Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Van Jones and the New Liberal Tea Party Alternative

It's called Rebuild the Dream and the Liberal Left is looking for a grassroots organization to compete with the Tea Party. Can you build a grassroots organization out of astroturf? We'll see.


J Curtis said...

Van Jones should hangit up already.

I'll wager that the eventual republican nominee's dog is vetted more than Van Jones ever was by the MSM.

Joe Conservative said...

The man does seem to get around...

Always On Watch said...

A bad penny never goes away -- and all that.

Z said...

This is a man with a shady past who had to leave the Obama administration when it was found out BUT is still apparently VERY MUCH INVOLVED>...sneakily, of course.
I remember Valerie Jarrett saying how they'd 'watched Van Jones grow up in politics from his early Oakland days ..' And then, suddenly, people found he's a Communist and has done some very shady stuff, and Jarrett said THEY DIDN"T KNOW ! :-) typical.

JD CURTIS: GOod line about the dog.

But, Joe...I think astroturf is just reserved by Pelosi for the Tea Party, right?
I want to type the word 'scum' in relation to all this information in your post, etc.,... so badly, but it isn't polite.

Brooke said...

The left has a history of astroturfing right before elections!