Sunday, June 30, 2024

Once Again...Upon Deaf Ears

...and so the Hypernormalised System Creaks on...


Anonymous said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

^^Mystere disagree with this post^^

Or (what's really going on) is Mystere is posting anonymously thinking Minus will assume that's my comment. It isn't.

Tucker Carlson has got to be one of the bigliest Turds in all of Human existence. And he got a whole audience filled with Turds to hear him spew his Turd lies.

Douglas Macgregor is a lying Turd as well. I can hear quite well. I know lies when I hear them, Minus. The national shame was that a senile Orange Turd was "elected" (with help from Putin) in the first place. It brings further shame to our country that an Orange Turd convicted of many felonies is the republiturd nominee. Ultimate national shame will be upon the country if dotard donald the senile Orange Turd ends up back in the White House.

No cue Mystere's denials and insistence that the anonymous "no" is mine. He's likely say I "confessed" that the "no" is mine. Because he is a moron who thinks his trolling games are funny.

Rattrapper said...

🔺Dervish's obsession over Mystere is getting into his head. Did Mystere post the anonymous No post? Probably not. Dervish's mental instability is getting much worse. He thinks Mystere and I are the same. Let's look at the time line. It was posted at 4:39 PDT according to my clock. That would be 6:39 Central Time in Paris Tennessee. I have a post on Donkey's Revenge at 4:39 PM PDT today 06/30/2024. Now I am not Mystere. Where was Mystere? Mystere are you here?

mystere's moonbat slayer club said...

Hi there Dervish! BOY! That free rent has some strange things to deal with, inside the cranium, Dervish. Every time you stick your nose into your sweaty fat boyfriend's JoeBidenhole, your nearly empty cranium rattles loudly. Butt that's another matter.

About the timeline, I was running errands, looking for some supplies for things I'll be doing this week. Later on, I went to a place with a hotspot and saw some hilarious videos on Sky News Australia. I got in touch with Rattrapper about it too. He found it funny too.

Anonymous said...

\\It brings further shame to our country that an Orange Turd convicted of many felonies is the republiturd nominee.

Was he "convicted felon" on time of his nomination? ;-P


DEMN-cretinity plays tricks with cretins mind AGAIN. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Ultimate national shame will be upon the country if dotard donald the senile Orange Turd ends up back in the White House.

And being in DEMN-shit -- is not shameful?

Well... being totalitarian country, is pretty much is a norm... nowadays.


Joe Conservative said...

Democrats can't build, they can only demolish. Just look at the rat-infested cities that they govern...

Joe Conservative said...'s in their brand... DemocRATS.

Joe Conservative said... opposed to RepubliCANS

Anonymous said...

Lefties... only know how to squander money.


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...but only on THEIR pet causes. "No walls for YOU!"

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...we need to keep OUR voters dependent... and poor, and donors SUPER RICH!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Nothing says Democrat like an illegal immigrant keeping wages low and putting you out of a job! OPERATIONAL SUCCESS, Mr. Soros!

Anonymous said...

\\...but only on THEIR pet causes. "No walls for YOU!"

Because they need NOT any walls... yawn.

You know "Propetarii of All Countries -- Unite". ;-P

And how'd they be able to unite... if there'd be walls. ;-P

\\...we need to keep OUR voters dependent... and poor, and donors SUPER RICH!


That's just FIRST stage... of national-SOCIALISM.


Anonymous said...

\\Nothing says Democrat like an illegal immigrant keeping wages low and putting you out of a job! OPERATIONAL SUCCESS, Mr. Soros!


Hitler's rulebook.(liliPut going by it, just now)

One need to instill xenophobia -- fear of foreigners.

So then one could sell "protection".


How south jentlemen have kept their grip on power?

Joe Conservative said...

I agree that the wealthy class want to take their project "global" (no walls). They want a global achievement society. What they fail to see is that there are two ways of achieving this. One is in the form of a rising tide lifting all boats, and the other in pulling the plug and watching them all sink. Unfortunately, the latter path is much, MUCH easier.

Anonymous said...

\\What they fail to see is that there are two ways of achieving this.

Ways -- many. Geodesic -- just one.

\\ Unfortunately, the latter path is much, MUCH easier.

Entropy be damned. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

Ways -- many. Geodesic -- just one.

But not all "commensurable".

Joe Conservative said...

...they must be flexible enough to shift around to suit the present circumstances.

Joe Conservative said...

...and a multi-polar world is much, MUCH more "anti-fragile".

Joe Conservative said...

...and can host a much greater variety of simultaneous "goods". once suitable for settling down in, and living as one pleases (Rousseau, "Emile").

Joe Conservative said...

erratum- "ones" for "once" above.

Anonymous said...

\\...and a multi-polar world is much, MUCH more "anti-fragile".

Euphemism for "die your today so I would die tomorrow"?

Yeah... anti-fragile, until it not. Like cannibalism. ;-P

\\Ways -- many. Geodesic -- just one.

\\But not all "commensurable".

adjective: geodesic

1.relating to or denoting the shortest possible line between two points on a sphere or other curved

Another word -- like river bad.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

republicans can't build, they can only destroy. Just look at how every week during the tRump administration was "infrastructure week" yet "no major infrastructure bill was passed" under dotard's tenure :P And Build Back Better never became law because republicans wouldn't support it.

republican's credo is that we need to keep OUR voters dependent... and poor, and donors SUPER RICH!

Nothing says republican like an illegal immigrant keeping wages low and putting you out of a job! Operational success, Mike Johnson!

Qtard: One need to instill xenophobia -- fear of foreigners. So then one could sell "protection".

You're describing donald tRump's strategy.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

That Trump was unable to deliver on the Wall simply demonstrates that it is the UniParty Congress, and not the President, who allocates funds. Build back better also failed in a Democratic political trifecta, that passed all the budgets, but then failed to implement (like all those billions spent on EV chargers that never made it past their own Environmental and DEI regulation requirements (Racial quotas for EV charger suppliers).

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Biden tripped over his own dick of incompetence.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Biden, what a Shmendrik!

Anonymous said...

\\Qtard: One need to instill xenophobia -- fear of foreigners. So then one could sell "protection".

\\You're describing donald tRump's strategy.

Performed by Biden?

Anonymous said...

And before that by DEMN Hilary? ;-P

And before that...

And before that...

And before that...

And before that...

Joe Conservative said...'s a disease.

Anonymous said...

Naaaah... just natural cretinism.


Well... you can call it hereditary disease, if you want. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

...and not the "original sin"?

Anonymous said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere (commenting using his "Rattrapper" account): He thinks Mystere and I are the same.

Because you are. Also the same? Q-taro, Helmut, fake Joe Biden, Fake Dervish Sanders, etc. You have many accounts. They aren't all different people. There are a lot of people who know this. Myself and also Minus.

Qtard: One need to instill xenophobia -- fear of foreigners. So then one could sell "protection"\\ You're describing donald tRump's strategy\\ Performed by Biden? And before that by DEMN Hilary? ;-P

Democrats and republicans aren't on the same page in regards to illegal immigration. If they were, the recent immigration bill would have passed and been signed into law. As opposed to illegal immigration being an unresolved issue since ronald reagan's amnesty. Further evidence that you have no idea what you're talking about the majority of the time.

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but she was never president. In your broken, crazy, mentally ill cretinic brain Hillary Clinton was president before Joe Biden?

Anonymous said...

\\Qtard: One need to instill xenophobia -- fear of foreigners. So then one could sell "protection"\\ You're describing donald tRump's strategy\\ Performed by Biden? And before that by DEMN Hilary? ;-P

\\Democrats and republicans aren't on the same page in regards to illegal immigration.

So... Biden was NOT bragging about how he succeed with CLOSING BORDER on debate? ;-P

TAPPER: Let’s turn now to the issue of immigration and border security.
President Biden, a record number of migrants have illegally crossed the
southern border on your watch, overwhelming border states and
overburdening cities such as New York and Chicago, and in some cases
causing real safety and security concerns.

Given that, why should voters trust you to solve this crisis?

BIDEN: Because we worked very hard to get a bipartisan agreement that
not only changed all of that, but it made sure that we are in a
situation where you had no circumstance where they could come across the
border with the number of border police there are now. We significantly
increased the number of asylum officers. Significantly – by the way, the
Border Patrol men endorsed me, endorsed my position.

What I’ve done – since I’ve changed the law, what’s happened? I’ve
changed it in a way that now you’re in a situation where there are 40
percent fewer people coming across the border illegally.
That’s better
than when he left office.

Anonymous said...

Means... it's bad-BAD-BAAAAAAD... only when Reps doing it? ;-P

Anonymous said...

\\If they were, the recent immigration bill would have passed and been signed into law.

As hand-me-down from DEMNs????

With their petit lying additions (like that boldly proclaimed "Lent-Lease" for Ukraine... that not worked even for a second)

Anonymous said...

\\Further evidence that you have no idea what you're talking about the majority of the time.


I am not proficient in DEMN-splaining... well, DEMN-lies.

And do not want to be.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Means... it's bad-BAD-BAAAAAAD... only when Reps doing it? ;-P

No, dummy. It's GOOD when both sides do it. "It" being working with the other party to reach a bipartisan compromise on the border. But reps didn't do it. If they had, the border bill would have passed.

Qtard: As hand-me-down from DEMNs????

No, dummy. Democrats and republicans worked together to craft the legislation. With Democrats making major concessions and giving republicans a lot of what they want.

Qtard: With their petit lying additions (like that boldly proclaimed "Lent-Lease" for Ukraine... that not worked even for a second).

You're referring to your delusions again. Nothing like what you describe ever happened or was a part of any proposed legislation.

Qtard: I am not proficient in DEMN-splaining... well, DEMN-lies. And do not want to be.

NewSpeakian reference to the truth as "DEMN-lies" and my relating of facts as "DEMN-splaining". Of course you aren't proficient in acknowledging truth or facts. You are proficient in DENYING them.

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

\\ Qtard: Means... it's bad-BAD-BAAAAAAD... only when Reps doing it? ;-P

\\ No, dummy. It's GOOD when both sides do it.

Then... why all that smearing dRump... for building his Wall????

BS talking you again. ;-P

But... continue-continue, DEMN-cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Qtard: As hand-me-down from DEMNs????

\\No, dummy. Democrats and republicans worked together to craft the legislation. With Democrats making major concessions and giving republicans a lot of what they want.

Yeah. DEMNs crafted it to their expectations and plans. :-))))))))))))))))))))

\\You're referring to your delusions again. Nothing like what you describe ever happened or was a part of any proposed legislation.

My delusion?

So -- you can provide facts -- HOW MANY and what exactly was delivered to Ukraine. By that Lent'Lease??? ;-P

But... you will NOT.

But... continue-continue, DEMN-cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\NewSpeakian reference to the truth as "DEMN-lies"

Yeah. You are right. In NewSpeak you call your DEMN-lies -- truth.


\\my relating of facts as "DEMN-splaining".

Facts??? As open and obvious references to Reality????


But... continue-continue, DEMN-cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Of course you aren't proficient in acknowledging truth or facts.


You are right.

I am not "profivcient" in your NewSpeak... and do not want to be. ;-P

But... continue-continue, DEMN-cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\You are proficient in DENYING them.

Like you tried to deny Open and Obvious FACTS: that there is Sun, and it rising in the morning???
that there is humans... and they have THEIR inherently unseverable HUMAN RIGHTS???

But... continue-continue, DEMN-cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Means... it's bad-BAD-BAAAAAAD... only when Reps doing it?\\No, dummy. It's GOOD when both sides do it\\ Then... why all that smearing dRump... for building his Wall????

It is only good when what is proposed actually works. Things that don't work (like ineffective walls) aren't good.

The conservative Cato outlined Why the Wall Won't Work. One big reason is because most illegal immigrants enter the US legally. They get a visa to come temporarily, but then don't leave. A wall can't stop this illegal immigration.

Qtard: BS talking you again. ;-P

Yeah, from you. Dunno what you're talking about. As usual.

Qtard: As hand-me-down from DEMNs???? ... Yeah. DEMNs crafted it to their expectations and plans.

No. Compromised and agreed to many provisions they didn't like. That is as per the lead republican who worked on the legislation, James Lankford.

Qtard: \\You're referring to your delusions again. Nothing like what you describe ever happened or was a part of any proposed legislation\\My delusion? So -- you can provide facts -- HOW MANY and what exactly was delivered to Ukraine. By that Lent'Lease??? ;-P

"Lent'Lease" does not exist. There is no such thing as "Lent'Lease". Previously you babbled about "land lease" in regards to Ukraine. But never explained what land you thought the US was leasing to Ukraine.

As for Lend-Lease (not "Land Lease" or "Lent Lease") Senators Cornyn, Shaheen, Scott, and Coons (2 Democrats and 2 republicans) introduced a bill to reauthorize the Ukraine Lend-Lease program in April of 2024.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: But... you will NOT.

I already did. NMP if you don't remember.

Qtard: \\NewSpeakian reference to the truth as "DEMN-lies"\\Yeah. You are right. In NewSpeak you call your DEMN-lies -- truth.

More NewSpeaking. Said "you are right" to something I never said. To make it look like I agree with your lies.

Qtard: \\my relating of facts as "DEMN-splaining"\\ Facts??? As open and obvious references to Reality????

Yes. But you live in the rightturd alternate reality. You dunno much about ACTUAL reality.

Qtard: Naaaaah.


Qtard: But... continue-continue, DEMN-cretin. **cretinic laughter**

Self encouragement. Now including an admission of being a demon aka "a person considered extremely wicked, evil, or cruel". I believe it. Like when you referred to rape as "sexual adventurism". That was extremely wicked for sure.

Qtard: \\Of course you aren't proficient in acknowledging truth or facts\\ Yeah.
You are right. I am not "profivcient" in your NewSpeak... and do not want to be. ;-P

My "NewSpeak" is actually being truthful and relating facts backed up with evidence. I believe you when you say you don't want to be "profivcient" in that "NewSpeak".

Qtard: \\You are proficient in DENYING them.\\Like you tried to deny Open and Obvious FACTS: that there is Sun, and it rising in the morning???

No. That never happened. You're suffering delusions again. Like when you said the sun is in the sky, instead of in space 94.5 million miles away.

Qtard: that there is humans... and they have THEIR inherently unseverable HUMAN RIGHTS???

Yeah, you have denied people have the human right to democracy. You want very much to sever US citizens from that human right. Though you defend your desire to get rid of American democracy in a NewSpeakenian way -- by comparing the J6 insurrectionists (who tried to install tRump as dictator) to the US Founding Fathers.

Qtard: But... continue-continue, DEMN-cretin.

More self encouragement and bragging about your wickedness, evilness and cruelty.

Anonymous said...

\\Qtard: Means... it's bad-BAD-BAAAAAAD... only when Reps doing it?\\No, dummy. It's GOOD when both sides do it\\ Then... why all that smearing dRump... for building his Wall????

\\It is only good when what is proposed actually works. Things that don't work (like ineffective walls) aren't good.

It's good that YOU said it.

So... now I can ask:

So what? How BIDEN's efforts -- STOPPED illegal migrants? ;-P

Stopped Inflation?

Stopped wars in Ukraine and Israel?

Well... and answer is obvious -- NO.

That makes it "Things that don't work" and as you ITself proclaimed "aren't good".

But... continue-continue, DEMN-cretin. ;-P

\\Qtard: As hand-me-down from DEMNs???? ... Yeah. DEMNs crafted it to their expectations and plans.

\\No. Compromised and agreed to many provisions they didn't like.

Like with that Lend-Lease???

That DEMN Bi-den so pompously SIGNED... but then, through loopholes inserted in it by DEMNS, DELIBERATELY -- THAT "compromised"?


It seems.

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
past tense: compromised; past participle: compromised

1.settle a dispute by mutual concession.
"in the end we compromised and deferred the issue"

2.weaken or harm by accepting standards that are lower than is desirable.
"he won't accept any decisions which compromise his principles"

be detrimental to
do harm to
be prejudicial to
bring into disrepute
reflect badly on
put in a bad light
bring shame to

3.bring into disrepute or danger by indiscreet, foolish, or reckless behaviour.
"situations in which his troops could be compromised"
cause to become vulnerable or function less effectively.
"yo-yo dieting can compromise your immune system"

Anonymous said...

Or... maybe that is THIRD... meaning?

Anonymous said...

\\As for Lend-Lease (not "Land Lease" or "Lent Lease") Senators Cornyn, Shaheen, Scott, and Coons (2 Democrats and 2 republicans) introduced a bill to reauthorize the Ukraine Lend-Lease program in April of 2024.


And what happened with it?

Let me guess... it was compromised... by DEMNs.


\\More NewSpeaking. Said "you are right" to something I never said. To make it look like I agree with your lies.


Like when you agreed that there is Sun? And it rising every morning? ;-P


And you trying to dismiss Open and Obvious FACT... Right Here Too. :-))))))))))))))))))))

\\Qtard: \\You are proficient in DENYING them.\\Like you tried to deny Open and Obvious FACTS: that there is Sun, and it rising in the morning???

\\No. That never happened. You're suffering delusions again. Like when you said the sun is in the sky, instead of in space 94.5 million miles away.


But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

With each your such stunningly cretinic try to oppose to so Open and Obvious things...

Your credibility skyrocketing... naaaaah. ;-)))))))))))))))))))

It falls into opposite direction. Deep into hellish deeps. ;-))))))))))))))))))))

\\Yeah, you have denied people have the human right to democracy.

And you can provide ANY fact to support such cretinic accusation?

Naaaah... of course not.

But... it NEVER stops you, from going full throttle crtinic.
