Politics turned Parody from within a Conservative Bastion inside the People's Republic of Maryland

Saturday, July 30, 2022
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
WEF Policies Run Amuck!

Kurt Zindulka, "Dutch Farmers Block Highways with Manure and Burning Hay to Protest Globalist Climate Agenda"
In an escalation of actions taken in protest against the governments plans to shut down vast swaths of farmlands, Dutch farmers dumped manure on highways across the Netherlands on Wednesday morning.
The Netherlands was left scrambling trying to clear dozens of road blockades, consisting of manure, hay, tyres, and other waste heaped on the roads by supporters of the Dutch farmer protest movement against the globalist government of PM Mark Rutte trying to impose draconian EU-based regulations on nitrogen that could see up to 30 per cent of farms disappear in the country.
As of this reporting there has been no police action taken, despite several of the piles of hay or other blockades being set on fire. According to public broadcaster Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS), a police spokesman said that it would be difficult to ascertain who exactly left the manure or other waste on the highways and that the ministry for public works would be responsible for clearing the roads, so therefore no police action would be taken.

Tensions have previously run hot after police squared off with farmer protesters, with one officer even going so far as to fire his gun at a teenager behind the wheel of a tractor. Though the shots missed, the police force was heavily criticised for the disproportionate use of lethal force.
Condemning the latest round of actions from the farmers on Wednesday, a Ministry of Agriculture spokesman said: “Protesting is only allowed within the limits of the law. That is not this. This is also not the way to progress together,” adding that the government would like to see the farmers come to the negotiating table to air their grievances with the climate goals.
A public works spokesman added that it is a “very undesirable situation,” saying that it could endanger motorists, “not just burning hay bales, but everything on the road that drivers have to swerve for.”
The direct action has reportedly received some support from drivers, with an on the scene reporter for RTV Oos claiming: “Some raise their thumbs. You see sympathy for the actions, but others shake their heads, because it does cause a lot of delay.”
The protests from the farmers comes in response to the attempt by Mark Rutte’s government to implement radical plans to cut nitrogen emissions from livestock in half by the year 2030 in order to satisfy goals laid out in the European Union’s Natura 2000 scheme, which mandates that member states remove industry or farming from areas deemed to be of ecological importance.Watch: Police Open Fire on ‘Threatening’ Dutch Farmer Protesthttps://t.co/jxI3zJCKLN
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 6, 2022
Rutte’s government has said that in order to achieve these goals, some farms will need to reduce their emissions by 95 per cent and that 30 per cent of the country’s farmlands should be shut down outright, despite the developing food crisis as a result of the war in Ukraine.
While the Dutch government has cast the move as an “unavoidable transition,” the farmers have argued that they are being unfairly targeted as other EU member states have not been nearly so aggressive in trying to implement the agenda of Brussels.
Speaking to Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM earlier this month, Dutch political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek said that her country was being used as a testing ground for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, saying that “all these policies are out of those institutions and they are being implemented in our country first, we are sort of the pilot country together with Canada for this agenda.”
Vlaardingerbroek said that through by taking power over the food supply, governments will be able to have “full control” over people’s lives “if they can dictate what and when you can or cannot eat,” noting that “Wars have been started over less.”
Dutch Farmers: Netherlands a 'Pilot Country' for Great Reset Agenda, Eva Vlaardingerbroek Tells Breitbart https://t.co/HP6RqbM8PV
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 16, 2022
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Global Elitism on Full Display in the Netherlands...
The Hidden Danger of International Treaties Superceding National Constitutions
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Jazz Shaw, "Larry Hogan's exit in Maryland demonstrates the damage he is doing"
Maryland is holding its primary races today and the one attracting the most attention is the battle to determine who will replace outgoing Republican Governor Larry Hogan who is barred from serving again by term limits. The GOP primary is essentially a two-person race between Kelly Schulz, Hogan’s chosen successor, and Dan Cox, a MAGA candidate who has been endorsed by Donald Trump. The Democratic field is crowded and it includes the names of some heavy hitters in that party who can smell some blood in the water and believe they can finally be rid of their Republican nemesis. Unfortunately for the people of Maryland, they’re probably correct. (CBS News)The Republican race for Maryland governor in Tuesday’s primary election pits a candidate backed by outgoing Gov. Larry Hogan against a rival endorsed by Donald Trump.This entire affair has been totally frustrating from the beginning. In 2014 and 2018, watching the Governor’s race in Maryland was exciting because of the almost unique nature of Larry Hogan himself. He managed the nearly miraculous feat of not only winning Maryland’s highest office as a Republican in a state where Democrats hold a two-to-one advantage on the generic ballot but also maintaining approval ratings that most other politicians would cut off their right arm for.
It’s an early showdown on Hogan’s home turf as he weighs a 2024 White House bid, potentially against the former president.
On the Democratic side, the crowded candidate field includes the former head of the national Democratic Party, a bestselling author, the current state comptroller and a former U.S. education secretary.
But now we’re going to be treated to a primary race between a Hogan wannabe without anywhere near the broad support that the Governor has built and someone whose main claim to fame is an endorsement from a former president that is broadly despised in the very blue state of Maryland. Just because a significant majority of voters like Hogan, that doesn’t mean that they’re going to dutifully go line up to vote for someone new that he endorsed. Meanwhile, the Democrats have candidates with national name recognition lining up to take on the winner of the GOP primary.
Almost from the beginning, it seemed fairly obvious that the GOP would lose the Maryland governor’s seat once Hogan was done. But he had the option of instead throwing his hat in the ring to replace Chris Van Hollen in the Senate. Van Hollen is currently recovering from a stroke and isn’t doing much campaigning. (He does have a primary challenger, but doesn’t seem very worried about her.) With his massive approval numbers and an anticipated red wave on the way, Hogan would have stood an excellent chance to flip that seat. And nabbing a Democratic seat in the Senate would have been far more valuable than simply holding on to the governorship.
But instead, Hogan continues to prance around in various media appearances and talk about a run for president in 2024. As if there is anyone out there in the GOP that’s yearning for a Hogan presidential bid. Hogan wins in Maryland because a lot of Democrats vote for him. There’s a reason for that. He is so “moderate” and far to the left compared to Republicans in other parts of the country, Maryland is just about the only place where Hogan could win a statewide race. If he thinks he’s going to be carrying the GOP primaries in any red or purple states, he’s delusional.
So the most likely scenario I see here is a case where instead of trading the Governor’s office for a Senate seat, the GOP just winds up surrendering both of them. And then Hogan rides off into the sunset to retire in obscurity when his presidential campaign (if he even launches one) falls flat on its face. Larry Hogan isn’t doing his party any favors here and I’ll predict that he won’t be remembered fondly after this is all over.
Sunday, July 17, 2022
Saturday, July 16, 2022
Baltimore on the Chesapeake

Ned Cosby, "The once-great city of Baltimore: America’s Chernobyl"
“I wish they could do something about the squeegee boys!” said a witness to Timothy Reynolds’ shooting.
Last week, “squeegee kids” near Baltimore’s Inner Harbor approached Reynolds, a father of three, as he sat in his car. He apparently refused the unsolicited “services” offered, and a conflict escalated. Reynolds parked his car and unwisely got out with a baseball bat to scare off the unwanted highwaymen. Next, the “squeegee kids” hit Reynolds with a rock and then four gunshots. The father is now dead and his assailants are still at large.
One of the mantras that gained prominence in the late 20th century may become the epitaph of the once-great city known as Baltimore: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” For years, Baltimore’s leaders have adopted a “People will do what they do” attitude toward criminals in their city. This stance, made famous by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a native of Baltimore, is the Democrat’s attitude toward “law and order.” This is why Baltimore is becoming America’s Chernobyl.
Baltimore is in a relentless decline. However, you may not voice this undeniable trend too loudly because you will be met with accusations of (are you ready for this?) racism. Meanwhile, the residents of Baltimore and the rest of us in Maryland pour millions of taxpayer dollars into a city that is giving corruption a bad name.
In 1988, for example, a good friend gave birth to her first child at Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore. The birth and delivery were uneventful until my friend left the hospital to take her new baby home. As she began to put the infant in the car, she was accosted by a man who tried to take the baby from her. God gave my friend the strength and cool-headedness to ward off the kidnapper. Once the man realized he was dealing with a momma bear, he fled. My friend and her baby left the scene of the attempted kidnapping baby for the safety of the suburbs.
The downward slide of Baltimore is truly tragic because Charm City has such a great history. It is the home of Babe Ruth, our national anthem, Johns Hopkins University, the Baltimore Orioles, the Baltimore Ravens, and Edgar Allen Poe’s final resting place. Oriole Park at Camden Yards is arguably the best ballpark in all of baseball. One of Baltimore’s most famous mayors, William Donald Schaefer, transformed Baltimore’s inner harbor into a popular tourist attraction in the late 20th century.
Nowadays, Baltimore is getting attention for all the wrong reasons. It is the fifth-most dangerous city in America and, in 2015, was the setting of the 2015 Freddie Gray riots.
As I call Baltimore America’s Chernobyl, I know there is hope. Chernobyl will not be safe again for 20,000 years. Baltimore can be safe again if its leaders do unto Baltimore what Rudy Giuliani did unto New York City from 1994-2001.
Because of the dogmas of Wokeness, Democrats running Baltimore will keep on with their insane governance. They will not do what common sense begs them to do to protect…the children;The leaders of Baltimore do not understand that government’s fundamental purpose is to protect its citizens. Mayor Giuliani understood this and made New York City a safe place to visit and live. Right now, Baltimore is criminal-friendly and negligent with regard to its residents and visitors. The changes needed call for iron will and unassailably rational political sanity. Feral Baltimore needs leaders who will dare to civilize Charm City again.
all other citizens;
Johns Hopkins University and the other Baltimore-area colleges;
the businesses in Charm City;
the Orioles;
the Ravens; and
tourists from all over the world.
Charm City still has a lot to offer, but growing numbers will not visit because they risk life, limb, and property if they dare visit. Making Baltimore safe for its residents and tourists is not unWoke or racist; it is the right thing to do and everyone except the criminals will benefit.
Postscript: I know Baltimore is not the only unsafe city in America. Those other places, however, are not 22 miles from my front door. President Johnson’s Great Society backfired all over America but did a real number on our cities.
Johnson and his policy team believed that expanding government funding for broken families would help save them. Instead, it incentivized single mothers to remain unmarried. By expanding welfare state programs to Americans who were already experiencing serious stress and hardship, it deepened the problems of illegitimacy, fatherless homes, and other cultural problems. Millions of Americans soon were engulfed in permanent chaos and dysfunction. A plague of fatherlessness ensued, with nearly 72 percent of all American black children being born to single mothers by 2015.
The federal decision in 1983 to release many from inpatient mental health hospitals also added enormous stress to the cities, increasing the problem of homelessness.
Friday, July 15, 2022
Baltimore Sun Editorial Board Disses Readers and Goes Full Woke for the UniParty
As a House select committee continues its deep dive into the events of Jan. 6, 2021, there has been some consolation for Marylanders that the major figures in the assault on democracy were not from around these parts. Not Donald Trump, who has never won an election in this state; not his closest associates; and not his nuttiest advisors, whether inside or outside the White House. Indeed, there’s been some consolation that one of the committee’s leading figures in ferreting out the truth behind the madness has been none other than U.S. Rep. Jamie B. Raskin, the Democrat and constitutional law professor who has represented Maryland’s 8th Congressional District since 2017.
All that changed on Tuesday, however, when it was revealed that President Trump and his team had summoned a select group of GOP House members to the White House on Dec. 21, 2020, in an apparent attempt to garner their support for a scheme to overturn the election. Included in the usual suspects of Trump diehards, right-wing extremists and conspiracy theorists — like Arizona’s Paul Gosar and Florida’s Matt Gaetz — was none other than Maryland 1st District U.S. Rep. Andy Harris. The goal of the meeting was obviously to encourage the attendees to keep repeating the lie that the election was stolen and to reinforce the plan that, we now know, was hatched by the more-deeply-disgraced-by-the-day Trump attorney, John Eastman, to get Vice President Mike Pence to reject the electoral results on Jan. 6.
The revelation was by itself not especially shocking. Mr. Harris has traded in election lies before. But what was especially disappointing was his immediate response to this disclosure. Did he apologize? No. Did he admit anything connected with this coup attempt was wrong? Again, no. Did he at least express some regret about events that culminated with the armed attack on the U.S. Capitol? Absolutely not. Here is a summary of the congressman’s written response: He was too busy to watch the hearing. He’s trying to lower the price of groceries and gasoline, and fighting crime instead.
Now, setting aside the fact that Mr. Harris has been a thoroughly ineffective member of Congress who wouldn’t know how to put together a coalition to pass legislation that might address inflation or crime in some meaningful way if he was provided all 435 votes in his chamber on a silver platter, his inability to appreciate the seriousness of the events of Jan. 6 ought to be regarded as disqualifying for his job. A functioning democracy requires people in positions of power to respect the rules and the results of a legal election. As the House panel is finding over and over again, this was not how President Trump or his circle of co-conspirators operated. Perhaps the congressman could at least brag he wasn’t present for the infamous “unhinged” meeting three days earlier, where bogus conspiracy theory after bogus conspiracy theory was shot down by the president’s rational advisors, which still did nothing to dissuade Mr. Trump from his attempted coup.
Alas, Mr. Harris, 65, who has represented his district since 2011, faces no challenger in the GOP primary on July 19. But Tuesday’s revelation certainly provided plenty of campaign fodder for others on the ballot including Democrats Heather Mizeur and David Harden who quickly attacked the incumbent as a “traitor” to his country. “We learned today that Andy Harris’ depravity and unfitness to serve go even deeper than we knew,” Ms. Mizeur, 49, a former state delegate, announced in a campaign press release. Mr. Harden, 59, a retired Foreign Service officer pronounced on Twitter that Mr. Harris “dishonored his office, broke his oath, and chose the pursuit of power over the rule of law. He has disgraced us.”
Whether this will make a difference in November to voters in the 1st District, which centers on the Eastern Shore and is easily the most politically conservative and GOP-leaning in the state, remains to be seen. The congressman’s cavalier attitude toward the events of Jan. 6, 2021, may not prove so discomforting to people who refuse to believe their own eyes and ears regarding the day’s events.
And that, of course, makes the revelation all the worse — a disgraced co-conspirator who laughs away serious claims is unlikely to be held accountable by those he has cynically used, and he knows it. And doesn’t that just typify the state of U.S. politics in 2022? Marylanders may simply have to consider themselves fortunate if this proves to be their only scoundrel in high office.
Will somebody please fetch some feinting couches for Sun Editorial Board members? Andy Harris is the only national politician with integrity in the entire state. The same cannot be said for the snivelling RINOs still running the Maryland Republican Party and their Grand Pubah and likely 2024 Presidential candidate, Governor Larry Hogan.
Thursday, July 14, 2022
Sunday, July 10, 2022
Vote! ???
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Thursday, July 7, 2022
Sunday, July 3, 2022
Saturday, July 2, 2022
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