Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Zeihan on the Revolution of Warfare in Ukraine

It's not just the "tech"... it's how you use it.
It also sounds like a terrorism opportunity wet-dream


Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

If it gets into the wrong hands, it's going to get ugly.

Joe Conservative said...

It's already there. Prepare for ugly.

Rattrapper said...

Where is Dervy? Oh wait, he's off crying over the takedown of his mama. Some blog assassin took his mama down.😆😆😆😆😆

His white gravy comfort food got taken away before his mama got blog assassinated.😆😆😆😆😆

Oh boy, I'm in the snark tank today!

Joe Conservative said...

Ever been hacked? It's NOT a joke, or funny, in ANY way.

Anonymous said...

Experience! ;-)

Rattrapper said...

Dervish and his blog buddies hacked me more than 10 years ago. They gloated with glee over it too. Dervy and his butt buddies Irl Hudnutt and "This One" aka Lester Liberalma n, LesterLib, Liberalmann and a number of other aliases wiped out several of my blogs, Mystere's blogs, Donkey's blogs and Porky's Google account. Porky had invited Donkey's Revenge to be a writer on Porky's Big Payback. We got Porky a new Google Account and his ownership back on his blog. Irl Hudnutt was the guy behind wiping out Porky's account. It took 2 years to restore Porky, as the guys at Google who helped take him out left Google. A new employee who wasn't around when Porky got banned from Google approved a new account.

Anonymous said...

Mystere did hack into my Google account. Or had a smarter friend do the hacking. This was several years ago. Now he is harassing me and threatening other bloggers. He issued threats to Dave Dubya and Les Carpenter. I reported the threats. As well as a number of other things. Mystere desperately needs a severe spanking. He has only gotten worse since his prior WordPress spanking. Google needs to tan Mystere's hide.

Anonymous said...

I have never hacked anyone's account. That is bullshit, Mystere. Irl Hudnutt is your enemy. According to him you trolled his blog and harassed him. I communicated with Irl a few times via email. I never heard anything from This One.

You losing your WordPress blogs was your own fault. You faked comments from me on your blog. I reported it. I had no idea what WordPress would do. I thought you'd get a warning at most. I think Irl Hudnutt reported some other things. But I don't know anything about it.

Your story about Porky is BS. You are "Porky". You add "player" to your Porky comments and you think that fools people? Of course you do. Because you are a moron.

Mystere, Donkey, Rattapper and Porky -- they are all your accounts. Also Q-Tardo.

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Oh Dervish, you need to get a serious health checkup from your pain specialist or family quack doctors. Your prescription narcotics are affecting your mental conditions badly. You need to nip and chop your rabid hate before it sears your soul into the Lake Of Eternal Flames. God Almighty is pleading and knocking. Which way are you going to choose?

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Hi there Q! Looks like "Cretin" is raw from his wounds. The blog Samurais castrated him by nipping 2 pork chops of hate from the blogosphere.

He did have it coming. It was only a matter of time before he got Bigly Cocky and got his hate chopped and nipped.

Joe Conservative said...

I was hacked back in 2000. I then spent 2 weeks in a mental institution. For that reason I ask everyone, please stop.

Joe Conservative said...

...and if you can't stop, please take your blogging somewhere else.

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Now, back to warfare, we had better watch and see where the technology goes. Last thing we need are warmongers triggering each other off. We can do better with peace loving executives, engineers and planners all with the fear of God in them bringing great inventions and technological advances to all of us to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Chinese will think twice -- to what to use that "great inventions and technological advances" -- peaceful... or maybe still, military uses? ;-P

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I started watching the 3 Body Problem on Netflix. China is "cultural capitalism's" end-point".

It's time for you "struggle session" again!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Shenzhen. Ultimately, all intellectual property belongs to the State. What IS "property", anyway? And who "owns" the means of production?

Joe Conservative said...

erratum - Shanzhai. Shenzhen is where they make it.

Anonymous said...

For everypony to eat with chopsticks? ;-P

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...then jab them into your eyes!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...then jab them into your eyes! Ears?

Anonymous said...

Dunno... I'm not Chinese. ;-P

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Neither am I. I'd rather use a knife and a fork (more useful weapons)! ;)

Anonymous said...

Weapon from a more noble times... ;-P

Joe Conservative said...


Anonymous said...

Naaah... in a near future. ;-P

Well... chopsticks make better use of micro-motorics. And they have spoons too.

And soon, we will stop eating meat (except for someone who'd be serving long pork to itself) because of economical reasons. ;-P

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I hereby invite anyone who is interested to join Mystere and myself in celebrating the opening of my new blog. You going to attack this one too, Mystere?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Link got screwed up somehow.

The correct link is...
