Never saw an audience. Could be the laughs were prerecorded.
Several of the pasturds Mystere listens to use obviously fake crowd shots. You never see the pasturd praising tRump and the crowds that are supposedly in attendance in the same shot. And (re the crowd shots) you see the same people having the same reactions over and over.
Maybe Brewer needs to edit some fake crowd shots into his video. To sell that his act is "funny".
Jim Breuer usually performs to a sold out theater.
Derpy is too stupid to watch the Joe Rogan link I posted carefully and realize Breuer is *not* a politics guy, and most assuredly dislikes Trump. He'# on no one's side but common sense, as it should be.
I didn't criticize Breuer for being a tRump fan. I criticized him for what he "joked" about in the clip. He's not on the side of common sense re covid. I didn't watch what you linked to carefully. I didn't watch it at all.
Who knew that Tucker Carlson's program is primarily a showcase for unfunny comedians?
btw, this story says Breuer performed "at a right-wing event called ReAwaken America". Just the kind of thing someone who isn't a "politics guy" would do?
Features and aspects of the Spectacle Recuperation Main article: Recuperation (politics) As early as 1958, in the situationist manifesto, Debord described official culture as a "rigged game", where conservative powers forbid subversive ideas to have direct access to the public discourse. Such ideas get first trivialized and sterilized, and then they are safely incorporated back within mainstream society, where they can be exploited to add new flavors to old dominant ideas.[14] This technique of the spectacle is sometimes called recuperation.[15]
To survive, the spectacle must maintain social control and effectively handle all threats to the social order. Recuperation, a concept first proposed by Guy Debord,[15] is the process by which the spectacle intercepts socially and politically radical ideas and images, commodifies them, and safely incorporates them back within mainstream society.[15] More broadly, it may refer to the appropriation or co-opting of any subversive works or ideas by mainstream media. It is the opposite of détournement, in which conventional ideas and images are reorganized and recontextualized with radical intentions.[15]
Debord discusses the close link between revolution and culture and everyday life, and the reason why conservative powers are interested in forbidding them "any direct access to the rigged game of official culture." Debord recalls that worldwide revolutionary movements that emerged during the 1920s were followed by "an ebbing of the movements that had tried to advance a liberatory new attitude in culture and everyday life," and that such movements were brought to a "complete social isolation."[16]
I didn't. My comment was in reference to Fox Nooz, OAN, NewsMax, etc. Did Guy Deboard appear on any of those outlets to talk about recuperation?
You have a habit of co-opting the ideas of Leftists and claiming they validate your support for tRump. Or do you, like Beamish (incorrectly) believe tRump is "far Left"?
Explaining why he has bigly republican support. Conservative republican voters all have very low IQs and have are easily tricked. Are you admitting your IQ is low?
Well then if I only get my opinions from those outlets, why would you "assume" that my quote from Guy Debord about "Recuperation" have come from there?
I quote Leftists because they actually acknowledge that the Democratic Party is a Neoliberal, not a Leftist, party. It's a center-left party acting in concert/ coalition with the center-right Never-Trump Republicans. Whether Trump's coming from the Far Left (as beamish contends) or Far Right (as I do) does tell you that the governing center-coalition currently in power needs radical change.
As for IQ, I can state unequivocally that mine is certainly higher than yours.
I didn't assume your quote from Guy Debord came from a trumpturd fake news source. Why I said that you have a habit of co-opting the ideas of Leftists and claiming they validate your support for tRump. You're the appropriator.
"To survive, the spectacle must maintain social control and effectively handle all threats to the social order".
The republiturd "spectacle" is the culture war fight. You create this spectacle when you push outrage for fake stories about Mr Potato Head and Dr Seuss being "cancelled". You create more spectacle with outrage about teachers who you falsely claim are trying to "groom" kids to think they're gay or that they should switch genders.
"Debord discusses the close link between revolution and culture and everyday life, and the reason why conservative powers are interested in forbidding them "any direct access to the rigged game of official culture"".
It's the conservative power (represented by the republiturd party in the United States) that wants to maintain the culture as it exist (white supremacy and patriarchy). The radical change the US needs isn't getting rid of democracy and replacing it with white supremacist fascism.
Never-Trump republicans and tRumpturd republicans are the same. Except that the never trumpers realize that tRump is bad for the party. Because he is a doofus and a moron. On top of being a white supremacist fascist. Liz Cheney voted with tRump 92.9% of the time.
...Breuer stated on Facebook Live that he would not perform at venues in New Jersey and Michigan where vaccine mandates are enforced. "I am absolutely not doing those shows", Breuer said, claiming that he'd rather "go bankrupt and make a stance and not segregate".
As Breuer fans, have Minus and Beamish contributed to the "save an anti-vaxx unfunny comedian from going bankrupt" fund?
As someone teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, Jim Breuer doesn't want you to watch his "comedy" for free. Why he complained and had the YouTube Minus embedded taken down.
What is pretty fucking hilarious are Beamishderp's hysterics on Covid. How stupid do you have to be to believe the vaccines contain antifreeze and syphilis? Or that getting vaccinated makes it more likely (not less likely) that a person will get covid?
Breuer gets laughs and earns money with his covid stupidity because rightturd morons pay up to hear lies that conform with what the WANT to believe.
Donald tRump is raking it in doing hate rallies and by fooling his fascism-loving cultists to sent him money to "save America" from democracy.
I am vaccinated and have had covid 0 times. Anti-vaxx morons are why diseases like polio are making a comeback. Covid "targets" anyone it comes in contact with. Clearly you have no idea how viruses spread.
These people you know should have gotten the vaccine and not the "vaccine". I say that is why they contracted covid multiple times. Get a real vaccine. They're free.
Actually, polio (and tuberculosis) are making comebacks because carriers of those diseases are getting into America without the Ellis Island style holding and quarantine periods of past immigrants.
It's always astounded me that it's a known and accepted fact that many Native American populations were wiped out by diseases brought by European colonizers, but somehow the epidemiology of that doesn't apply now (science is racist?)
No, vaccinated people are continuing to get Covid because the only thing that has changed with the vaccines is the dosage and frequency, and not the fact that the coronavirus itself is evolving into more antibody resistant strains.
I guess the lessons of MRSA and DDT poisoning are racist also.
Free to the individual, paid for via taxes. If you think the vaccines are totally free, why the past complaints abound Big Pharma profiting? There is no profit if the government orders X doses and Big Pharma delivers them for $0. Big Pharma must be taking bigly losses.
Beamishderp: "...carriers of those diseases are getting into America without the Ellis Island style holding and quarantine periods of past immigrants".
So that's a RECENT development? Who knew?
Vaccinated people are continuing to get Covid because of all the people who refused to get vaccinated. They provide the host bodies that allow the virus to continue circulating and mutating.
Person who caught polio in the article I linked to was unvaccinated.
Re the government existing to help people... That is the what it is supposed to do. Though republiturd elected representatives see their job as providing help for their wealthy constituents only.
People who believe the Government should be helping everyone vote Democratic. And they vote in primaries for the most progressive of the Democrats running.
More progressive Democrats = more help for those who need it.
Vaccinated people are continuing to get Covid because of all the people who refused to get vaccinated.
False. People who refused vaccines develop antibody resistance when they got Covid and now have herd immunity.
People who got the vaccines keep having to get larger doses more frequently. Eventually they will have to wear an IV drip backpack because they've destroyed their body's ability to become naturally immune to Covid
There is no profit if the government orders X doses and Big Pharma delivers them for $0. Big Pharma must be taking bigly losses.
Pfizer's up nearly 19% from 5 years ago. The only thing growing faster is the oil industry, and that's likely due to all the antifreeze going into coronavirus vaccines instead of radiators. They're not hurting. They're doing better than the guy that sells the Pentagon $1500 toilet seats.
Debord described official culture as a "rigged game", where conservative powers forbid subversive ideas to have direct access to the public discourse.
Why we need to vote for Progressive Democrats and not conservative republiturds. The conservative powers represented by donald tRump hate our trans and gay brothers and sisters. These conservative powers also hate subversive ideas that undermine White Supremacy and the patriarchy. They fight back with lies about "grooming" and Democrats being pedophiles. Also with lies about Democrats being the "real racists". Even though 90+ percent of African Americans vote Democratic.
Minus FJ supports the conservative powers and the rigging of the game. Why he hates the Democrat's Inflation Reduction legislation. Corporations should not have to pay a minimum 15% tax rate. It is an outrage!
Because Minus FJ SUPPORTS the conservative powers and the rigging of the game and OPPOSES inclusivity and representation explains his outrage regarding the nomination of KBJ to the Supreme Court.
How many republiturds voted for it? Not one republiturd wants more federal land leased to oil companies? Did they all vote NO because they're super green? If that had been taken out (and Joe Manchin voted NO) would it have passed with bigly republiturd support?
Jimmy Dore make-believes that the perfect isn't the enemy of the good. He is a republiturd tool. Dore lies for $$
Jimmy Dore = LOL. His audience consists of lefty derps and republiturds who appreciate Dore's efforts to sabotage the Democratic party and boost donald tRump.
Big Oil does not use the leases it has. They just put them on the books and count them as an asset. We should be cancelling unused leases, not issuing more.
As for Joe Manchin regarding his fellow Democrats as suckers -- maybe. Maybe he thinks a pipeline (and the jobs it will create) is a good idea. Maybe both. You tell me, you're the mind reader.
Jim Breuer was savage on the Joe Rogan Experience during the height of the shutdowns. He was being serious then, but still hilarious.
He's really getting a workout. Not funny though.
Never saw an audience. Could be the laughs were prerecorded.
Several of the pasturds Mystere listens to use obviously fake crowd shots. You never see the pasturd praising tRump and the crowds that are supposedly in attendance in the same shot. And (re the crowd shots) you see the same people having the same reactions over and over.
Maybe Brewer needs to edit some fake crowd shots into his video. To sell that his act is "funny".
I laughed my ass off.
You should sue. Due to laughter at Brewer's stupidity you now have no ass.
Jim Breuer usually performs to a sold out theater.
Derpy is too stupid to watch the Joe Rogan link I posted carefully and realize Breuer is *not* a politics guy, and most assuredly dislikes Trump. He'# on no one's side but common sense, as it should be.
I didn't criticize Breuer for being a tRump fan. I criticized him for what he "joked" about in the clip. He's not on the side of common sense re covid. I didn't watch what you linked to carefully. I didn't watch it at all.
Of course you didn't. You are allergic to being informed.
I consider myself to be highly informed.
...I think you mean conformed.
Question: What do you do if you're an antivax semi-famous "comedian" but not a "politics guy"?
Answer: Appear on Tucker Carlson's program.
Who knew that Tucker Carlson's program is primarily a showcase for unfunny comedians?
btw, this story says Breuer performed "at a right-wing event called ReAwaken America". Just the kind of thing someone who isn't a "politics guy" would do?
"I think you mean conformed".
I don't.
Conformed is how tinfoil hat nutters view those who aren't misinformed like they are. To you I'm a NPC-controlled conformed normie.
Your the one with the opinions direct from MSNBC, not me.
...and yours IS the "Party of Recuperation, after all.
...but hey, I'm not going to lecture you about how you "consume" your interpassively interactive Manufactured Consent.
from Wiki:
Features and aspects of the Spectacle
Main article: Recuperation (politics)
As early as 1958, in the situationist manifesto, Debord described official culture as a "rigged game", where conservative powers forbid subversive ideas to have direct access to the public discourse. Such ideas get first trivialized and sterilized, and then they are safely incorporated back within mainstream society, where they can be exploited to add new flavors to old dominant ideas.[14] This technique of the spectacle is sometimes called recuperation.[15]
To survive, the spectacle must maintain social control and effectively handle all threats to the social order. Recuperation, a concept first proposed by Guy Debord,[15] is the process by which the spectacle intercepts socially and politically radical ideas and images, commodifies them, and safely incorporates them back within mainstream society.[15] More broadly, it may refer to the appropriation or co-opting of any subversive works or ideas by mainstream media. It is the opposite of détournement, in which conventional ideas and images are reorganized and recontextualized with radical intentions.[15]
Debord discusses the close link between revolution and culture and everyday life, and the reason why conservative powers are interested in forbidding them "any direct access to the rigged game of official culture." Debord recalls that worldwide revolutionary movements that emerged during the 1920s were followed by "an ebbing of the movements that had tried to advance a liberatory new attitude in culture and everyday life," and that such movements were brought to a "complete social isolation."[16]
Since '68, ya gotta love "cultural capitalism".
Your the one with the opinions direct from the rightturd "news", not me.
Guy Debord was a right-winger? Who knew?
Only you.
I never said he was. You did.
I didn't. My comment was in reference to Fox Nooz, OAN, NewsMax, etc. Did Guy Deboard appear on any of those outlets to talk about recuperation?
You have a habit of co-opting the ideas of Leftists and claiming they validate your support for tRump. Or do you, like Beamish (incorrectly) believe tRump is "far Left"?
Explaining why he has bigly republican support. Conservative republican voters all have very low IQs and have are easily tricked. Are you admitting your IQ is low?
Well then if I only get my opinions from those outlets, why would you "assume" that my quote from Guy Debord about "Recuperation" have come from there?
I quote Leftists because they actually acknowledge that the Democratic Party is a Neoliberal, not a Leftist, party. It's a center-left party acting in concert/ coalition with the center-right Never-Trump Republicans. Whether Trump's coming from the Far Left (as beamish contends) or Far Right (as I do) does tell you that the governing center-coalition currently in power needs radical change.
As for IQ, I can state unequivocally that mine is certainly higher than yours.
I didn't assume your quote from Guy Debord came from a trumpturd fake news source. Why I said that you have a habit of co-opting the ideas of Leftists and claiming they validate your support for tRump. You're the appropriator.
"To survive, the spectacle must maintain social control and effectively handle all threats to the social order".
The republiturd "spectacle" is the culture war fight. You create this spectacle when you push outrage for fake stories about Mr Potato Head and Dr Seuss being "cancelled". You create more spectacle with outrage about teachers who you falsely claim are trying to "groom" kids to think they're gay or that they should switch genders.
"Debord discusses the close link between revolution and culture and everyday life, and the reason why conservative powers are interested in forbidding them "any direct access to the rigged game of official culture"".
It's the conservative power (represented by the republiturd party in the United States) that wants to maintain the culture as it exist (white supremacy and patriarchy). The radical change the US needs isn't getting rid of democracy and replacing it with white supremacist fascism.
Never-Trump republicans and tRumpturd republicans are the same. Except that the never trumpers realize that tRump is bad for the party. Because he is a doofus and a moron. On top of being a white supremacist fascist. Liz Cheney voted with tRump 92.9% of the time.
The Democratic Party is the party of conserving global corporatism.
Be proud, dervy.
Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone believed by the masses.
...the shadows and lies of their culture = white Supremacy and patriarchy.
Minus does NOT see beyond these lies. He embraces them.
The republiturd Party is the party of conserving global corporatism.
...Breuer stated on Facebook Live that he would not perform at venues in New Jersey and Michigan where vaccine mandates are enforced. "I am absolutely not doing those shows", Breuer said, claiming that he'd rather "go bankrupt and make a stance and not segregate".
As Breuer fans, have Minus and Beamish contributed to the "save an anti-vaxx unfunny comedian from going bankrupt" fund?
As someone teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, Jim Breuer doesn't want you to watch his "comedy" for free. Why he complained and had the YouTube Minus embedded taken down.
As Breuer fans, have Minus and Beamish contributed to the "save an anti-vaxx unfunny comedian from going bankrupt" fund?
Not while you're making a fool of yourself for free.
You might sue Breuer for stealing your views and making them his material.
I strongly disagree with Breuer's anti-vaxx stupidity and anti-common sense views.
That's okay, I, and most sane people strongly disagree with your pro-vaxx idiocy and radical eltism.
All Breuer has to do it quote Derpy's hysterics on Covid and do that parrot squawk and he makes money and laughs.
All humor is rooted in cruelty, and making fun of Derpy is pretty fucking hilarious.
So donald tRump's "Operation Warp Speed" (according to Minus) was insane and idiocy?
ALL comedy is not rooted in cruelty. rightturd's favorite type of humor is negative because they're haters.
What is pretty fucking hilarious are Beamishderp's hysterics on Covid. How stupid do you have to be to believe the vaccines contain antifreeze and syphilis? Or that getting vaccinated makes it more likely (not less likely) that a person will get covid?
Breuer gets laughs and earns money with his covid stupidity because rightturd morons pay up to hear lies that conform with what the WANT to believe.
Donald tRump is raking it in doing hate rallies and by fooling his fascism-loving cultists to sent him money to "save America" from democracy.
Everyone I personally know that got the "vaccine" has come down with Covid at least twice. One has had Covid five times.
I got Covid once. I'm still unvaxxed and totally not worried about it. It seems to only target mindless zombies multiple times.
I am vaccinated and have had covid 0 times. Anti-vaxx morons are why diseases like polio are making a comeback. Covid "targets" anyone it comes in contact with. Clearly you have no idea how viruses spread.
These people you know should have gotten the vaccine and not the "vaccine". I say that is why they contracted covid multiple times. Get a real vaccine. They're free.
...and you get what you pay for.
Actually, polio (and tuberculosis) are making comebacks because carriers of those diseases are getting into America without the Ellis Island style holding and quarantine periods of past immigrants.
It's always astounded me that it's a known and accepted fact that many Native American populations were wiped out by diseases brought by European colonizers, but somehow the epidemiology of that doesn't apply now (science is racist?)
No, vaccinated people are continuing to get Covid because the only thing that has changed with the vaccines is the dosage and frequency, and not the fact that the coronavirus itself is evolving into more antibody resistant strains.
I guess the lessons of MRSA and DDT poisoning are racist also.
Minusderp: "...and you get what you pay for".
Free to the individual, paid for via taxes. If you think the vaccines are totally free, why the past complaints abound Big Pharma profiting? There is no profit if the government orders X doses and Big Pharma delivers them for $0. Big Pharma must be taking bigly losses.
Beamishderp: "...carriers of those diseases are getting into America without the Ellis Island style holding and quarantine periods of past immigrants".
So that's a RECENT development? Who knew?
Vaccinated people are continuing to get Covid because of all the people who refused to get vaccinated. They provide the host bodies that allow the virus to continue circulating and mutating.
Person who caught polio in the article I linked to was unvaccinated.
Dervishderp: "The Government is here to help you...."
I'm sure glad that rich people with be getting $9b in tax credits to buy new Tesla's, aren't you?
Thanks Sleepy Joe!
Re my prior comment, "abound" should be "about".
Re the government existing to help people... That is the what it is supposed to do. Though republiturd elected representatives see their job as providing help for their wealthy constituents only.
People who believe the Government should be helping everyone vote Democratic. And they vote in primaries for the most progressive of the Democrats running.
More progressive Democrats = more help for those who need it.
Derps vote republiturd.
So that's a RECENT development?
People from Central America infected with polio and tuberculosis in greater numbers? Yes, fairly recently.
People who believe the Government should be helping everyone vote Democratic.
Almost. People who like Democratic policy vote Democratic. People who want Democratic policy implemented permanently vote Republican.
Vaccinated people are continuing to get Covid because of all the people who refused to get vaccinated.
False. People who refused vaccines develop antibody resistance when they got Covid and now have herd immunity.
People who got the vaccines keep having to get larger doses more frequently. Eventually they will have to wear an IV drip backpack because they've destroyed their body's ability to become naturally immune to Covid
There is no profit if the government orders X doses and Big Pharma delivers them for $0. Big Pharma must be taking bigly losses.
Pfizer's up nearly 19% from 5 years ago. The only thing growing faster is the oil industry, and that's likely due to all the antifreeze going into coronavirus vaccines instead of radiators. They're not hurting. They're doing better than the guy that sells the Pentagon $1500 toilet seats.
Vaccinated people are continuing to get Covid because of all the people who refused to get vaccinated = TRUE.
Debord described official culture as a "rigged game", where conservative powers forbid subversive ideas to have direct access to the public discourse.
Why we need to vote for Progressive Democrats and not conservative republiturds. The conservative powers represented by donald tRump hate our trans and gay brothers and sisters. These conservative powers also hate subversive ideas that undermine White Supremacy and the patriarchy. They fight back with lies about "grooming" and Democrats being pedophiles. Also with lies about Democrats being the "real racists". Even though 90+ percent of African Americans vote Democratic.
Minus FJ supports the conservative powers and the rigging of the game. Why he hates the Democrat's Inflation Reduction legislation. Corporations should not have to pay a minimum 15% tax rate. It is an outrage!
Because Minus FJ SUPPORTS the conservative powers and the rigging of the game and OPPOSES inclusivity and representation explains his outrage regarding the nomination of KBJ to the Supreme Court.
Are you referring to the "Tax Credits for ESG Companies" bill? LOL!
Not "LOL"... Hurray!
No, it's LOL!
The legislation received Joe Manchin's vote :P
How many republiturds voted for it? Not one republiturd wants more federal land leased to oil companies? Did they all vote NO because they're super green? If that had been taken out (and Joe Manchin voted NO) would it have passed with bigly republiturd support?
Jimmy Dore make-believes that the perfect isn't the enemy of the good. He is a republiturd tool. Dore lies for $$
Jimmy Dore = LOL. His audience consists of lefty derps and republiturds who appreciate Dore's efforts to sabotage the Democratic party and boost donald tRump.
How many Democrats voted for it? All of them. Thanks for the new oil and gas leases!
...and as Joe says, "Thanks for the Mountain Valley pipeline, suckers... e-r-r-r-r, Democrats!"
Big Oil does not use the leases it has. They just put them on the books and count them as an asset. We should be cancelling unused leases, not issuing more.
As for Joe Manchin regarding his fellow Democrats as suckers -- maybe. Maybe he thinks a pipeline (and the jobs it will create) is a good idea. Maybe both. You tell me, you're the mind reader.
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