Friday, March 29, 2024

Boeing Doubles Down on Stupid...

Daniel Greenfield, "New Boeing CEO Candidate Stephanie Pope Pushed DEI"
Woke leads to broke

There’s plenty of drama at Boeing. The DEI-ridden corp looking for a new CEO appeared to have settled on current COO Stephanie Pope.

That’s now in doubt for various reasons, but there’s every reason to believe that Pope won’t turn around a culture that had drifted away from engineering excellence and into corporate identity politics pandering.

Consider Pope’s touting of its DEI report last year while using woke buzzwords.

I couldn’t be prouder to share that Boeing recently placed #12 on DiversityInc.’s annual list of top companies. DiversityInc. requires data-based outcomes to be included, which demonstrates we’re not just promising a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion – we’re holding ourselves accountable. One way we’re doing so is through our annual Global Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (GEDI) Report. The GEDI 2023 report was just issued today, and while we still have more work to do, we’ve made progress.

Boeing certainly made progress in all the possible wrong ways. The company became more woke while undermining its competence, reliability, and credibility.

Woke leads to broke and doubling down on the same failed leadership won’t turn Boeing around.
Cultural Capitalism Uber Alles!
DEI - A Corporate Charity Priority - Jobs as Social Justice


  1. Wisemen of Gotham? ;-P

  2. No, the Boeing Execs are suffering a mass delusion.

    btw - I once worked for Boeing. They held our NASA contract for 3 years. I get a retirement check from them every year. :)

    1. FJ, I pity the woke fools running and ruining Boeing. It's not like our parents' generation running Aerospace Companies. Over 44 years ago, I was in Junior Achievement, and the "company" we formed was advised by several Douglass Aircraft employees, some who worked Human Resources for engineering. One of them told us about an incident he had just dealt with, where some guy applying for work lied about graduating high school. The guy got away with it for 20 years, until he got interviewed by the man telling us about the incident. The guy called the high school district as part of a security check, and found out the guy had lied for over 20 years. The guy at Douglass let the liar's previous employers know what he found out as well. This guy cooked his gander, and the Douglass Employee put that lesson in our minds.

      These woke fools can learn something if they learn to do their own research and not boobytrap themselves with stupidity.

  3. "Get Woke, Go Broke" = White Supremacist chant.

    1. 🔺Says the Henry County Tennessee KKK Grand Kleagle from Paris Tennessee.🔺

    2. Says the evil turd and member of the White Supremacist Orange Turd cult.

    3. Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  4. \\btw - I once worked for Boeing. They held our NASA contract for 3 years. I get a retirement check from them every year. :)

    Well... isn't that is example of "mass delusion"... that "retirement checks"? ;-P

    Well... retroviruses -- what did not kill your ancestors -- becomes part of genome. ;-)

  5. Of their progeny. ;-P

    And becomes "new normal".


  6. I also worked for Martin Marietta, then Lockheed Martin. They send me checks too! I love mass delusions. :)

    Who I don't get a check from is Bethlehem Steel. The "vesting" point for retirement was 10 years, and I had only done 7 when I changed jobs and went to work for Mother Martin's (home plant in Middle River), so I never vested. They're bankrupt now and so the PBGC pays retirement benefits (a percentage, anyways) to former workers. The State therefore still suffers from the Bethlehem Steel "retrovirus" and has been incorporated into the State's genome (and I am NOT a part of that).

  7. Boeing's current mass delusion DEI and ESG needs to go, though, or their employees will soon all become PBGC wards as well, and workers receive but a fraction of promised benefits. :(

  8. Boeing's workers will soon become part of the genome as well if they don't abandon DEI and ESG priorities. :(

  9. PBGC only pays a fraction of the retirement benefits that Boeing employees were promised by former mass delusional Boeing executives.

  10. Hah... like... there was such a country -- Soviet Union -- that proclaimed jubiliating everyone... with Communism built before year 2000.

    And... where it is???!!! ;-P


  11. Road to Hell... paved with such "social engineering" ideas. ;-P

  12. Reality... CANNoT be tricked. ;-P

    ONLY that one fool that trying to f*k with it -- but in Reality -- only f*g... it-self. ;-P

  13. So to say... "don't f*k with Reality... it will be self-rape ANYWAY". ;-P

  14. Better than the one-trick pony Governmental solution to every problem... "there ought to be a law"...

  15. When you've only got a hammer in your toolkit, every problem looks like a nail. :(

  16. And moral is... beware of cretins with hammers. ;-P

  17. Dervy doesn't have a hammer. He's got a Nail Gun! :)

  18. What happened to Dervish's blogs? It looks like several got taken down in the past few days. I'm kinda shocked. I thought Google loved left wing extremists.

  19. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Too much "blakk magic"... I presume.

  20. I remember watching a 3 Stooges Short where Shemp, Larry and Moe were using nail guns to do some jobs. Moe got his behind shot up with staples. They did a remake in the 1950s with Joe Besser in it. Both times, Moe got shot up in his behind with the gun.

  21. Mystere loves getting "shot up the behind".
