lethal acoustic weapons in combat activities in urban settings.
Those NASTY Russians!
LRAD 2009
Other RF:
SS-ADT, et al
et al
\\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
\\ No, the "gist" of it is that the USIC has declared the Weapon theory "investigated" AND "false"...
And that... would be BRAND NEW and VERY FIRST time... they lied, to cover for own misdeeds, showing own fuckups??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))0
Well... that, how Russian Propaganda started working out their butts with "no-no-no, that is NOT us... how anyone could even start thinking... that that was us"... i think -- that's DAMN self-revealing. ;-P
Dervy believes EVERYTHING the USIC says. All else is "conspiracy theory". That's why he loves them censoring the internet to keep us SAFE from "Russian propaganda" and MAGA disinformation. LOL!
Well. Still.
There IS Russian Propaganda.
For at least in half of your "free and independent" sources? ;-P
Which are they? ;)
You... do not keep list of your sources?
Not the "free and independent" ones.
Yeah... that's it.
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