Saturday, October 5, 2024

Kamala Harris Deconstructed

The Travelling Minstrel Show and Long Con of Some White Jamaican Slave Owners and Indian Communists Continues....

"Follow the $"... if you can!
A Debunker already Debunked!  He doesn't do any "due diligence" in matching story narratives to pictures like Candace does!

Why are no "relatives" ever smiling when photographed with Kamala?


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Follow the $"... if you can! = Goldco (17:45)

"Go to Candace likes Gold dot com".

There you go.

Joe Conservative said...

When the author's narrative story and the pictured person's names don't match... issue a Silver Alert!

Where's Joe???

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Did you go to and make her some money? Or are you mooching her videos?

Joe Conservative said...

I'm a moocher.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Thanks for the free hate".

You don't want to earn any money for a spade, right? As a White Supremacist you appreciate that a spade is spreading your false narratives, but that doesn't mean you'll give her any money. Though some of your peeps must be. Given that (as per g00gle) she is worth somewhere between 1 and 5 million.

Joe Conservative said...

When you watch TV, do you buy every product advertised? Cuz just about every ad pitch has a "person of colour" pitching it. I know, you're too much of a white supremacist to spend any money for a spade, right?

gtf up, Dervy. Not everyone obsesses over race. Candace produced this content for you, and to feed your racial obsession, not mine. She's making fun of it, and showing the destructiveness of the racial obsession. There's no "social justice" in voting for former slave owners just because they can put on a good minstrel show.

Joe Conservative said...

...and to think that rewarding a good minstrel show with more power as you advocate on "superficial evidence" is the definitely the height of social injustice.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

What there is superficial evidence for -- is that Candace Owens is Black.

Candace Owens is White. Or at least White-ish. She has bi-racial kids with a very White man. And she strongly supports White Supremacy. I looked into it and published my findings here.

Minus: There's no "social justice" in voting for former slave owners just because they can put on a good minstrel show.

That's your delusion. As reinforced by Candace's lies.

btw, Kamala Harris is the Democratic nominee. I surely do not want d0n-0ld tRump elected. I don't need to vote for Kamala Harris for the reason of "social justice". That isn't a reason at all why I will vote for her. I think Joe Biden should be starting his second term in January. As he originally intended to.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Donald Harris' stories of his mother don't match the records associated with the pictures he provided. His narrative describes the lives of other people not pictured.

In other words, The pictures/records and Donald Harris stories don't match. He's a liar. And Kamala's book's "pictures" don't match either. They reveal a "blackening" that is pure fiction. To be blunt, they're lies.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"The pictures/records and Donald Harris stories don't match".

wtf are you talking about? Many people don't have photographic documentation of their lives. Like the people who just lived through the hurricanes and had everything they owned swept away by flood waters. Maybe they had images backed up to the cloud. But what about before such backing up was possible?

If someone relates to you a memory they have -- they need a photograph to back up their story? If not, they're lying. You can meet this standard?

To be blunt, your narrative is a racist lie. Despite the fact that there is a (supposedly) Black Turd telling it (Candace). She is clearly one of the very few minorities that are pro-White Supremacy. Candace Owens is a despicable liar. She could oppose the candidacy of Kamala Harris without telling such lies. She should be ashamed, but Turds like her know no shame.

Candace Owens says white nationalism and white supremacism aren't a major problem in a congressional hearing = DARVO in action.

DARVO = tool used bigly by White Supremacists.

PROVEN often on this blog. Your "cultural genocide" of White Culture... for example.

FYI, d0n-0ld tRump is the actual fraud. He is a failed businessman, not a successful businessman. He inherited a huge amount of money from his father and lost much of it. He STOLE his dead brother's share of his father's inheritance (that should have gone to his brother's children). d0n-0ld is a lifelong thief and fraud.

A lot of h is money comes from the time he "acted" on the fake reality teevee program "the Apprentice" where he was falsely presented as a successful businessman, which he definitely is not.

I suspect that has something to do with these false "you're a fraud" charges against Kamala Harris. It's more of your "I know you are, but what am I" strategy. Kamala Harris isn't a fraud -- d0n-0ld tRump is. His whole image of a "successful businessman" is a complete fraud.

Joe Conservative said...

You didn't watch the video. The pictures represent servants, washerwomen, and field workers (per documentation). The narrative stories are of merchants and political activism, people with wealth and power. they don't match. The pictures serve the same function as William Penn's "Treaty Oak" paintings. To legitimize an illegitimate regime.

Harris is a fraud.

Joe Conservative said...

...a double identity. Like Sir William Johnson and his son, Joseph Brant, "He who places two bets".

Joe Conservative said...

Donald Trump doesn't dress in Indian garb and run around pretending to be a Native American.

Kamala Harris puts on blackface and stages a Minstrel Show. And you lap it up.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Who (in your delusions) has dressed in Indian garb and ran around pretending to be Native American? I've never seen any REAL images of Elizabeth Warren dressed as a Native American. You think photoshopped images are real?

That I even CAN "lap up" any Kamala Harris blackface Minstrel Show is 100 percent IMPOSSIBLE. Because no such thing has ever happened.

d0n-0ld dresses up like a "businessman" and runs around pretending to be "successful businessman" and YOU lap it up.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The British used to all the time.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"The British used to all the time."

Candace Owens's husband?

Joe Conservative said...

Probably where she learned of it. Her husband probably wants to become King of Uganda.