...Preach the legacy of "White Supremacy" to create Black/ Minority Racial Pride and White Guilt-Pride
For Pride Cometh - After the Guilt - thru Redemption for the Guilt -
By its' frequent confession & demonstrated remorse!
...or a virtue-signaled confession "on cue" followed up with the monkey-like behaviour pictured above blindly affirming all 'Blackness".
...and Never Stray from within the Confines of the Progressive Elite's Racially Constructed Permission Structure!
Good Saturday Morning to you, Joe! You do know that this isn't going to go very well for Dervish, right? He's probably at home, dressed in his rainbow Ku Klux Klansman Burqa, mumbling and grumbling about Thomas Sowell being off the plantation.
The Mental illness of the Members of the Progressive Eruptions Ward has gotten worse with the death of former Presidential Jimmy Carter. Now that there's one less Progressive the Cult has increased to make up the loss.. While Biden is still walking around with his Thumb up his ass.
No. And my "no" is in regards to your title and commentary. Not to the video. I've never worn any such garment as described by Mystere. I don't denigrate Black people by calling them "uncle Tom" and "house negro". Mystere does that. I think Glenn Loury makes some good points. Why would I (as a White person) want Black people to hate me? Mystere is a moron and not a genius as he laughably claims. His comment above is yet more proof of the obvious.
And I doubt Mystere watched the video. Thomas Sowell is mentioned, but he isn't in it.
Boston Piggy's piglets are squealing in pain? Now that's a sight to see.ππππππππππππ
Your flatulence machine you named Mystere spews out hate by calling Black people "house negroes" and "Uncle Tom", Dervish? You're the one who programmed it. And my only comment above is about Boston Piggy's piglets at her hate site, of which you're one of them, Dervy.
DeNile is a wide and deep river in Egypt. Perhaps you should try moving out of it, Derv.
Affirm-ative action run amok!
Since Trump’s win, prominent progressives have criticized the party for losing focus on the issues most affecting the working class. In a statement following Trump’s win, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., said, "It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working-class people would find that the working class has abandoned them."
He added, "First, it was the White working class, and now it is Latino and Black workers as well."
Other prominent Democratic figures have made similar assessments of the party’s failures. Ex-Obama advisor David Axelrod recently told CNN that there was "a significant decline" among working-class support for the party in the 2024 election.
Yet another Democratic strategist, James Carville, admitting that his party failed on economic issues and that Trump snagged "middle-class and low-income voters" stating that his economic message was much more truthful then the rhetoric, and the foolishness spew by the out of control laughing by Kamala Harris’s constant attacks , and blaming Trump for all of Biden’s failed efforts .
That seems to make good sense.
Now Mystere thinks I programmed him? What a nut.
Minus: DeNile is a wide and deep river in Egypt. Perhaps you should try moving out of it, Derv.
You should try moving from denying that the republican party is the party of White Supremacy to admitting that is what it absolutely is. But I think that's as likely as me "admitting" your delusions about the imaginary "guilt pride" are real.
You will never stray from within the confines of your White Supremacist leader's racially constructed permission structure. You like it there very much. Minus "White Supremacy now, White Supremacy forever". Or at least for the next 20 years. Just don't call it White Supremacy. Call it maga.
Mystere: And my only comment above is about Boston Piggy's piglets at her hate site, of which you're one of them, Dervy.
I'm not. Because "Boston Piggy's piglets" are imaginary. And the "hate site" is called "The Donkey's Revenge". I see you just posted some more hate directed at the Democrat's secret 2024 potus candidate, Michelle Obama. Mystere hates Michelle Obama so viciously because in his mentally ill delusions Michelle Obama is actually a man.
No, Asswipe Dervish, YOU programmed YOUR flatulence machine that YOU named "Mystere".
LOL! I'm NOT a Republican. I'm an Independent! Always have been. I'm not captured by either Dem or Repub stupidity. Independent...as in "thought".
And MAGA isn't a "party". It's a movement AWAY from party stupidity.
'''like Slavery... and subsequent Guilt for Slavery... and subsequent Guilt-Pride after repentance for Slavery. You know, racial sh*t that has no bearing on today's America.
...trapped in the past like you and the "parties" of yore.
...forever seeking atonement for past sins.
...with trivial and unsubstantial genuflecting words and acts of worshipping past victims of "party" stupidity.
...and compounding them by ignoring their cultural backwardness inherited from Southern crackers.
Dervy must have forgotten the Democrats guilt-pride permission structure process...
You really need to watch and learn how its' done...
To redeem the past and to transform every ‘It was’ into an ‘I willed it thus!’ – that alone I call redemption!
Nietzsche, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
Democrats in search of "redemption". Guilt-PRIDE!
THAT is the group seeking "White Superiority"!
"Moral Superiority". The ultimate elite luxury value!
Mystere: No, Asswipe Dervish, YOU programmed YOUR flatulence machine that YOU named "Mystere".
That is as per your serious delusions. I have no such machine nor do I want one. And, if I built any kind of machine, I surely would not name it after a Turd like you.
Democrats in search of "redemption". Guilt-PRIDE!... are imaginary.
THAT is the group seeking "White Superiority"!... republicans.
"Moral Superiority". The ultimate elite luxury value!... it costs me nothing to not be a White Supremacist.
Dervy must have forgotten the Democrats guilt-pride permission structure process... no, I remember your absurd delusions.
"PsyOp a world into acting against their best interests" explains what happened in the last election. It's why Elon bought Twitter. That was his goal. Joe Rogan also helped. Along with the Turds that received bigly payments from Russia. Tim Pool, Benny Johnson and Dave Rubin.
Mystere loves the Russia asset Benny Johnson. And you've posted videos from the Turd Tim Pool.
Everything conventional is imaginary, Derv. It's all Sunyata in the end...
You attempt to imagine things for other people to believe. While those people don't imagine those things or believe them themselves.
No I attempt to bring useful things that other people have already thought of to light for the consideration of others.
"Thought up" by rightturds and falsely attributed to Democrats. Who don't believe in the imagined things.
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