Sunday, September 1, 2024

Globalization Makes Us Stupid

Democrats to Big Tech Censorship Industrial Complex


  1. The Biden/ Harris supporters believe and support abortion up to and after birth. Do you ACTUALLY believe this nonsense is appropriate because it is NOT!

  2. I believe that there are far too many second and third trimester elective abortions that lead to the mother's death than are "necessary" and lead to America's having the highest "childbirth" (aka abortion) death rate in the world.

  3. Report: Mothers in states with abortion bans nearly 3 times more likely to die. Jan 19, 2023.

    1. LIAR! All mothers will die one day, in all states, whether abortion is banned or not. Death comes to EVERYONE, Ichabod.

    2. Dervish believes in state sponsored baby butchering. Dervish felt a Super Bigly orgasm when Planned Parenthood slaughtered more than 25 babies at the Chicago Democratic National Convention during August. The sins of his party are adding to the extremely violent crash of the Democrat Party coming later this year.

    3. Dervish Sanders believes that women who abort their babies never die, and live forever on earth. Dervish Sanders thinks he is Baal. Dervish Sanders casts curses on women who refuse to abort babies by refusing bow to Baal.

    4. ...and of those 3x more who die, how many die undergoing later-term or unlicensed abortions? Yep... all of them.

  4. Mystere: Dervish Sanders believes that women who abort their babies never die...

    What a moronic delusion. The article concerns deaths caused by limitations on access to necessary medical procedures. Like a woman with an ectopic pregnancy being denied the procedure to remove it. rightturd fascist fake Christians are killing women -- that is a fact backed up by the data.

    I've never attempted to "cast" any imaginary "curse". You are (again) referring to your delusions, Mystere.

  5. Mystere: Dervish believes in state sponsored baby butchering.

    No. "Baby butchering" is murder and will remain murder. It won't become "state sponsored".

    Mystere: Dervish felt a Super Bigly orgasm when Planned Parenthood slaughtered more than 25 babies at the Chicago Democratic National Convention during August.

    That wouldn't have happened if you hadn't stopped taking your Seroquel, Mystere.

    Mystere: The sins of his party are adding to the extremely violent crash of the Democrat Party coming later this year.

    And will you have a psychotic break when that doesn't happen? Well, I think it's obvious you already have. I suggest you get back on your Seroquel, Mystere. Or whatever medication you should be on to deal with your psychotic delusions. Before your family has you committed to an institution.

    I asked the Bing Copilot AI about Mystere, and the AI responded as follows...

    Bing AI: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), also known as electroshock therapy, can be effective for treating severe mental health conditions, including psychotic delusions, especially when other treatments have not been successful. ECT is often used for conditions like schizophrenia, where it can help reduce symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations. However, it’s typically considered when other treatments, like medications and psychotherapy, haven’t worked.

    Given the severity of the delusions you’re describing, it sounds like this person might benefit from professional mental health support. While you’re not one of his loved ones, encouraging him to seek help or informing someone who is close to him about your concerns could be beneficial. Mental health professionals can provide the appropriate interventions and support needed.

  6. Minus: ...and of those 3x more who die, how many die undergoing later-term or unlicensed abortions? Yep... all of them.

    That is false.

    The only fix for an ectopic pregnancy is to remove the embryo. That isn't a "late term abortion". Pregnant women are dying because they are NOT receiving the medical care the need.

    Late term abortions are rare and are NOT responsible for the uptick in deaths of pregnant women.

    Also, medical abortions have increased. I don't know about the stats are for "Unlicensed" late term abortions. You didn't give any legit ones. Or give a link. I doubt they've increased much. They certainly do not explain the 3x statistic.

  7. That is false.


    Pregnant women are dying because they are NOT receiving the medical care the need.

    ...for the botched abortion medical care they're getting.

    1. ...and mostly the botched pregnancy advice they're getting... of trying to have babies when they're over 40 years old (3x the rate of the younger cohorts).

      22% of "maternal deaths" are also post-partum suicides. "Gee, maybe I shouldn't have aborted my baby..."

    2. a United States study examining 173,279 low-income California Medicaid patients found that women who underwent abortions had nearly double the chance of dying in the following two years, and “had a 154 percent higher risk of death from suicide” than if they gave birth.

  8. Minus: Evidence?

    For your assertion? You didn't give any.

    1. What's just above your comment then, unrelated facts?

  9. Unrelated alleged facts. You gave no links. None of your alleged facts have anything to do with the stat I cited. That stat concerns women in states where abortion is restricted. While your alleged facts concern women actually getting abortions. i.e. they have access.

  10. Minus: ...and of those 3x more who die, how many die undergoing later-term or unlicensed abortions? Yep... all of them.


  11. No proof, once again. Thanks for playing "who wants to remain an idiot".

  12. Yes, I noticed you gave no proof once again. You say you're playing "who wants to remain an idiot"? OK. That sounds accurate.
