Monday, April 1, 2024

Let America Appoint Joe Biden Global President 4 Life!


  1. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

  2. Mystere is fantasizing about juicy turds again.

  3. Mystere copied his boifriend.

  4. Hey, dipshit -- are you tired of blogging? I will be commenting here a lot less -- and spending that time trying to help you quit.

    1. What happened to your blogs, Dervish? I happen to click onto a link to 1 of them and noticed it got removed too. Did someone complain about a copyright to the music on 1 of your clownish posts, that one you said you didn't post in 2017?

  5. You shouldn't issue threats on the internet, Dervish. It will go badly for you when God Almighty delivers His Just Punishment.

  6. Sounds like you're claiming responsibility, RT. I hate people that cancel or get other people cancelled. It's like the f*ckers who censor social media. They're ALL Karens & Dickwads.

    1. I'm not claiming responsibility for the takedowns, Joe. Dervish attacked many people on his blogs, including you, FJ, Always On Watch, Lisa, Luke, Tom, Mystere, Donkey, Porky, Willis Hart and a few others. He had it coming. His bio mentioned Assassinating Donald Trump as 1 of his interests. I think he's licking his wounds for now. He tried to wipe out the Donkeys Revenge blog several times including this week, but failed.

  7. Of course it was you. Minus knows this because he isn't an idiot.

    "Attacking" with words is much different than falsely reporting policy infractions to Google and getting people's blogs locked. And, what makes you think I tried to take down your donkeyturds blog, Mystere? You made a new friend at Google? Someone you know recently got a job at Google? That person's job might be at risk for assisting you in your harassment of me. Maybe you should tell your friend to unlock my blogs.

    Is that why your attacks were successful now, despite the fact that (as per your comment on my blog) you've been trying for a long time to take out my blogs? I suggested to Google that they look into that possibility. So your friend could already be in trouble.

    btw, it is YOU who is harassing ME, Mystere. I did NOT attack your WordPress blogs and get them removed. I reported to WordPress your fake comments that appeared to be from me. I had no idea what they would do. If anything. I was surprised that they removed your blogs. I had every right to object to you posting FAKE comments that appeared to be from me on your WordPress blog. And I don't believe your STORY that those comments appeared on your blog because you were hacked. That is BULLPLOP.

    Your comment faking got you in trouble before, yet you continued and you do it still. Re your "Josev Stalin is a bigly hero" blog, for example (which you only recently created). And the comments from "me" in Russian attached to your donkeyturds posts where you gloat over my blogs being locked.

    SO WHAT if "Assassinating Donald Trump" is an interest listed in my profile? IF it happened I would be interested. That doesn't mean I want it to happen. YOU, on the other hand, frequently fantasize about Joe Biden dying (re your relating of the fake prophecy where Kamala Harris is running around the White House and for some reason doesn't become president). And Hillary Clinton and her daughter and grandchildren being executed. And your "Geraldine" comment (on this blog) about you wanting the Obama house to burn down.

    btw, I have NO idea wtf you are talking about in regards to the copyright issue you've mentioned. Here -- and I saw the allegation on your (remaining) WordPress blog. Slandering someone by falsely accusing them of crimes -- could that be an infraction of the WordPress TOS, Mystere?

    1. Hi there Dervish! My condolences over the losses of your blogs😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 How long did you think you would get away with violating the Blogger TOS? About the WordPress blogs: someone hacked my account and used it to fake your ID. There were some data breaches reported on the web, and my accounts were included in the breach. And Cleveland Foxers is a blog I manage but not own. I just happen to be the only one active at the moment. One of the team members did pass away, from what another team member told me privately. I finished her one unfinished post as a tribute to her.

      I don't have any post violations on Cleveland Foxers, and I protect the blog from your hate. Your Perquinn blog has questionable material on it that might be a copyright violation of some sort.

      By the way, your backup account is quite amusing, Dervish. Comments in Russian, Dervish? Is that the next Russia Russia Russia hoax?😆😆😆😆😆

      You should be very careful about false prophecy accusations, Dervish. When you poke God in the eyes and essentially call God a liar to His face, I wouldn't want to see the wrath of God when He deals with you in person. The prophecies of the Biden in a casket and Kamala Harris running around frantically only to find out she got betrayed is not my fantasy. My duty is to report what I hear. If you are upset over it, go to God and plead your grievance to Him yourself. I post what I hear on WordPress since I post Elijah Streams and In the Litterbox With Jewels and Catturd links for true patriots to find and read. I post The Eleventh Hour to give readers updates and a way to watch, especially if their YouTube account is banned and they're blocked from watching YouTube videos.

      You should be very careful about who you mock. God will not let you get away with it.

  8. \\"Attacking" with words is much different than falsely reporting policy infractions to Google and getting people's blogs locked.

    And Goggle admins are stone cold idiots -- to believe false accusations? ;-P

  9. Google Admins need to mind their own business instead of everybody else's.

  10. Mystere/Rattrapper: How long did you think you would get away with violating the Blogger TOS?

    YOU are the TOS violator. Like when you faked comments from me on WordPress. And you are STILL faking comments from me. On Blogger and STILL on WordPress. Mystere thinks he can get away with faking comments from me on WordPress by using image editing software to create comments from "me" that he "trashes". Then he posts his fake comments as "screenshots". I reported your game playing to WordPress, Mystere. They didn't let you get away with faking comments before so I don't know why they should now.

    Mystere/Rattrapper: About the WordPress blogs: someone hacked my account and used it to fake your ID.

    BULLPLOP. WHY would someone hack you to fake comments from me? And write stupidity that you would write? The comment where I "confess" to being married to my dog, for example. Give me a break. That lie is completely not believable.

    Mystere/Rattrapper: There were some data breaches reported on the web, and my accounts were included in the breach.

    BULLPLOP. But, if that were true, why didn't WordPress restore your blogs? If it wasn't your fault that "someone" faked comments from me on your WordPress blog.

    Mystere/Rattrapper: I don't have any post violations on Cleveland Foxers, and I protect the blog from your hate.

    You are STILL faking comments from me on Foxturds. Your latest post contains a "screenshot" of a comment you faked. And you have tags on the sidebar like "Dervish Sanders hates Jews". This is harassment, Mystere. I let it go before. Now? Reported. I do not hate Jewish people.

    Mystere/Rattrapper: Your Perquinn blog has questionable material on it that might be a copyright violation of some sort.

    BULLPLOP. But you admit that you filed a false report with Google that accuses me of "copyright violations"? And, when my Perquinn blog is removed for "copyright violations" you will still say it was not you who did the reporting?

    Mystere/Rattrapper: You should be very careful about false prophecy accusations, Dervish.

    EVERY one of the "prophecies" you have ever mentioned are 100% FAKE. Because the "prophets" are lying turds.

    Mystere/Rattrapper: When you poke God in the eyes and essentially call God a liar to His face...

    No. The fake prophets you cite are the liars.

    Mystere/Rattrapper: ...I wouldn't want to see the wrath of God when He deals with you in person.

    Impossible. Because I'm not going to face any "wrath" for calling fake prophets liars.

    Mystere/Rattrapper: The prophecies of the Biden in a casket and Kamala Harris running around frantically only to find out she got betrayed is not my fantasy.

    It is.

    Mystere/Rattrapper: My duty is to report what I hear. If you are upset over it, go to God and plead your grievance to Him yourself.

    "God, will you please do something about these fake prophets lying in your name and convincing idiots like Mystere they speak for you"?

    Mystere/Rattrapper: I post what I hear on WordPress since I post Elijah Streams and In the Litterbox With Jewels and Catturd links for true patriots to find and read. I post The Eleventh Hour to give readers updates and a way to watch, especially if their YouTube account is banned and they're blocked from watching YouTube videos.

    You think you have readers? How many readers do you have in your delusions, Mystere? Double digits?

    Mystere/Rattrapper: You should be very careful about who you mock. God will not let you get away with it.

    No. I will not. Why does God let you get away with it, Mystere?

  11. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ Google Admins need to mind their own business instead of everybody else's.

    How can they???

    That is their job... secured. ;-)

    \\Give me a break. That lie is completely not believable.

    Yeah... like your blunt lies that you are "truth teller". And not a cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\have tags on the sidebar like "Dervish Sanders hates Jews". This is harassment, Mystere.

    Yeah. From perspective of DEMN liars... Truth is "harassment".


    Or what... you disjointed itself from that blunt lie that Palestinians are "innocent" and Jews do "genocide" over em???

    \\I do not hate Jewish people.


    Only see em all not deserving to live... and better die... from hands of "innocent" Palestinian mass murderers.

    \\No. The fake prophets you cite are the liars.

    Like Mohamed? ;-P

    \\You think you have readers? How many readers do you have in your delusions, Mystere? Double digits?

    And you, cretin? ;-P

  12. You two need to call a blog war ceasefire.

    Job security is owning your own business. Anything else is wage slavery.

  13. Aristophanes, "Lysistrata"

    AN ATHENIAN. Such a merry banquet I've never seen before! The Laconians were simply charming. After the drink is in, why, we're all wise men, all. It's only natural, to be sure, for sober, we're all fools. Take my advice, my fellow-countrymen, our Envoys should always be drunk. We go to Sparta; we enter the city sober; why, we must be picking a quarrel directly. We don't understand what they say to us, we imagine a lot they don't say at all, and we report home all wrong, all topsy-turvy. But, look you, to-day it's quite different; we're enchanted whatever happens; instead of Clitagoras, they might sing us Telamon,[466] and we should clap our hands just the same. A perjury or two into the bargain, la! what does that matter to merry companions in their cups?

  14. Qtard: Yeah. From perspective of DEMN liars... Truth is "harassment". Ou'Yeah!

    Proof you have absolutely no idea what truth is. But I already knew that.

    Qtard: Or what... you disjointed itself from that blunt lie that Palestinians are "innocent" and Jews do "genocide" over em???

    Lies. I did not say any of that. Obviously some Palestinians aren't innocent. The ones that are members of Hamas, for example. But there are many innocent people living in Gaza and they are dying in large numbers.

    Qtard: \\I do not hate Jewish people\\Yeah. Only see em all not deserving to live... and better die...

    Your belief? Because it sure as hell is not mine.

    Qtard: \\No. The fake prophets you cite are the liars\\Like Mohamed? ;-P

    Living people who call themselves Christian prophets.

    Qtard: \\You think you have readers? How many readers do you have in your delusions, Mystere? Double digits? \\And you, cretin? ;-P

    My guess is you probably have (at most) 3 readers. 4 if you count yourself.

  15. \\You two need to call a blog war ceasefire.

    Just to be sure -- that was not about me?

    I am not blog owner. Just a miserly anonimous. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Yeah. From perspective of DEMN liars... Truth is "harassment". Ou'Yeah!

    \\Proof you have absolutely no idea what truth is. But I already knew that.

    Yeah. Because "Truth... it's a Lie", yes? ;-P

    And not FACTUAL Reality itself... that is only and EVER true.

    \\Qtard: Or what... you disjointed itself from that blunt lie that Palestinians are "innocent" and Jews do "genocide" over em???

    \\Lies. I did not say any of that.


    you was ONLY blaming falsely, some innocent anonimous... for claiming em being "accomplices".

    While... and that is beyond obvious -- when there is a war... ALL people of a nation SUBJECTED to harassments of war.

    Was they innocent or not.

    JUST BECAUSE they are members of same tribe, same nation.

    Which mean... Palestinians just should be thinking more... before they hailed and celebrated WAR they waged on Jews.

    \\But there are many innocent people living in Gaza and they are dying in large numbers.

    They choose their destiny themself.

    That is what RESPONSIBILITY of a citizen IS.

    All going to a war -- you going to a war TOO.

    No matter what you think of it, or how innocent you feel itself.

    Or... you can desert and flip on the other side. ;-P

    So... HOW MANY Palestinians flipped??? And started to help Jews with seeking and exterminating HAMAS perpetrator???

    How many??? Ahhh??? I don't hear you?

    And who said... about that "in large numbers"??? HAMAS??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    Oh, yes. VERY CREDIBLE source. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Qtard: \\I do not hate Jewish people\\Yeah. Only see em all not deserving to live... and better die...

    \\Your belief? Because it sure as hell is not mine.

    Of course.

    Cause you know DEMN well... that if you'd allow to itself to blurt out something like this -- not only your blog, but your sad ass even... can re-settle into prison.

    So... now you cover you nazi-anti-semitic ideals... under "let's hail all hands in protection of "innocent Palestinians"". ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\No. The fake prophets you cite are the liars\\Like Mohamed? ;-P

    \\Living people who call themselves Christian prophets.

    And... NOT living people who call themself Muslim prophets??? ;-P

    \\My guess is you probably have (at most) 3 readers. 4 if you count yourself.

    With whom you talking, cretin? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  16. Just to be sure -- that was not about me?

    Not everything is about you. ;)

    But Dervy and Ratrapper/ Mystere seem to think Doxxing and getting others to shut down other blogs is "cool". I myself used to engage, so I can't criticize... but it's ultimately self-defeating. I've lost more than one blog friend based upon my own multiple sock puppets... but I no longer try and "fool" people with them deliberately. I just have "multiple blog personality disorder" now. :)

  17. Joe, for the record, I'm all for free speech, and so is my blog team mate Mystere. Mystere is busy on WordPress posting links to live feeds of streaming on YouTube, Rumble and a few other streams at times such as BitChute or other platforms when a YouTube client gets censored.

    For the record, Dervish, along with the clown known as "This One" decided to DOX Mystere when he stood up to defend Luke/Tom after seeing him getting bullied. They underestimated how tough it would be to beat us down. Dervish doxxed himself by posting clues and things about himself on his blogs. He posted a mailbox with his last name and a house number on the box. After Dervish doxxed Mystere and posted unauthorized confidential information on his blogs, Mystere sent a warning, dropping hints that he had information on him, but never doxxed him. He showed nearby properties in Dervish's neighborhood, but never the actual property.

  18. \\Not everything is about you. ;)

    But to double-check... just to be sure, never are bad idea. ;-P

  19. Mystere: Dervish doxxed himself by posting clues and things about himself on his blogs...

    Oh, then you doxxed yourself. The info I have came from stuff you posted. Dumbass.

  20. This post gave Dervish an orgasm and wet dream. Dervish would love to have a jackal clown like Bidet in office for more than 2 terms. If the 22nd amendment gets eliminated, Dervish would be beyond elated.

  21. Nobody named "Bidet" has ever (or is currently) running for president. I doubt anyone named "Bidet" will ever run for president. WHY would I want someone named "Bidet" to be president? Especially if this "Bidet" ran as a republican. I wouldn't vote for some person named "Bidet" who ran as a republican. I guess I'd vote for "Bidet" if he was the Democratic nominee, but I very seriously doubt that will ever happen.

    The 22nd amendment won't be eliminated. Though I bet if somehow dotard donald gets a second term, Mystere will be demanding it gets wiped out. That's just projection from Mystere. Yet again.

    Mystere would love to have a jackal clown like the Orange Turd in office for more than 2 terms.

    1. That's odd, Dervish. You did vote for Joseph RobbingIt Bidet Junior. He's the big old pants pooping fart who claims he got 80 Million Votes. You slobber over him daily.

    2. No. I never voted for any such person. No such person ever ran for president. No such person exists.
