Monday, September 30, 2024

Help Make America Bullet Proof!

Support REAL Men... not Vibe-Rater Ho's!


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Blacks for White Supremacy".

Joe Conservative said...

...sounds like the antithesis of your "Whites for Brown Supremacy".

Joe Conservative said...

Dervish Sanders, the White Saviour!

Joe Conservative said...

Damn, they're putting you out of work, Derv!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I'm not a White Savior. I support equality and am opposed to any race being considered supreme.

Joe Conservative said...

...and I'm opposed to race being considered at all.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

...aka White Supremacy.

The KKK doesn't consider race either. They are a Christian organization.

Joe Conservative said...

You'd know... you Democrats created it. As for me, I'm not a Christian.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Democrats did not create the KKK. And that was only an example of people lying about their agenda. As tяump does re his Project 2025 denials.

Joe Conservative said...

...and Sinn Fein didn't create the IRA... *wink-wink*

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Who supports the KKK now? David Duke endorsed tRump because he knows that d0n-0ld is a White Supremacist. And African Americans overwhelmingly vote for Democrats. You can give me many reasons for this, but they are all racist. Like them voting for Democrats for "free stuff" and the "free stuff" and welfare equates to them being on the "Democrat plantation".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

THe KKK today is 10 kooks in a garage in Boston.

Rattrapper said...

And Dervish claims to be a Christian

Rattrapper said...

Poor Anthony Sanders! He just soiled his Klan Burqa again. His Grand Kleagle's gonna horse whip his buttocks again.

Rattrapper said...

Boston Piggy's barn?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You know because you've attended their meetings? How often does d0n-0ld address your group?

If you were to ask Mystere he'd claim there is a chapter in the town where I live. And that I am a "Grand Kleagle" in this chapter. Even though this chapter (and my membership in it) is imaginary (a product of Mystere's delusions) the fact is that there are a lot more members than 10.

And there are many more who are with the KKK in spirit but not actual members. They marched at the "unite the right" rally in Charlottesville. And d0n-0ld praised them as "very fine people". These racist Turds are his base @@

Joe Conservative said...

I know because I read their Wikipedia page that reveals their insignificance.

Joe Conservative said...

I'm more concerned about the Whigs making an impact on the future of America than the klan.

Joe Conservative said...

Quite likely...