Friday, September 13, 2024

More memes from the King of Memery, Woodsterman

The Mooch Snubs Kamala
CNN: Michelle Obama ‘Not Expected to Campaign’ for Kamala Harris in the Fall
Former First Lady Michelle Obama, who delivered an impassioned speech backing Vice President Kamala Harris at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, Illinois, in August, will not be hitting the campaign trail to back up Harris in the fall, CNN reported.

“Former first lady Michelle Obama, who delivered a rallying cry speech in Chicago, is not expected to campaign, instead sticking with her officially non-partisan voter registration efforts,” CNN’s Edward-Isaac Dovere wrote on Friday.

The revelation is yet another setback for Harris, who has been desperately trying to keep her surge of summer energy riding high into the fall — but not having the highly dynamic Michelle Obama out there for her in a big way is clearly a disappointment for Democrats. It is also possibly part of a growing trend of possible future Democrat presidential candidates doing the bare minimum politically to help Harris but not really investing themselves personally in her success or failure. Of course, if Harris were to win in November, she would, in all likelihood, stand for reelection in 2028, making possible future Democrat stars have to wait all the way until 2032 for another shot at the White House. But, if Harris were to lose to former President Donald Trump, the growing group of Democrats who have their eyes set on the Oval Office would likely have a shot in 2028 — which is just around the corner.

Interestingly, in her DNC speech, Michelle Obama implored Democrats to leave it all on the field.
“We only have two and a half months, y’all, to get this done,” she said in the speech:
Only 11 weeks to make sure every single person we know is registered and has a voting plan. So, we cannot afford for anyone, anyone, anyone, America, to sit on their hands and wait to be called. Don’t complain if no one from the campaign has specifically reached out to you to ask you for your support. There is simply no time for that kind of foolishness. You know what you need to do. So, consider this to be your official ask: Michelle Obama is asking you — no, I’m telling y’all — to do something. Because, y’all, this election is gonna be close. In some states, just a handful — listen to me — a handful of votes in every precinct could decide the winner. So, we need to vote in numbers that erase any doubt. We need to overwhelm any effort to suppress us. Our fate is in our hands. In 77 days, we have the power to turn our country away from the fear, division, and smallness of the past. We have the power to marry our hope with our action. We have the power to pay forward the love, sweat, and sacrifice of our mothers and fathers and all those who came before us.
While she is sitting out the home stretch of the campaign, Michelle Obama’s husband, former President Barack Obama, is expected to help his party’s nominee in the fall.

Barack Obama, the CNN report noted, is “expected to be central” in the “effort” to get what outgoing Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI) called “magic” going for Democrats in the fall. CNN wrote that Obama’s “aides [are] working to add to his usual slate of late fall battleground campaign rallies — in person or with online influencers, whom he’s been pushing to use their platforms to get followers to vote.”

“The first taste of that will come next Tuesday, for National Voter Registration Day: Obama already recorded videos and other content in Chicago and at home in Washington that his office estimates will be hitting 30 million users across social media, aimed at younger voters,” Dovere wrote.

Michelle's probably right in not focusing on Kamala's Campaign (it's a lost cause), the Democrat's Ballot Harvesting Operations in Black neighborhoods are far more important to all the under-card candidates running across the country. 


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

At least it's MY BS! ;p

President Joseph Robbinit Biden Jr (The Big Guy) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

My motte & bailey.

President Joseph Robbinit Biden Jr (The Big Guy) said...

Uncle Bosey once flew over the moon to land on some Pacific Islands infested with cannibals eating people's pet cats. The native cannibals fed some of those captured cats to their 50 foot pet king cobras. Uncle Bosey managed to land in a jungle, undetected by the natives and the snakes. One night, during a lunar eclipse, he managed to sneak out and pounce on a 50 foot long King Cobra, breaking its neck with his quick kung fu kicks and a karate chop at its neck as it lunged at him. He then gave that snake a Bigly judo chop, beheading the snake, with its head flying 100 miles per hour into the trunk of a coconut tree. Another 49 king cobras, each about 50 feet long, came slithering at him, trying to strike uncle Bosey. Uncle Bosey grabbed the beheaded snake, and with a quick kung fu twist, he managed to behead another 25 king cobras with his quick judo chop of a swing with his wrists, as he struck them with quick whippings and karate chops to the heads. One of the heads crashed into the door of the cage where the cannibals imprisoned the people's pet cats. The bravery of uncle Bosey inspired the cats to aid him battling the other 24 remaining king cobras. The cats ganged up on the cobras, scratching their eyes out, as uncle Bosey karate chopped the heads off each blinded snake with kung fu precision. In 5 minutes, he beheaded the 50 50 foot long King cobras and rescued over 100 pet cats. Uncle Bosey barbecued the King Cobras and shared the barbecued cobras with the 100 cats. One of the cats had 2 horse friends named Francis and Mr. Ed. Francis and Mr. Ed told Uncle Bosey the cats told them that the king cobras tasted just like Kentucky Fried Chicken. Uncle Bosey found the snake den where the 50 cobras lived, and found hundreds of Cobra eggs. Uncle Bosey found some wild peanuts growing nearby, and managed to get the peanuts hot and oily to scramble the Cobra eggs with. The cats and Uncle Bosey gobbled down the scrambled Cobra, then one of them told Francis a phrase she thought up. Francis brayed "EAT MORE CHICKEN!"

A few years later, when Uncle Bosey told me and Jimmy about that incident, mom and dad happened to be pregnant with our little brother. Daddy asked Mama what they should name our little brother. Mama and papa decided if they had another boy, they should name him Francis, after that brave horse that stood by those cats. Daddy said if they have a girl, they should name her Valerie, for the valor of that brave horse Francis.

Joe Conservative said...

Mr Ed ended up in Hollyweird with his own TV Show keeping this guy Wilbur entertained.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Michelle Obama Not Expected to Campaign for Kamala Harris in the Fall"


Yahoo News: Obamas and Clintons to hit the campaign trail for Harris in the final stretch. Former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, along with former first lady Michelle Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, are preparing to lend their political star power to Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign in the final stretch of the election, according to four people familiar with their plans. link

Joe Conservative said...

She's not going to be handing out "walking around money" along with CBC members to ballot harvesters? I suppose we'll see.