Monday, September 2, 2024

Ukraine's Picture Getting Bleak

...probably why Q's not been around lately.


  1. Where is Cretin? %-))))))))))))))))0

    1. Oy... hopefully you're in Poland or somewhere safe.

    2. ...or is that you, Mystere. By the time stamp, it's not likely Q.

    3. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  2. It's Mystere. I am not wishing for any harm to befall Qtard, but I really don't care if he is safe or not. I don't know why you seem to think he is/was in Ukraine anyway. He never said anything about his location. Except that he is a rightturd foreigner from (he alleged) "far far away".

  3. Q-Tardo = Mystere.

    That's a fact, not paranoia. Q-Tardo, Rattrapper, Helmut VonStrudelstein and others (including a fake Joe Biden, a fake "Dervish Sanders" and a fake Les Carpenter) are all Mystere accounts. People KNOW this, Mystere. You're not fooling people. And you're putting up comments pretending to be Qtard. 3 times in this tread so far. Those anonymous comments were submitted by you.

    Are you going to create a fake "Kamala Harris" account, Mystere? Or maybe convert your Joe Biden account to a fake "Kamala Harris" account? If "Kamala Harris" begins commenting on this blog (or Lisa's blog) I will know it is you, Mystere.
