Thursday, March 28, 2024

Defending National Security State Censorship


Anonymous said...

That Bi-den ACTUALLY 40-ty years old? ;-P

Practicly a teenager. %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Joe Conservative said...

The problems of Elite overproduction and "lawfare".... @@

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆Good one, Q! Kudos!

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Absolutely Joe!

Anonymous said...

∆ Mystere praises his boifriend ∆

Anonymous said...

∆ Mystere praises his other boifriend ∆

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

\\ The problems of Elite overproduction and "lawfare".... @@

And from what page and till what page you studied "el Principe"? Did you make all practical lessons from last page(s)? ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

No, I got it all from La Mandragola and the Clizia. :)

Joe Conservative said...

...after all, that is how the USIC convinced Ukraine to do its' bidding...

The Mandrake takes place over a 24-hour period. The protagonist, Callimaco, desires to sleep with Lucrezia, the young and beautiful wife of an elderly fool, Nicia. Nicia above all else desires a son and heir, but still has none. Conspiring with both Ligurio, a rascally marriage broker, and a corrupt priest named Friar Timoteo, Callimaco masquerades as a doctor. He convinces Nicia to drug Lucrezia with mandrake, claiming it will increase her fertility. He adds, however, the dire warning that the mandrake will undoubtedly kill the first man to have intercourse with her. Ligurio helpfully suggests to Nicia that an unwitting fool be found for this purpose. A reluctant Lucrezia is eventually convinced by her mother and the priest to comply with her husband's wishes. She allows a disguised Callimaco into her bed and, believing that the events which caused her to break her marriage vows were due to divine providence, thereafter accepts him as her lover on a more permanent basis.

Joe Conservative said...

btw - Would you mind holding my balls for a while? I'd hate to get any dust on them.

Rattrapper said...

CHOP CHOP! HAAA-EEEEEE-YAH! Dervish got a BIGLY ©!®©μm©¡$¡0π. §π¡₱ §π¡₱!

Rattrapper said...

Dr. Fowchee and his surgical team members Jesse Jackson and Lorena Bobbit surgically chopped Dervish's nut blogs without anesthesia.😆😆😆😆😆

Rattrapper said...


Anonymous said...

\\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

\\ No, I got it all from La Mandragola and the Clizia. :)

Yeah. European art... it was tricky from the start. ;-P

\\...after all, that is how the USIC convinced Ukraine to do its' bidding...

Do not try to explain mere stupidity as being malice.


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Malice towards Rusha? It would never happen...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...just ask Dervy.

Anonymous said...

Who said malice? ;-P

Heavenly Retribution. ;-)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The USIC only cares about operational results. Motivate AND Manipulate Ukraine with self-pronounced intentions of Malice towards Rusha.

R - Reward
I - Ideology
C - Coercion
E - Ego

Sounds like all 4 motivations/manipulations used against Ukraine.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

we did.

Anonymous said...

Naaah... Derpy syndrome -- ONLY saying "I did" DO NOT COUNTS as I DID It!


Or... Acta non Verba, as you saying.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You must hate Hamlet...

Act IV sc iv

How all occasions do inform against me,
And spur my dull revenge! What is a man,
If his chief good and market of his time
Be but to sleep and feed? a beast, no more.
Sure, he that made us with such large discourse,
Looking before and after, gave us not
That capability and god-like reason
To fust in us unused. Now, whether it be
Bestial oblivion, or some craven scruple
Of thinking too precisely on the event,
A thought which, quarter'd, hath but one part wisdom
And ever three parts coward, I do not know
Why yet I live to say 'This thing's to do;'
Sith I have cause and will and strength and means
To do't. Examples gross as earth exhort me:
Witness this army of such mass and charge
Led by a delicate and tender prince,
Whose spirit with divine ambition puff'd
Makes mouths at the invisible event,
Exposing what is mortal and unsure
To all that fortune, death and danger dare,
Even for an egg-shell. Rightly to be great
Is not to stir without great argument,
But greatly to find quarrel in a straw
When honour's at the stake. How stand I then,
That have a father kill'd, a mother stain'd,
Excitements of my reason and my blood,
And let all sleep? while, to my shame, I see
The imminent death of twenty thousand men,
That, for a fantasy and trick of fame,
Go to their graves like beds, fight for a plot
Whereon the numbers cannot try the cause,
Which is not tomb enough and continent
To hide the slain? O, from this time forth,
My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth!

Anonymous said...

Wisdom of past... tend to became unprecise, or even totally obsolete... with time.


Joe Conservative said...

Tell that to Lindy!

Anonymous said...

Mystere bigly wants to hold your balls, Minus.

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

\\ Tell that to Lindy!

90% of the World even DUNNO... whose that??? ;-P

And Universe...

Joe Conservative said...

Their loss...

Anonymous said...

Ha... ha-ha... ha-ha-ha... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Big Magellan Cloud... feels itself at lose. ;-P

Betelgeuse crying.

Pillars of Creation lyed down. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

Naaaah... actually, it needs numerous years for mere rumors of it to reach em. ;-P

You know -- speed of light is the stone cold LIMIT on speed. ;-)

Rattrapper said...

Dervish got his pornographic fantasy photos and cartoons of Donald Trump taken out when he got caught violating Blogger's Terms Of Service.

Dervish Sanders said...

I have on such photos or cartoons on any blog of mine.

Anonymous said...

"No such", not "on such". You are a moron. WYM was reinstated, btw. Google confirmed WYM to be 100 percent free of hate and any "pornography". While, on your blogs, you keep posting that cartoon of two guys having anal sex.