Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Early Techno-Feudal Age

Joel Kotkin, "The coming revolt against woke capitalism"
The ‘progressive’ super-rich have no idea how much the public loathes them.

The greatest threat to Western civilisation comes not from China, Russia or Islamists, but from the very people who rank among its greatest beneficiaries. In virtually every field, the midwives of our demise are not working-class radicals or far-right agitators, but, as the late Fred Siegel called it, the ‘new aristocratic class’, made up of the well-credentialed and the technologically and scientifically adept .

Virtually every ideology that’s undermining the West has its patrons in these ruling cognitive elites. This includes everything from the purveyors of critical race theory and Black Lives Matter to transgender activists and, perhaps most egregiously, campaigners for the climate jihad. In each case, these elite activists reject the market traditions of liberal capitalism and instead promote a form of social control, often with themselves in charge. The fact that these ideologies are destructive, and could ultimately undermine the status of these very elites, seems to matter little to them. That they also infuriate the middle and working classes doesn’t seem to register, either.

A huge shift has taken place among the elites in recent years. In the past, wealthy people overwhelmingly favoured the political right or the centre. Some billionaires still do, including oil and chemicals magnate Charles Koch, Oracle founder Larry Ellison, media tycoon Rupert Murdoch and real-estate billionaire Donald Bren, all of whom are well into their seventies or eighties or beyond. Today, these folks are being supplanted by more youthful and supposedly more ‘enlightened’ oligarchs, who have consistently outraised and outspent their right-wing rivals by a margin of nearly two to one.

In the US, nonprofits’ assets have grown 16-fold since 1980. In 2020, nonprofits brought in $2.62 trillion in revenues, constituting more than five per cent of the US economy. Ironically, foundations that are funded with the great fortunes of Henry Ford, John D Rockefeller and John D MacArthur, all right-wing figures, have become some of the key financiers of ‘progressive’ causes.

In the coming decades, we can expect more of this pattern. Not only do we have to deal with the beliefs of the oligarchs, but also those of their forsaken wives and their offspring. Jeff Bezos’ former spouse, MacKenzie Scott, worth an estimated $60 billion, has already given $133million to a group pushing for a ‘progressive’ takeover of education. Melinda Gates, the former wife of the Microsoft founder Bill Gates, worth at least $13 billion, is also backing woke causes.

The current cadre of elites seem uniquely hostile to meritocracy and individual rights – values that once stood at the heart of liberal, capitalist societies. Rather than promote upward mobility for the plebs, they want to divide them into ‘identity’ groups based on race, sexuality and gender. Black Lives Matter, the enforcers of critical race theory, for years enjoyed lavish support from top tech companies, including Microsoft, Cisco and TikTok. It also became a poster child for a host of nonprofits, like the Tides Foundation, which in turn gets much of its money from oligarchs and their descendants, including George Soros and the MacArthur, Hewlett, Ford, Packard and Rockefeller foundations.

Nowhere is the gap between the elites’ political activism and the interests of the public more evident today than when it comes to the overhyped climate crisis. To a remarkable extent, the current ruling oligarchy in tech and on Wall Street have embraced the ideology of Net Zero, even though this threatens to undermine Western industrial power and raise the cost of living for the masses. Elite opinion, in general, is far more engaged on climate issues than the general population. In one recent poll, those living with graduate degrees in big dense cities and making over $150,000 a year are far more likely to favour such things as rationing meat and gas than the vast majority of Americans.

The ultra-rich have been particularly drawn to draconian climate positions. Leading billionaires like Tom Steyer have collectively sent hundreds of millions to leading environmental groups. The Rockefellers, heirs to the Standard Oil fortune, have become some of the fiercest advocates of radical climate policies. They even favour punishing corporations that make money from fossil fuels like their own forebears once did.

Environmental groups, including the Sierra Club, have received huge donations, often as high as $100million, from wealthy moguls like Ted Turner and Michael Bloomberg. Jeff Bezos announced $10 billion in gifts, mostly to green nonprofits, in 2020 alone. The oligarchs’ philanthropic efforts are also now paying the salaries of ‘climate reporters’ at Associated Press and National Public Radio (NPR) to encourage the media to toe the party line.

This all constitutes what analyst Robert Bryce has labelled the ‘anti-industry industry’. Indeed, green lobbyists outspend so-called Big Oil by more than four to one. The recent drives to ban new natural gas stoves and liquefied natural gas (LNG) come directly from these billionaire-funded campaign groups.

The clear hypocrisy of the greens does not go unnoticed by the masses. Those same elites who demand climate austerity for the many are widely known to enjoy the use of private jets, build $500 million yachts and own numerous, often enormous mansions. The fact that the most recent climate confab, COP28, had a session on ‘responsible yachting’ tells people all they need to know about the hypocrisy of the super-rich.

The damage being done by the oligarchs’ green agenda is now fuelling a rebellion from the beleaguered European, British and American middle and working classes. Many are becoming increasingly sceptical of elite environmentalism, just as they have been consistently hostile to woke ideas on law enforcement, transgender issues and racial quotas.

Public hostility towards what Adrian Wooldridge has labelled ‘the progressive aristocracy’ is now all too clear. In the US, there are declining levels of confidence in large corporations, tech oligarchs, big banks as well as the media. Similar patterns can be seen in the EU and the UK. This disquiet has led to such things as the 2016 election of Trump, the Brexit vote and the rise of populist parties and farmers’ protests across Europe.

So far, the elites seem barely aware of this discontent. This may stem from the fact that the oligarchs and their minions live in a very different reality from most people. They are shielded from the consequences of the policies they promote, whether from the job losses brought about by eco-austerity, or the rising crime and disorder resulting from efforts to ‘defund the police’ and the refusal to penalise street crime. They live in closeted, gentrified urban neighbourhoods, elite leafy suburbs or country retreats.

The elites’ arrogance could turn out to be their greatest liability. Those outside the charmed circle may often seem ill-mannered, but they are not stupid. They know they are being assaulted by people with greater resources, who favour ever more controls on everyday behaviour, on small businesses and on speech. The oligarchs may see themselves as what David Callahan describes as a kind of ‘benign plutocracy’, but ordinary people do not regard these ultra-rich poseurs in such flattering terms.

Like French aristocrats before the revolution, the oligarchs talk largely among themselves. They seem unaware that they may be financing fashionable causes that may threaten ‘their own rights and even their existence’, as Alexis de Tocqueville said of the Ancien Régime. In pre-revolutionary times, French aristocrats and top clerics preached Christian charity and celebrated the rights of man while indulging in gluttony, sexual adventurism and lavish spending, as well as exercising their historic privileges. Just like the revolutionaries of 1789, many in today’s third estate are disgusted by the hauteur and hypocrisy of the upper classes.

Already among Democrats, the party with most oligarchic support, more of its registered supporters favour socialism over capitalism. At the same time, the echo of 1789 was evident in the so-called gilets-jaunes (yellow-vest) protests against higher fuel taxes in the winter of 2018-2019. Recent protests by farmers in Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Italy all reflect concerns about the impact of elite policies on ordinary people’s livelihoods.

Ultimately, this rebellion, launched from the left or right, or both simultaneously, represents a direct threat to our insane ruling class. Even those elites who are worried about the financial distress facing the masses have only the most patronising solutions to offer. Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, former head of Uber Travis Kalanick and AI guru Sam Altman have all spoken in favour of an expanded welfare state and direct cash payments for the proles, under the guise of a ‘universal basic income’.

For all their faults, the elites of industrial-era Britain and America at least provided opportunities for the middle and especially the working class. They helped create powerful economies that, ultimately, and with some political cajoling, produced unprecedented mass affluence. In contrast, today’s oligarchs and their ‘expert class’ allies offer nothing more than subsidies and handouts – or what Karl Marx referred to as ‘the proletarian alms-bag’.

In the coming decade, we need a politics that rejects the assumption of superiority and right to rule from our oligarchic rulers. There is still time, despite the power of the elites, to champion democracy, liberal values and the dream of upward mobility. ‘A man may be led by fate’, wrote the great Soviet-era Russian novelist Vasily Grossman, ‘but he can refuse to follow’. The future course of history is never inevitable, if we retain the will to shape it.


  1. Hmm, "Cretin" hasn't come by yet? Google seems to have pulled an April Fools Joke on Dervy. He got a few more of his blogs ripped from the web. I wish I could take the credit for his Mommy blog going down, but I can't. And it wasn't Mystere, Donkey or Porky either who reported it. Anyone here want the credit?

    Will Dervy reply about the video here?

  2. \\The greatest threat to Western civilisation comes not from China, Russia or Islamists, but from...

    lack of Actual Progress -- no NEW techs.

    Which renders Progressive West just a bunch of ordinary countries.

    Not very important even, because of low and declining population.

    Not leaders in industry, technologies and culture...

  3. \\the current ruling oligarchy in tech and on Wall Street have embraced the ideology of Net Zero, even though this threatens to undermine Western industrial power and raise the cost of living for the masses.


    Oil and gas will NEVER end??? :-)))))))))))))))))

    So, let's "pump as crazy"??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))0

  4. They'll just do what they did here. Outlaw gas vehicles by 2030.

  5. When barrel will strike 1000+$

    They will be "outlawed" automatically. ;-P

  6. It will never hit that level. Blackmarket will ensure so.

  7. Minus: They'll just do what they did here. Outlaw gas vehicles by 2030.

    No. That hasn't happened.

  8. Both Gavin Newsom and Joe Biden have set the stage for outlawing gas, diesel and other petroleum based fuels. However, it can be reversed if the right people get into office after the wrong people get taken out of office legally.

  9. \\It will never hit that level. Blackmarket will ensure so.

    Gas price in Europe exceeds $3000 per 1000 cubic meters ...
    https://tass.com › economy
    The price of gas in Europe surged above $3,000 per 1,000 cubic meters during Monday trading for the first time since March 8, extending gains amid reports on ...

    \\Minus: They'll just do what they did here. Outlaw gas vehicles by 2030.

    \\No. That hasn't happened.

    Cretin back on his track -- opposing bare facts. ;-P

    When will there be a ban on the sale of new CO2-emitting cars, including petrol and diesel-driven cars ? From 2035, all new cars that come on the market cannot emit any CO2. This is to ensure that by 2050, the transport sector can become carbon-neutral.
    EU ban on sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2035 ...

    European Parliament
    https://www.europarl.europa.eu › 2022/11 › story

    That is F*G Parliament of Europe Union ruling!

  10. Replies
    1. I like vintage cars & trucks. They have character that is missing in bland new cars and trucks.

    2. By the way, Gaffing Nuisance is a liberal dingbat! He can spank his monkey, for all I care!

  11. Get rich tomorrow by stocking regular car parts today! Imagine if people had done that in Havana in the 1950s. They could have sold the parts and moved to Miami.

  12. But have no fear. The virtue signaling will end in 2035, when they shift the "legal" goalposts/ Overton window... again, and again, and again! Remember the Kyoto Accord stupidity? I hate it when idiotic experts in stupidity like Joe Biden are in charge.

  13. Minus: They'll just do what they did here. Outlaw gas vehicles by 2030.

    Me: No. That hasn't happened.

    Qtard: Cretin back on his track -- opposing bare facts. ;-P

    Google question: Can I still own a gas car after 2035?

    Google answer: Yes. Even after 2035, gasoline cars can still be driven in California, registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles, and sold as a used car to a new owner.

    Oh, you were talking about yourself? Admitting that you oppose bare facts, yes?

  14. ...but don't worry, California is bound to outlaw the sale of new parts for gasoline and diesel engines eventually so as to ensure their replacement by EVs.

  15. It's like Obamacare's promises, "You can keep your old insurance/ doctors/ etc"

    You can keep your gas vehicles if you like them. LOL!

    There were a lot of promises made in selling Obamacare—and it seems like just about all of them have been broken.

    They told us if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor . . . and yet so many Americans have lost access to their doctors under new Obamacare insurance plans.

    They told us if you if you liked your health insurance plan, you could keep it . . . and yet millions of Americans saw their insurance plans canceled because of Obamacare.

    They promised that premiums would go down by $2,500 and that everyone in America would be covered. Here’s what President Obama guaranteed back when he was on the campaign trail:

    “Our conscience cannot rest so long as nearly 45 million Americans don’t have health insurance and the millions more who do are going bankrupt trying to pay for it. I have made a solemn pledge that I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premiums by up to $2,500 a year. That’s not simply a matter of policy or ideology—it’s a moral commitment.”

    Both those promises have been broken too.

    Far from covering every American, Obamacare has left 28 million uninsured.

  16. Minus: "They told us if you if you liked your health insurance plan, you could keep it . . . and yet millions of Americans saw their insurance plans canceled because of Obamacare".

    Because the insurers cancelled the plans. The ACA grandfathered them in. You want MORE government control? That would be fine with me. Get rid of the insurance companies all together and go to single payer.

  17. Minus: Far from covering every American, Obamacare has left 28 million uninsured.

    Because of a decision by the bigly corrupt SCOTUS that said states could "opt out" of the Medicaid expansion. If your state opted out, you can't get on Medicaid no matter how poor you are -- unless you have children. And you can't buy a plan on the exchange either. Because (if you make less than 14,580) you don't qualify for subsidies. Because the legislation was written so that those people should get Medicaid.

    Obamacare did not leave 28 million uninsured. Conservative SCOTUS justices did that.

  18. states would have been required to match federal contributions to ever rising subsidies. WAnna know why college tuitions are out the roof? EVer increasing federal subsidies. Costs rise...because they can. Medical costs are just another case in point. Red states aren't stupid.

  19. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ ...but don't worry, California is bound to outlaw the sale of new parts for gasoline and diesel engines eventually so as to ensure their replacement by EVs.

    And will outlaw all scrapyards? Delivery from abroad? 3D-printing? ;-P

    \\Oh, you were talking about yourself? Admitting that you oppose bare facts, yes?


    Cretin just CONFIRMED being cretin and opposing bare facts -- link from Europe Parliament site DIRECTLY given.

    Or... to you cretin, California -- is the WHOLE World??? :-)))))))))))))))))))

    Well, some dirty bums in shit holes will be riding wheels which will extort poisonous fumes... much much after all First World will turn fooly EV. ;-P

    So what???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Maybe you'd trade places with em, and relocate into that shitholes??? :-)))))))))))))))

    \\You want MORE government control? That would be fine with me. Get rid of the insurance companies all together and go to single payer.


    Because U R totalitarian cretin. ;-P

  20. /And will outlaw all scrapyards? Delivery from abroad? 3D-printing? ;-P

    I wouldn't put it past them.
